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The Sit Game

Booper Scooper

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I mean, it's a really smart move to get some staff a reason to actually help out effeciently and try their best not to cause reports being made on them.

(Cause yes, some of them give up and just feel like there is no more goals to be achieved (I.E they don't think their sit count will matter).)


It is a very good idea.

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Uhhhhh, this is definitely a game for those people who don't do sits *cough* Ashley *cough* to step it up and get some sits. It's hard to get sits atleast for me because when I first got t-mod I was able to drop over 100 sits in two days but now with ALL these new t-mods and just less sits in general it's pretty difficult to get a good amount of sits. Except if you wait for hours just ready for that claim button then you can get good amount of sits.


Otherwise from all of that this is a great game to encourage those mods who just seem to be a bit lazy when it comes to sits. But it's all TEAMWORK so t-mods don't have to hog that claim button and feel free to take a break!

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can I get 500k or 1 mil because I have about 1000 sits.


Hmm. I mean, you were a great staff member and you still don't have respected. We'll see how that plays out.


I don't have respected because peanut butter stole it >: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((



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Uhhhhh, this is definitely a game for those people who don't do sits *cough* Ashley *cough* to step it up and get some sits. It's hard to get sits atleast for me because when I first got t-mod I was able to drop over 100 sits in two days but now with ALL these new t-mods and just less sits in general it's pretty difficult to get a good amount of sits. Except if you wait for hours just ready for that claim button then you can get good amount of sits.


Otherwise from all of that this is a great game to encourage those mods who just seem to be a bit lazy when it comes to sits. But it's all TEAMWORK so t-mods don't have to hog that claim button and feel free to take a break!


Yeah, it is a teamwork based thing but also a deathmatch. 


You may eliminate someone by having a double amount of sits than them for example. It wouldn't count for the new t-mods or mods but if you have that much amount of sits then you would move up and they would be banned from the sit game. 


Not an actual ban or anything but you wouldn't be able to earn anything.


If you're a minge, you get disqualified.


If you're causing drama, you're blocked. 


I'll come up with rules for this to prevent people for getting in trouble.


As for the teamwork, you can help each other until you get to the end basically. Remember, this game won't make you a god or anything if you win. Just a little prize.


And yes, I would know if you're taking sits or just clicking constantly to get the sit count.

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