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RARE gang recruitment


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Application format

Ingame name: Not Ty Tass

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/

Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; )

Hours played: 380.67

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score: I think 1431?

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap)

What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection

Do you use a mic: I can if needed

What is your favorite food: Patty Melts

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Application format

Ingame name: Not Ty Tass

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/

Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; )

Hours played: 380.67

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score: I think 1431?

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap)

What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection

Do you use a mic: I can if needed

What is your favorite food: Patty Melts



HOLY, you have been apart of alot of gangs...

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Application format

Ingame name: Not Ty Tass

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/

Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; )

Hours played: 380.67

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score: I think 1431?

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap)

What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection

Do you use a mic: I can if needed

What is your favorite food: Patty Melts



HOLY, you have been apart of alot of gangs...


that really isnt that much

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Application format

Ingame name: Not Ty Tass

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/

Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; )

Hours played: 380.67

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score: I think 1431?

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap)

What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection

Do you use a mic: I can if needed

What is your favorite food: Patty Melts



HOLY, you have been apart of alot of gangs...


Most of them either felt dead or just died... sooo yeah

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I just got my PC repaired, backles! :D


Also, I was invited into the gang's ingame gang, add me to the roster :P


hecko please ansor this ridal and we can get u into our club. 


wat is this shit


Every day is like living a lie

“Some days are excruciating and my escape is to put on my makeup and pretend that I'm coping. Every day is like living a lie and everyone sees me as a beautiful confident woman with her own business and career.  No one sees me in my room at night crying and alone and wondering if there will ever be a day it doesn't hurt,” Bethany* from Birmingham, who's struggled with persistent depression disorder since 2010, told The Independent.

“I choose to cope alone because the few times I've tried to explain it to people they give me the usual 'pull yourself together' talk or don't understand why I would be depressed.  It's easier to suffer in silence than seek help amongst the few friends I have. No one must see my vulnerability or that I am dealing with such mental turmoil.”

Things that should be a passing worry can expand quickly into consuming fear



[/url]Why aren't we talking about queer women's mental health issues?

“Living with anxiety is a little bit like that creeping sense that you left the iron on when you left for work. Except you didn't use the iron this morning, you've more or less stopped using the iron, you started wearing shirts that don't crease so you never have to think about whether the iron is on. 

“And yet there it is, the sense that the iron is on, burning a merry hole in your curtains and setting the upholstery alight,” says Sarah*, who was officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression 18 months ago, despite having suspected it for a decade.

“Things that should be a passing worry can expand quickly into consuming fear. So I spend a lot of time trying to avoid things that are triggers, usually with very little success,” she explained to The Independent.

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                                                               Ingame name:


Steam profile:

Thomas  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198447755212

Previous gangs:

BAA, Zarney Army

Hours played:

87 hours, i used to be play back in 2015 on my deleted account and took a break for a while

Hours played past week:

42 hours

Gametracker score:




What can you provide regarding raids:

I Can provide c4 and blowtorches

What can you provide regarding basing:

Printers and good protection for basing

Do you use a mic:

only for micspam ;-;

What is your favorite food:


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Ingame name: Keith!

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198101610630/

Previous gangs: Zarney Army

Hours played: 264.5

Hours played past week: 24 Hours Been Slacking lately  

Gametracker score: 1065


What can you provide regarding raids: Healing C4 Blowtorches.

What can you provide regarding basing: Defense Sick Music And my Love

Do you use a mic: Yes Almost Always.

What is your favorite food: Sushi


Thanks For Checking Out My App Love You

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Pyro Apprentice" timestamp="1512319401"]

Ingame name: Pyro Apprentice

Previous gangs: The SS Nazi

Hours played:453

Hours played past week:28.4 I believe

Gametracker score: 4036


What can you provide regarding raids:sledgehammers, lockpicks, my cc, and a keypad cracker.

What can you provide regarding basing: defense and weapons for people who don't have any

Do you use a mic: nope

What is your favorite food: Pizza


Already Accepted

Application format

Ingame name: Not Ty Tass

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/

Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; )

Hours played: 380.67

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score: I think 1431?

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap)

What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection

Do you use a mic: I can if needed

What is your favorite food: Patty Melts



                                                                                          Ingame name: SkrtSkrt

Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GlobalAutistoftheYear/

Previous gangs: Ninj4, TheDD and CX

Hours played: 150-170

Hours played past week: I think like 30 or 40. But im on everyday pretty much

Gametracker score: 1017 plus 200 with different steam name's


What can you provide regarding raids: Lockpick's, Keypad Cracker's, Sledgehammer's, Material Grenade's. Firepower and heal's. C4 armor/hp station's and shields. Pickup boxes

What can you provide regarding basing: I can provide heals if we get hit. firepower. i can defend for a long time. I have decent dupe's

Do you use a mic: yes

                                                                             What is your favorite food: katsudon

Accepted, you'll be invited when you get on.

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