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That one Furry

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Hey, I know this post is a bit late since I am at least a bit known on the server, but I saw the introductions thread and said: “well, what the heck, why not”. My name is Kamala Gekido, which is the name I have stuck with for a while now. Few people seem to pronounce it right. The proper pronunciation is something along the lines of Kuh-Mah-Lah. If that is too hard, I go by the last name, and DC as well.



Believe it or not, I am actually a woman. Many would argue that I am not, and honestly, i could care less. Their reasoning is that I sound like a man, and this would be because I have been on testosterone since I was 16, and wish to be a man; I suppose it works well ay? Not only that but recently I have had to stop taking my hormones due to an ‘accident’ with my boyfriend. Now, I'm a mother in waiting. This all sounds well and fantastic yes? Oh but it gets so much better. You see, I am 19 years old as of today, and the baby daddy? No, no he is not. To top it off, I’m a senior in high school (due to failing a grade) and a Trial-Moderator on the Server.



As for personality, I cannot say I am perfect, as no one is. My own flaw would be me getting hot-headed at people either A) misunderstanding specific and easy rules or B) people telling me I'm ‘wrong’ when I know for a fact that I am right. This, I blame on Autism.  You see, I suffer from a very very mild case of Asperger's Syndrome. I'm not too good at talking with people, but I am very good when dealing with logic... I will say things that aren't normally said, but I deem funny as to try and gain a laugh from others. My only other fault I could think of is trust. I either trust you with my life or not at all.



Any questions? Ask below, I'll more than likely answer them bluntly.

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