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Kamala Gekido


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kamala Gekido

  1. Rather than talking like an adult, he blocks me and doesnt feel like telling me why he's mad at me lol. Don't need these kinda people in your life folks.  

    Stay happy and god bless. 

    1. TheRealHex


      Holy fucking drama.

  2. Hyder is gone. I have a reason to actually play the server again.
  3. Maybe. My issue is with a lot of things on the server. A lot of things that I dont think will change. These issues have been around since the old days, and apparently always find their way back. I've already given my shit away so.. Yeah nah.
  4. Irl yeah. Had a name change twice. Once for marriage and the other for personal reasons. On the server I've always been kamala
  5. Thanks for all the memories. I joined back in 2017 and was on and off on the server. It's been a helluva ride. I loved to just vibe and make cool stuff with people, as well as engage in a bit of roleplay. I was honored when Peanut passed theDD down to me, but horrified when I found out why... I failed him. I wanted to make that gang live again but, I never could. Not the same way he did. And, with how things are on the server, I refuse to play on it anymore. Some of you will rejoice cause you hate me, and others will be sad to see me gone. Some of you might not even know who I am. Good or bad, thanks for the memories folks. I'm going to find a new home to relax at, one with less drama. -Kamala "Morgan" Taylor
  6. Thank you. Figured it'd take a mod to get an answer.
  7. Should have figured none of y'all would be helpful in the slightest.
  8. having looked it up, you find many things and none of them are the delivery that I am looking for. You get mostly the actual quote from the bible and a few from ghost rider, but none of them are the one I am looking for. Hence why I was asking here if anyone knew where the line is from.
  9. ah yes so helpful lol. For real though, i'd love to know where that line is from.
  10. Hey y'all. Been a hot minute. Suprised this place is still alive, but glad at the same time. So, you know how the devil says "I am legion" and then roars? Where exactly is that from? been talking with my husband and totally forgot.
  11. Other: Barotrauma. I need more people to play that shit in.
  12. +1 for trump. Needa make tits great again and piss off the libtards.
  13. So today has been an interesting one.. It's about 2am and I can't sleep, too worried about my family. I got promoted to moderator today which is one heck of an achievement for me, seeing as I have been stuck in Tmod heck every-time I have been staff. But, the bad news has outweighed the good. My ex-husband was taking my son out for dinner when they got hit by a drunk driver; his car got totaled. My ex-husband broke both his legs, and a few broken ribs, and luckily my son only got a few scrapes and bruises. I will be taking custody of my son until my ex husband is out of the hospital. Oh and I am going to Disney soon, and by the demand of my ex-husband (who has the final say in these sorts of things) I cannot bring my son. So, if I seem out of character in the upcoming days, this is why. A lot is on my plate at the moment.
  14. Bug Description: A goon spawns underneath the map sometimes at beach How to reproduce: Unknown, it likely spawns under the map sometime shortly after a server reset, as I only seem to see if an hour or so after reset. Priority: Medium Evidence: https://imgur.com/WvlBPhs
  15. As it is apparently not in the rules, it should be made a rule that hitmen cannot ask for hits on specific people, as that would be targeting. Plain and simple, no other things for it. While we can't prove if someone IS asking for hits if they ask in VC, if they do in chat we can check.
  16. Bug Description: If you have the perk ICU and someone places a hit on someone who can have the hit Re-directed, the red dot will appear on the original target rather than the re-directed target. How to reproduce: Have the perk ICU, and place a hit on someone who can have it re-directed to someone else Priority: Low
  17. Bug Description: When you have active the down but not out perk, you will go down as the jug when you still have full armor, and half health, which will then kill you if you do not get revived. The pump shotgun downs the jug instantly, which ends raids quickly How to reproduce: Have the perk Down but not out, play as jug, get killed a few times to have it activate. Priority: Medium Evidence: https://prnt.sc/qm0emv
  18. Bug Description: When I play on the server, if My internet lags for even a moment (what happens for me is that it auto-routes to one of the other Routers I have, automatically without me having any control over it) it makes it seem as if the server has crashed. My internet appears to ne just fine, I can get on youtube and any other site, but when I try and log into the server it tells me "Connection failed after 4 retries" over and over, from anywhere between 15-60 minutes. It really pisses me off cause it happens at random. How to reproduce: I have no clue as to how. It seems mostly on my end, I just have no idea what is causing it. My theory is the auto-routing my internet does automatically, and without warning. Priority: Low
  19. This has been added, in form of the ICU leveling perk
  20. That is an actual fuckin rule? Great. So technically they could harass me all the want. I get that's a joke rule but, it's still a rule. and people will take that seriously
  21. Yeah, it happened to me as well. Full armor and health, Frisco comes up and 2 taps me, then disappears with the beauty of adrenaline.
  22. I figure it's been almost 3 years since my last one. Time to do proper. I am Kamala. My real name is Austin now. When I joined this server I was a woman and was in a rather cancerous relationship with my now ex-husband. We had a son, his name is Mason. He turns 3 soon enough. I left in 2018, dealing with divorce, the fact he has my son and a few other things. A few days before I came back to the server, I asked out my best friend of 5 years. Turns out, he was too scared to ask me out all those years and has since stuck around to keep me happy. So, now my best friend and I are dating, and we have been working on helping him move. See, He and I met over Xbox. He lives out in British Columbia, whereas I am in Virginia. We already got him a passport, and a few other things, money is all that is left. Even if he and I don't work out, he is still family to me, and I would rather he be close by. So that is all that had gone on from when I joined, to when I came back. I am glad to be back, as I almost always have a good time. I no longer play cop as much as I used to (It was my only class back then). I rather play on my crime class, set up a public base, and push out adverts now and them for people to read, and try to recruit for TheDD.
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