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Kamala Gekido


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kamala Gekido

  1. I will say, I never have once liked the idea of kidnapping, and I would love to see it removed entirely, but I agree. Kidnapping has been nerfed into the ground as said by the many people before me. Making it so you need to make an entirely new CC, or rather making it so your current CC is Kidnap only, which in turn removes most the utility, would not be the best idea. Though, I would like to see more types of classes for purchase on CC's in the future.
  2. Bug Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxlJXnoEpyI A cultist came into my base saying he couldnt be killed. So I tried, saw he couldnt, and started to record. Still could not kill him, but after a moment, and after a report, I could. How to reproduce: No idea. Priority: Medium
  3. I hadn't thought about self-supplying simply because I enjoy setting up a shop.
  4. We have cop CC's, crime CC's, Hitmen CC's, Why not gun dealer? I would totally pay for that since there is a limited number of Gun dealer/Black market that can be on, as well as only 1 supplier.
  5. I am hearing a lot about why people hate it, and given good reasons as to why. I have yet to see any good reasons from people who like it, other than "please buff" for the memes.
  6. Dead by Daylight. Someone needs to clown around.
  7. it could. If the people who hate it will speak up against it. I hate it beyond a doubt, but I want to hear the opinion of everyone.
  8. I want to hear everyone's opinion on kidnapping. A year ago today I posted this, and I feel it's time to do it again now that the server has changed so much. What do you all think about kidnapping?
  9. So many hits placed on you and you alone. What have you done to make people want you dead? Naughty boy, keep causing trouble!
  10. Quality of Life Description: Jawson's stick model is a lot like charple. It's thin has a small hitbox, and in some cases is hard to see. The stick model takes those and amplifies them, it is literally stick thin, and many people overlook it or don't see it until it is far too late. In some cases, it has no hitbox. Commonly, this model is used to raid, a couple talismans and a few legendary guns and you are good to go. I don't think this model should be allowed to raid, as it has broken hitboxes and is small enough to not be seen How to reproduce: Raid the PD with the stick model, and a few others with the stick model, see how well you do. Priority: Low
  11. Yes I'm on the Dev Branch, and no I do not have overwolf installed. nor do I know what that is
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GZKLM-fd5W7zsONPgMMQF1z1yK7d7GTCRfH8Sr3FwFo/edit?usp=sharing this is still going on when I leave spawn. Usually at night, not in the morning.anyone make sense out of the crash report? Edit: more information, I usually sit here for 30 minutes, looking at workshop complete, and then the second time it mounts it and logs in after timing out. Then, a few seconds after getting into the server, it crashes a new discovery, it happens every time I go near the PD end of the map. The spot i spend most my time since I'm always a cop
  13. alright, testing it i found that dev mode works. thanks guys!
  14. I keep crashing every time I even try to join the server now, and I have no clue. here is a link to the techno mumbo jumbo https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fOeqfrH3_80jKPZ_81yqVlfFi5VVyMANxbWsP3dkX0/edit?usp=sharing Not only this, I have been trying to log in for an HOUR now to no avail. every time I try, it says "timed out" the first time, and then later when I finally send client info and log into the server, it crashes the moment the MOTD pops up. It takes too long to load into the server for me now when normally its about 5 minutes. So long, that I finally have recorded my actual login time on a good day, and uploaded it to youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZm8Z9g1VHg Now I simply cannot connect to the server, no matter how many times I reset gmod https://imgur.com/a/Fb74Q
  15. ... 5th actually, i fucked up on the app afew times nad accidentally posted it a few times too
  16. .. as an actual German descended from an SS-Obersturmfuhrer, I find this not only disheartening but appalling.
  17. Because of pregnancy and bleeding once a month is no fun, same with having tits and the back pain that comes with them. I'm kind of curious about this , is it because of physical aspects that you want to be a male or personality aspects ? To answer this, I say physically. I'm a very Tomboyish person as it is, so acting "like one of the guys" won't be too hard for me. Because of pregnancy and bleeding once a month is no fun, same with having tits and the back pain that comes with them. Well, even if you get a dick on your body, you'll still be bleeding I believe. So, that isn't something that can fix it. Also, tits only hurt if they're very big or something I think. Other than that, it's not that painful being a female. It will be funny as fuck though if you just walk around and say "I got a bigger dick than all of the men in this server". Allow me to rephrase. I won't have my period if I don't have a womb. If that is gone, and instead of a vagina I have a penis, one that I could tell people to suck on when I'm mad or simply to fuck my boyfriend with, then I will be happy. Plus, yes big tits suck. people may love them, but i hate them. I'm not Tsunade from Naruto big, but I'm relatively big since I'm chubby/fat
  18. Because of pregnancy and bleeding once a month is no fun, same with having tits and the back pain that comes with them.
  19. No. I want one Steak. All the way, steak.
  20. Hey, I know this post is a bit late since I am at least a bit known on the server, but I saw the introductions thread and said: “well, what the heck, why not”. My name is Kamala Gekido, which is the name I have stuck with for a while now. Few people seem to pronounce it right. The proper pronunciation is something along the lines of Kuh-Mah-Lah. If that is too hard, I go by the last name, and DC as well. Believe it or not, I am actually a woman. Many would argue that I am not, and honestly, i could care less. Their reasoning is that I sound like a man, and this would be because I have been on testosterone since I was 16, and wish to be a man; I suppose it works well ay? Not only that but recently I have had to stop taking my hormones due to an ‘accident’ with my boyfriend. Now, I'm a mother in waiting. This all sounds well and fantastic yes? Oh but it gets so much better. You see, I am 19 years old as of today, and the baby daddy? No, no he is not. To top it off, I’m a senior in high school (due to failing a grade) and a Trial-Moderator on the Server. As for personality, I cannot say I am perfect, as no one is. My own flaw would be me getting hot-headed at people either A) misunderstanding specific and easy rules or B) people telling me I'm ‘wrong’ when I know for a fact that I am right. This, I blame on Autism. You see, I suffer from a very very mild case of Asperger's Syndrome. I'm not too good at talking with people, but I am very good when dealing with logic... I will say things that aren't normally said, but I deem funny as to try and gain a laugh from others. My only other fault I could think of is trust. I either trust you with my life or not at all. Any questions? Ask below, I'll more than likely answer them bluntly.
  21. Bug Description: T-mod Once more. I left on what I call maternity leave to deal with real life first. I was overstressed due to having fear or demotion for not being on, catching up my grades in high school, and dealing with pregnancy. I've been gone for about 3/4 months and came back to say hecko, only to find I am T-mod again. While I don't mind helping out for a while once more, I want to wait till I've had the baby before I resume being t-mod and then hopefully Moderator. How to reproduce: Unknown Priority: Low/Medium
  22. Ah alright. ill do that. Thank you sugar!
  23. What i mean to say is. Your not wrong. Not in the slightest. a personal promotion is better than an auto one. But, some people are still struggling for the auto yeah? Its probably just me, lol.
  24. Honestly, im doing my damndest to get to the 150 sits but, some sits i cant help with or others are taken before i can even claim them. Im having a hard time gettign the 150, and im actually worried that i wont be able to keep trial mod all because there are alot more staff now taking more sits than i can. I understand how you feel, but for me i feel ive earned this if i get the 150 before 2 weeks is up. In the long run though no.. i don't think I've earned it in comparison to other staff, but for the effort I've been putting forth to keep it, I've at least got it in my mind that i myself believe I've earned it, just not compared to the higher ups. heck, i feel honored to even be counted amongst them.
  25. Normally i can understand when i crash, which is usually atleast 5 hours into the game. But now its more frequent like when i was at the beach. Someone explain to me the problem. This is the report i was given. https://docs.google.com/document/d/116qYC53bhe-tSIqbVpWq1c_3Rs9nGPmVfv44pMwctbU/edit?usp=sharing
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