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Kamala Gekido


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kamala Gekido

  1. Thank you for the help monoxide; that answers it all perfectly. Im on vacation on a wifi i am unfamiliar with so that would explain a lot. If it continues when im back home ill reply down below or message you formerly. As for addons; recently i flushed and reinstalled all my addons (deleted all 1000 of the ones i wasn't using and now only have the ones dedicated to this server) so it should run smooth when i get back home
  2. Whenever i play the server, for whatever reason, my game crashes. i have all the addons and all required things; the most recent update to the server is what is causing me to crash constantly. I have no clue what it is it just happens whenI'm doing absolutely nothing. i will post the repost for those who understand tech mumbo jumbo, but if someone could discern what is happening please tell me. I will not accept the "You are playing on mac, and that is your problem" answer as this game does have support for mac. I understand that previous versions of the game made them ac version un-playable but as of recent updates to the game itself the mac version is now stable. By this i mean; the PC fanboys who say "LOL ur on a mac, das why your crashing, your computer is ass" . If it GENUINELY is the problem i will accept it, but usually its a problem with a prop or an addon added recently https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eQqeama7vFJVqBKFzlgK2lJLZzoLdLgUlpDz3pmbsSA/edit?usp=sharing
  3. I found this on the workshop today; i belive it would look great for the juggernaut class http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1051545334&searchtext=
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