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[Official] Saturday Meetings Agenda


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One of the big problems I see with raiding is that there really isn't a point... I could raid someone with 10 processors and I wouldn't be able to steal any of them because first of all, you can't get a processor out of a door, and even if you could (through a double door), most people who have a lot of processors get staff to freeze them so I wouldn't be able to grav gun them anyways.. So.. the question is.. why waste 1-2 c4 ($150,000-$300,000) in the first place - to get into a base that you can only get 1-2 go's at their printers/processors before you have to leave. 


My suggestion to combat this pointless raiding, would be to make it so you can pickup other peoples processors and put them into like... !recover or something, And you could look at a processor and type !claimprocessor and then it would disappear and go into your 'recover' inventory and if you wanted to spawn it in you could type !recoverall and it would spawn in all the processors you had collected.. or !recover to only spawn in one at a time. Then this gives the investment of a raid, be it a c4 or risking a blowtorch purpose. Obviously !recover wipes with the server reboot. Let me know what you think, but I guarentee that this would make more people raid/base (And this would also increase the server population because people get invested into their bases and wont log off.) Cheers.


(Repost for discussion)

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Could do what other servers do and allow printers, processors, and miners to be pocketed in a seperate slot than inventory. If you die while carrying them they drop back into the world, and you can spawn them in your base with very little hassle. I've seen many other servers use this and it seems to work wonderfully, and actually adds incentive to a raid aside from MAYBE getting a printer or two out before getting killed

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Could do what other servers do and allow printers, processors, and miners to be pocketed in a seperate slot than inventory. If you die while carrying them they drop back into the world, and you can spawn them in your base with very little hassle. I've seen many other servers use this and it seems to work wonderfully, and actually adds incentive to a raid aside from MAYBE getting a printer or two out before getting killed


yeah I actually see this in some videos, it usually has a pretty stern limit so as not to make ot too OP. I think the one I saw you could carry like 3 things at a time

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  • 5 weeks later...

As I've said on the discord, we will no longer be having server meetings until the release of the new map and gang update. There really is just no point as there's nothing to talk about. If you need to suggest something please refer to this thread: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175.



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  • 3 weeks later...

There will be an open council server meeting today 6:30 PM EST. Topic will be the new map and any features or concerns. This is not a place for suggestions that could be made in the suggestions thread, but rather large systems. Whatever questions are placed in this thread before 6:30 will be the questions we start with, after that DM me when you have a question and you will be unmuted.

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There will be an open council server meeting today 6:30 PM EST. Topic will be the new map and any features or concerns. This is not a place for suggestions that could be made in the suggestions thread, but rather large systems. Whatever questions are placed in this thread before 6:30 will be the questions we start with, after that DM me when you have a question and you will be unmuted.


Gang missions: You get 1 mission per week and the whole gang has to do it, it should be a hard task and give alot of gang xp or other rewards like maybe another talent for 1 week or maybe something completely unique?


my ideas of missions: Kidnap 100 people and sacrifice them to satan.

Survive 5 minutes as terrorists 10 times

Win a gang war 3 times

Summon thomas the tank engine while in a gang war

Survive 5 revolts as mayor

Kill a revolt leader 2 times

Be in a revolt when it it is won 10 times

rob the bank 3 times


Overall i think this gives another fun thing to do as a group to expand on the idea of gangs

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