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[Official] Saturday Meetings Agenda


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  1. A cp with a riot shield

  2. Have staff meetings twice a week on sat and sunday
  3. Add a head vip rank
  4. Add a currency that you can only obtain from winning event that you can use to upgrade a player's item bank.
  5. Add a an underground boss dungeon that spawn boss npc that drops shipments.
  6. Add nuclear submarine to the beach that shoots missiles
  7. Increase cp pay day
  8. make Darth Vader a gang leader and add storm trooper pm for his gang member
  9. A cemetery with a list of all perma banned users.
  10. Add a sugar tits npc that says random advice/rules when you press on him
  11. Have an obesity system with the new food system that if you eat too much or too much of the wrong foods it will increase the chance of you dying randomly from a hardattack.
  12. Fix kiss swep and make it so you can choose different potions to "kiss" people in.
  13. Add Machine Gun Emplacement in the mayor's panic room in the new map
  14. Add a religion system that is similar to the gang system but allows religions to kill other members of other religions if the leader of the religion declares war on them, and members of the same religion will take less damage from friendly fire if they have the same religion. If the leader of a religion becomes mayor they have the option to call an inquisition that lets them imprison people that they see as heretics. 
  15. Have gangs be able to call a revolution that if one of the gang members kills the mayor, they can vote on which of there members they want to become the mayor.
  16. Add a robo cop cp, that gives him thermal vision and colors wanted players so he can see them from distance, and is slightly faster then normal cps
  17. Add a cripple system that makes users slower and increase their gun recoil from the amount of damage they take in one life that is present no matter if they are fully healed or not.
  18. Let the mayor spawn an attack helicopter.

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.

  • Possibly have a sit count for Moderator. (Yes, I know the auto-promote thing, but there definitely needs to be a sit goal since so many T-Mods are getting Moderator very quickly.) They need to learn more to have a better understand on how to staff. EX) 300 sits = Moderator (In 2 weeks or less) 

  • Possibly discuss about making players immune to non-lethal abuse in spawn. Everyday I see players getting non-lethal'd in spawn. Including myself. With this, we could stop a lot of the minges.


Pros and Cons of my suggestions.


#1: Pro: It would make it easier and make it fair for everyone else.

#1: Con: It would definitely make players mad, but who likes getting kidnapped? (Still fair for everyone else)


#2: Pro: This will provide help to T-Mods. For an example, Rias became a Moderator in 2 days. (From what he said) Now, he is a good Moderator, but I personally don't think they should get promoted that quick.


#2: Con: I can see a bunch of T-Mods about to get on my case and whoop my ass. But they should learn to wait. Being patient is crucial to being staff. This will help them out. 


#3: Pro: Isn't it obvious?

#3: Con: N/A


(I ran out of ideas sadly. I'll try to think of more. Go ahead and judge them and give me feedback on my suggestions please)


The minimum is 150 for sit count

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.

  • Possibly have a sit count for Moderator. (Yes, I know the auto-promote thing, but there definitely needs to be a sit goal since so many T-Mods are getting Moderator very quickly.) They need to learn more to have a better understand on how to staff. EX) 300 sits = Moderator (In 2 weeks or less) 

  • Possibly discuss about making players immune to non-lethal abuse in spawn. Everyday I see players getting non-lethal'd in spawn. Including myself. With this, we could stop a lot of the minges.


Pros and Cons of my suggestions.


#1: Pro: It would make it easier and make it fair for everyone else.

#1: Con: It would definitely make players mad, but who likes getting kidnapped? (Still fair for everyone else)


#2: Pro: This will provide help to T-Mods. For an example, Rias became a Moderator in 2 days. (From what he said) Now, he is a good Moderator, but I personally don't think they should get promoted that quick.


#2: Con: I can see a bunch of T-Mods about to get on my case and whoop my ass. But they should learn to wait. Being patient is crucial to being staff. This will help them out. 


#3: Pro: Isn't it obvious?

#3: Con: N/A


(I ran out of ideas sadly. I'll try to think of more. Go ahead and judge them and give me feedback on my suggestions please)


The minimum is 150 for sit count


Well, that was just an example. But yes, that is what I originally meant. Thanks for at least some feedback, though!

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.

  • Possibly have a sit count for Moderator. (Yes, I know the auto-promote thing, but there definitely needs to be a sit goal since so many T-Mods are getting Moderator very quickly.) They need to learn more to have a better understand on how to staff. EX) 300 sits = Moderator (In 2 weeks or less) 

  • Possibly discuss about making players immune to non-lethal abuse in spawn. Everyday I see players getting non-lethal'd in spawn. Including myself. With this, we could stop a lot of the minges.


Pros and Cons of my suggestions.


#1: Pro: It would make it easier and make it fair for everyone else.

#1: Con: It would definitely make players mad, but who likes getting kidnapped? (Still fair for everyone else)


#2: Pro: This will provide help to T-Mods. For an example, Rias became a Moderator in 2 days. (From what he said) Now, he is a good Moderator, but I personally don't think they should get promoted that quick.


#2: Con: I can see a bunch of T-Mods about to get on my case and whoop my ass. But they should learn to wait. Being patient is crucial to being staff. This will help them out. 


#3: Pro: Isn't it obvious?

#3: Con: N/A


(I ran out of ideas sadly. I'll try to think of more. Go ahead and judge them and give me feedback on my suggestions please)


The minimum is 150 for sit count


Well, that was just an example. But yes, that is what I originally meant. Thanks for at least some feedback, though!


Oh no, i mean the minimum to get accepted now is 150. No longer are there auto promotion so

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.

  • Possibly have a sit count for Moderator. (Yes, I know the auto-promote thing, but there definitely needs to be a sit goal since so many T-Mods are getting Moderator very quickly.) They need to learn more to have a better understand on how to staff. EX) 300 sits = Moderator (In 2 weeks or less) 

  • Possibly discuss about making players immune to non-lethal abuse in spawn. Everyday I see players getting non-lethal'd in spawn. Including myself. With this, we could stop a lot of the minges.


Pros and Cons of my suggestions.


#1: Pro: It would make it easier and make it fair for everyone else.

#1: Con: It would definitely make players mad, but who likes getting kidnapped? (Still fair for everyone else)


#2: Pro: This will provide help to T-Mods. For an example, Rias became a Moderator in 2 days. (From what he said) Now, he is a good Moderator, but I personally don't think they should get promoted that quick.


#2: Con: I can see a bunch of T-Mods about to get on my case and whoop my ass. But they should learn to wait. Being patient is crucial to being staff. This will help them out. 


#3: Pro: Isn't it obvious?

#3: Con: N/A


(I ran out of ideas sadly. I'll try to think of more. Go ahead and judge them and give me feedback on my suggestions please)


The minimum is 150 for sit count


Well, that was just an example. But yes, that is what I originally meant. Thanks for at least some feedback, though!


Oh no, i mean the minimum to get accepted now is 150. No longer are there auto promotion so


Oh. Well then..I thought you meant something else. 


Well, I am not asking for an auto-promotion (Just saying. Not saying that you said it or anything haha.) I just want the new Trial Moderators not get promoted that fast.


Like 300 or so sits will let them have enough experience. Or even 250 or so. I just want them to have a little more experience before letting them get a Full Moderator rank. Since it is another ballgame by using other commands and it is definitely on the forums. This will also reduce the amount of struggling that some moderators might have.

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.


The reason CP have lockpicks in the first place is because of me, so it wouldn't be fair to shoot down your suggestion. But I will inform you how we got them in the first place since I don't actually think you were there.


It used to be that kidnapping did not actually strip you or make you unable to console kill, at the time it only made you unable to access inventory until death. People abused that fact and would kill themselves or their kidnappers with little to no concern. Obviously this was ruining the RP for kidnappers, albeit there were a thousand of them back then, so pick and choose. Anyway, When the complaints rolled in heavy, it started to become warnable as an FRP to escape kidnap like that.

But it was soon pointed out that you were not stripped of your equipped items in the hotbar. And so for some time after that, all players were allowed to use their gear that was equipped on their person, mostly for classes that spawn with equipment. This too became problematic, as it was seen as unfair for classes that do not have equipment and even more so being that CC was on the rise and they generally spawn with a lot of stuff. That's when it was finally changed to where kidnapping would strip players of not only their inventory, but also all of their equipment, and the ability to console kill for the next 5 minutes. Let's just say, that CPs were outraged that they would now be rendered completely useless in the scenario of a kidnap. I mean, I guess that's sort of the point, but at the same time since, given their special role, CPs, including myself, would argue that CPs should be more capable of dealing with a kidnap situation than a civilian and thus it was decided by our lord Sugar that a good compromise would be a hidden lockpick that CP can physically only use if/when they get captured, because they are "trained personnel" (for rp purpose only of course, as everyone knows most CPs are trash) and should know how to escape and not be so helpless in that scenario. and so he immediately implemented it.


I see this a lot: people calling stuff that CP has "unfair". But I guess they are not understanding that that is sort of the whole point of CP, is to have an advantage over civilians in order to be able to enforce the laws.


I don't see anyone calling Staff OP when its the same basic concept but on steroids. Staff has a clear advantage over both.


If you take too much power away from authority figures, then the rules/laws will not be able to be efficiently enforced. If rules/laws cannot be efficiently enforced, there is no point in having them because everyone will just break them knowing that little to nothing can be done about it. Or as I like to phrase it:


"without enforcement of the rules, there are no rules."

irl do police not have the upper hand? js

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.


The reason CP have lockpicks in the first place is because of me, so it wouldn't be fair to shoot down your suggestion. But I will inform you how we got them in the first place since I don't actually think you were there.


It used to be that kidnapping did not actually strip you or make you unable to console kill, at the time it only made you unable to access inventory until death. People abused that fact and would kill themselves or their kidnappers with little to no concern. Obviously this was ruining the RP for kidnappers, albeit there were a thousand of them back then, so pick and choose. Anyway, When the complaints rolled in heavy, it started to become warnable as an FRP to escape kidnap like that.

But it was soon pointed out that you were not stripped of your equipped items in the hotbar. And so for some time after that, all players were allowed to use their gear that was equipped on their person, mostly for classes that spawn with equipment. This too became problematic, as it was seen as unfair for classes that do not have equipment and even more so being that CC was on the rise and they generally spawn with a lot of stuff. That's when it was finally changed to where kidnapping would strip players of not only their inventory, but also all of their equipment, and the ability to console kill for the next 5 minutes. Let's just say, that CPs were outraged that they would now be rendered completely useless in the scenario of a kidnap. I mean, I guess that's sort of the point, but at the same time since, given their special role, CPs, including myself, would argue that CPs should be more capable of dealing with a kidnap situation than a civilian and thus it was decided by our lord Sugar that a good compromise would be a hidden lockpick that CP can physically only use if/when they get captured, because they are "trained personnel" (for rp purpose only of course, as everyone knows most CPs are trash) and should know how to escape and not be so helpless in that scenario. and so he immediately implemented it.


I see this a lot: people calling stuff that CP has "unfair". But I guess they are not understanding that that is sort of the whole point of CP, is to have an advantage over civilians in order to be able to enforce the laws.


I don't see anyone calling Staff OP when its the same basic concept but on steroids. Staff has a clear advantage over both.


If you take too much power away from authority figures, then the rules/laws will not be able to be efficiently enforced. If rules/laws cannot be efficiently enforced, there is no point in having them because everyone will just break them knowing that little to nothing can be done about it. Or as I like to phrase it:


"without enforcement of the rules, there are no rules."


I agree with that. I really do. But if you are kidnapped, even as a CP, you should not be able to have such a thing to break yourself out. In situations such as getting kidnapped, it is where you would be in a situation that is almost impossible of getting out. This also brings a good part in the negotiation side of things.


Another cop could try to negotiate with the kidnapper to let the other cop out such as paying the kidnapper. 


Or even you, the guy that is kidnapped could try to negotiate with the kidnapper and pay him to let you out or just let them kill you. 


With this, it would most definitely bring more of an RP experience for both job-sets. It gives the jobs a "real-life experience" type thing since most kidnappers do want money in return by letting their victim out. 


If you were put in a place that you cannot escape by your own hands, you would have to have a talk with the person who kidnapped you. It is up to them to let you out. If they do not choose to do so, then yes, you could just wait it out. 



Even though cops are above the citizens, I still think it should be somewhat fair to provide an even better RP experience. This will bring more RP experience to the kidnapper and it can also bring more RP experience to the cops. 


Also, even though a lot of people my abuse this, maybe a chance of Citizens being able to spawn with a phone? Like I said, if someone got kidnapped (like a cop) and the citizen saw it, they could call more cops to aid the other cop that has gotten kidnapped. This could also bring a new feature to the citizen's life in RP. Since this is mainly for people that can't do anything on their own. Like they COULD buy a gun, but I don't really see the point since they could just call the cops to aid them. 


I don't really know, though. Just a thought.

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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.


The reason CP have lockpicks in the first place is because of me, so it wouldn't be fair to shoot down your suggestion. But I will inform you how we got them in the first place since I don't actually think you were there.


It used to be that kidnapping did not actually strip you or make you unable to console kill, at the time it only made you unable to access inventory until death. People abused that fact and would kill themselves or their kidnappers with little to no concern. Obviously this was ruining the RP for kidnappers, albeit there were a thousand of them back then, so pick and choose. Anyway, When the complaints rolled in heavy, it started to become warnable as an FRP to escape kidnap like that.

But it was soon pointed out that you were not stripped of your equipped items in the hotbar. And so for some time after that, all players were allowed to use their gear that was equipped on their person, mostly for classes that spawn with equipment. This too became problematic, as it was seen as unfair for classes that do not have equipment and even more so being that CC was on the rise and they generally spawn with a lot of stuff. That's when it was finally changed to where kidnapping would strip players of not only their inventory, but also all of their equipment, and the ability to console kill for the next 5 minutes. Let's just say, that CPs were outraged that they would now be rendered completely useless in the scenario of a kidnap. I mean, I guess that's sort of the point, but at the same time since, given their special role, CPs, including myself, would argue that CPs should be more capable of dealing with a kidnap situation than a civilian and thus it was decided by our lord Sugar that a good compromise would be a hidden lockpick that CP can physically only use if/when they get captured, because they are "trained personnel" (for rp purpose only of course, as everyone knows most CPs are trash) and should know how to escape and not be so helpless in that scenario. and so he immediately implemented it.


I see this a lot: people calling stuff that CP has "unfair". But I guess they are not understanding that that is sort of the whole point of CP, is to have an advantage over civilians in order to be able to enforce the laws.


I don't see anyone calling Staff OP when its the same basic concept but on steroids. Staff has a clear advantage over both.


If you take too much power away from authority figures, then the rules/laws will not be able to be efficiently enforced. If rules/laws cannot be efficiently enforced, there is no point in having them because everyone will just break them knowing that little to nothing can be done about it. Or as I like to phrase it:


"without enforcement of the rules, there are no rules."


I agree with that. I really do. But if you are kidnapped, even as a CP, you should not be able to have such a thing to break yourself out. In situations such as getting kidnapped, it is where you would be in a situation that is almost impossible of getting out. This also brings a good part in the negotiation side of things.


Another cop could try to negotiate with the kidnapper to let the other cop out such as paying the kidnapper. 


Or even you, the guy that is kidnapped could try to negotiate with the kidnapper and pay him to let you out or just let them kill you. 


With this, it would most definitely bring more of an RP experience for both job-sets. It gives the jobs a "real-life experience" type thing since most kidnappers do want money in return by letting their victim out. 


If you were put in a place that you cannot escape by your own hands, you would have to have a talk with the person who kidnapped you. It is up to them to let you out. If they do not choose to do so, then yes, you could just wait it out. 



Even though cops are above the citizens, I still think it should be somewhat fair to provide an even better RP experience. This will bring more RP experience to the kidnapper and it can also bring more RP experience to the cops. 


Also, even though a lot of people my abuse this, maybe a chance of Citizens being able to spawn with a phone? Like I said, if someone got kidnapped (like a cop) and the citizen saw it, they could call more cops to aid the other cop that has gotten kidnapped. This could also bring a new feature to the citizen's life in RP. Since this is mainly for people that can't do anything on their own. Like they COULD buy a gun, but I don't really see the point since they could just call the cops to aid them. 


I don't really know, though. Just a thought.


Well it certainly is an interesting discussion and I think it should definitely be brought up in the next meeting.


I still gotta counter you though.


One thing, not all bases are even possible to escape via a lockpick alone, so it's only unfair to less experienced players that don't know any better than to have a base that can easily be lockpicked. I think it's more on the kidnapper that they simply just weren't good enough to be able to contain who they captured than on the cop who has an advantage by design that must be accounted for with a raise of skill on the non-CP side of things. It's not really like a lockpick is some super OP thing that's impossible to fight. you just gotta git gud lulz. What about the Batter Ram? That thing is a blowtorch on steroids, but a player with decent knowledge of how powerful it is can easily make a base that is actually impossible to batter, rendering the CP tools almost useless despite their designed advantage. Being bad isn't easy. Be good or be good at it. But don't coddle noobies. :D


Another point is that hostage RP already does happen sometimes, but it simply requires all 3 parties (the kidnapper, the victim, and the rescuers) to actually WANT to RP instead of just wanting an excuse to break stuff and conflict with other players. I have been in some hostage situations from all 3 perspectives and they are really great, until they aren't, which will be discussed in my final point, which is:


There is no real reward for escaping kidnap other than being able to be killed and respawned to get your stuff back. But this whole concept renders any RP of helping that character who was kidnapped completely pointless, because they immediately just ask to be killed, usually by the very people who saved them. Like what is the damn point of saving your life if you're immediately going to have me or someone else end it?? There is none. The ONLY motivation to get out of kidnap is to respawn and get your stuff back, which is technically meta and should be considered FailRP before this discussion cab be taken seriously any further.


So as far as Kidnap RP goes

 • Kidnappers are reduced from a serious threat to your character's life in RP to a slight annoyance that lasts several minutes and promotes metagaming more than RP.

 • Victims are reduced from a priority that has value (life) to randoms being caught in the middle of someone else's experience with none of their own other than that of being slightly annoyed for several minutes.

 • Rescuers are reduced from saviors of something valuable (life) to nothing other than indiscriminate murderers.


if there was some way to make escaping kidnapping AND living wworth while, this could be a whole different conversation.

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