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Server Crashes


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I am aware of the server crashing issue. If I knew what was causing it, it would of been fixed. As of a result, all custom playermodels have been removed from the server to single out the issue.


There are no console logs of errors

There are no server logs of errors

There are no minidumps to diagnose the issue

There is not debug.log being formed in the root folder


Finding this issue is like trying to find a door in a doorless room.


Some addons will be removed to single out the issue


If you think you know why it's crashing and you can reproduce it, I will give you $50 paypal. If you're not keen on crashes, find another server until it's fixed

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Holy shit is this like one of those wanted posters but instead it's like "WANTED: SOURCE OF CRASHES, $50 REWARD FOR CAPTURE."


Get.... the.... fuck.... off.... of...... this.... server...... now.......




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