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[Changelog] For the DarkRP Server RULES


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4/20/23 🌲

In response to Garry’s rightful condemnation of Nazi symbolism & in preparation of a future rule against the use of Nazi symbolism on Garry’s Mod, I’m proactively adding the following rule to prevent our server from being blacklisted:



Do not spawn dupes that contain (explicitly or implied) nazi imagery or other symbols of hate


I don’t think anyone here will have an issue with this rule but will address any concerns in the community meeting. 

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  • 2 months later...

Updates to the MOTD are as follows:



Misleading adverts are not allowed, making 3 lines of a random trading advert then adding a subtle (PD raid) at the end is stupid. If staff asks you to remove it then please do so.



Loot boxes are considered entities and you cannot open them in a base while building or prop-blocked.

You are not allowed to base with entities behind the Waterfall in sewers. You are however, allowed to make a public base.



The following 2 actions are allowed without adverting PD raid: Jail-breaking and Hackers hacking any of the PD panels, including the one in the Mayor's office. Anything involving breaking through a prop or a fading door is not allowed under this rule and will be considering PD raiding without an advert. If you wish to PD raid, you will still be required to call PD raid after exiting the PD entirely. You may not fight CP in self defense/party assists inside of PD unless you are raiding.
Ex: Hobo is allowed to sneak into jailbreak his friend. Once he's spotted, he can run but not attack the officer, even if attacked.



Must Advert PD Raid|Bank Raid|Kingdom Raid when raiding for a target.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updates to the MOTD are as follows:
Your adverts must not be misleading and are required to be at the end of the message with (). Ex: Cops are stinky! (PD RAID)
We re-added the rule about misleading adverts and made it more descriptive. Gives a proper example of what we are looking for in an advert.

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  • 1 month later...

September 6th, 2023

Basing Rules

+Added If the base has a flag outside, your base may extend up to the flag but must remain behind it and off of all public sidewalks. You must own all doors in the base and the flag must remain visible from outside of your base at all times. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mayor Rules
You may NOT make jaywalking laws, or any laws that require players to move/not move in a certain way.

Examples of GOOD Laws
Jaywalking will result in a $500 fine, cross at street corners/the crosswalks we have placed

Examples of BAD laws
Jaywalking is AOS (no crosswalks or examples given for legal street crossing) > Jaywalking will result in a $500 fine, cross at street corners/the crosswalks we have placed
+Changed Sprinting is a 5k fine/AOS > Sprinting/Jumping/Flying/Crouching is AOS/5k fine

Hey everyone! Coconut Overflow here with an update on cops. After a suggestion vote on the discord with overwhelming support, jaywalking has been removed entirely as a law that can be made. The mayor is not allowed to place any law that restricts movement as well, such as jumping, flying (free my bird homies), crouching, sprinting, etc.

Edited by Coconut Overflow
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...



Changed DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed 1 Mil or more DarkRP cash or any amount of Suga Dollars through an exploit is subject to review and punishment. Being scammed because you were not careful while trading is your own fault. Make sure to use !trade to verify the legitimacy of any transaction


Changed You cannot have a sky-base unless you are playing Preacher. Building on rooftops that are not explicitly part of the base (door leading to it) do count as sky-bases.



Added Cops with cuffs are not KOS unless they swing their cuffs at you

Changed Laws can not target an individual group, class, job, or person. Make your laws general, and make them affect the entire town. You can restrict all areas of the map(besides fountain and in front of PD), but not force people to be there.


Illegal Activities
Changed Raiding: Having the intent to invade another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, trespassing someone else's house should be considered a raid. If you leave the district for any reason your raid is over.


Thief Rules

Changed title to: Thief/Raid Rules
Added When raiding abide by these Raid District rules: forums.titsrp.com/topic/20749-raid-districts/

The ability to go ANYWHERE within districts during a raid is solely when in combat with someone who is outside the base, and once the combat ends, you must then return to the base. You can not defend or raid from outside of the district the base is in.

Defenders/raiders are not able to leave the raid district once they have entered to defend/raid their base. If they leave the raid district it counts as ending their defense/raid of the base. 


For raiding any base in sewers if you enter the ring around sewers after entering the main sewers area your raid/defense is now over. 

When raiding, use common sense for how far away you can go from the base, the only exception is to chase down a defender attacking you. 



Added When defending abide by these Raid District rules: forums.titsrp.com/topic/20749-raid-districts/


Edited by Ironfish1
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  • 5 weeks later...

January 14, 2024

  • Revert recent changes to scamming rules
    • DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed 1 Mil or more DarkRP cash or any amount of Suga Dollars is subject to review and punishment
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  • Rubik pinned this topic
  • 1 month later...

March 29th Changelog
This changelog addresses useless or common sense rules, rules which pertain to roleplay scenarios which do not belong on the server rules, and rules which need further clarification



  • Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise 
    • This is an RP situation and can be decided by the Mayor whether or not he wants to enforce it. Advert rules still apply
  • All doors in PD are allowed to be locked (including first door)
    • Common sense
  • You can build roadblocks/base/build checkpoints/ do what you gotta do
    • Common sense
  • Becoming a Cop job so that someone else can raid the PD is FailRP/job abuse
    • This is already covered under "You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes"


  • It is not 100% necessary but Use your best judgement when deciding to kill or arrest a criminal
  • If you are searched and possess a weapon without a license you can be arrested. Police may randomly search you if they have reason to believe you possess an unlicensed weapon, but it is a hostile action and you may fight back.  --> Police need a valid RP reason or probable cause to randomly search you for illegal weapons. (ex. You advertise illegal items/services for sale, you brandish a firearm, or you have an active bounty).


  • Random weapon checks (not including checkpoints) are not permitted unless there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing a crime (ex. verbal threats, active bounty, brandishing a weapon, advertising illegal services, etc.)
  • Random weapon checks are considered hostile actions and they may fight back
  • You may hold checkpoints and perform random weapon checks at the checkpoint as long as there is at least one clear way around it.
  • Your checkpoint may not result in a portion of the map NPC inaccessible without going through the checkpoint


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  • 2 months later...

These changes address issues regarding who may get involved in RP scenarios like raiding, defending, and countering.


TL;DR of these changes are:

  • You should never interrupt or interfere with another player's roleplay scenario unless you are directly involved in the situation (such as it is your base which is being raided)
  • You must be on the doors and inside of your base to defend, otherwise it's considered a "counter" and some restrictions apply. (For example, you must be on the doors and outside of the base at the start of the raid. You may not, for example, suicide to "counter" from the rear. If you die inside the base you're donezo)
  • Finally, you may only base with a maximum of 12 players and all of those players must be on the front door to be involved in any raid scenario (defends / counters)

June 6th Changelog

  • EDIT: DO NOT counter actions that you are not involved in. For example, asking a cop to uncuff your friend or a raider to stop raiding your friend or killing raiders without having any intent to take over their raid --> DO NOT counter, ‘takeover’, or interfere with RP scenarios that you are not involved in. (Ex. Killing a cop for cuffing someone or warning a raider to stop raiding your friend otherwise you might counter the action)
  • EDIT: In order to defend a base, you must be on the front door(s) of the base or --> and inside of the base before raid starts, otherwise you must counter.
  • ADD: You may base with a maximum of 12 players (the party limit) and all persons must be on the door(s). This includes players inside and outside of the base.
  • ADD: You may counter a raid as a cop or if you are on the front door(s) and outside the base at the start of a raid.
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