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Update On Gangs + Few Questions


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The gangs update is actually done along with a few other things but I can't actually put it on the dedicated server for a few reasons which I will explain but it should be resolved within 24 / 48 hours. The website, teamspeak and other sources that run off the website may go down within the next 48 hours for an unspecified amount of time. Reason being is that we are moving to a VPS that allows unlimited concurrent connections to a MySQL database. What does this mean and why do you care? Our current package only allows 25 users to access the DB at the same time. If it goes over, it closes and does it again. So for example, if there are 30 users browsing the forums, 50 people ingame, you're already up to 80 simultaneous connections. That's not really how it works but it's kinda how it works in simple terms. Ever wonder why you don't have your inventory items? Yea, that's why.


Onto the two questions which I would like some kind of feedback on.


1) How do you feel about custom classes only being able to buy pistols, custom models, custom weapons and some basic tools like a medkit? 


This server runs purely off your donations / purchases and I will say it again and again, I don't make money off this server.  I try hard to not make it into some P2W server where you are required to donate to win. VIP is $5 because I feel it's worth $5. I could charge $10 for it, I could charge monthly for it. I could do a lot of tacky and meaningless money grabbers to make everyone who has a credit card super OP if I wanted to but I sincerely do this because I like doing it, not because I am trying to make a quick buck. I want to make custom classes like this because I feel as people will still buy them but they will no longer be "OP" or "unfair". The most you can have is like a pistol or two with a medkit and maybe a guy that acts like an AK-47. People with custom classes never have to buy guys and I feel as that's pretty unfair + 95% of them spawn with a lockpick and that should be like that. You should have to get a lockpick or be a job that has one. Having the tools to raid someone should be common.


2) On the subject of money for the server I was curious to know what you think on cosmetic purchases / vanity purchases?


I have some plans on this but I don't think it's worth discussing too far. Just rest assured it wouldn't make anyone more powerful. It's only purpose would to be to either get an item or spawn an item for the whole server. The more money the server makes, the more we can do with it. For example, we can get a dedicated box and host more servers / games on it ($170 a month), we can hire a mapper to make a fully custom map, we could do more and experiment more. You shouldn't have to spend money on a gmod server but I know if I have just a regular box that says "donate here for a dedicated server box" no one is going to put money into it unless there is some perk / reward


3) Do you think the server is too cluttered / cramped from both a content and environmental standpoint? Do you think there is too many ways to make money, too many things to actually do, too much meaningless content that doesn't get used and it just gets in the way? Do you feel overwhelmed or think there is too much in the server? Or do you think there is not enough? Do you feel as some content is janky or unpleasant that it actually upsets you?


Environmental being the map being cluttered by either NPC's, trees, rocks, items, ect and content being useless content that you always seem to see, things you don't want to see, ect.


4) If you can pinpoint something in which the server is lacking / has too much of, what would it be? 


Example) Useless jobs, useless weapons, not enough VIP jobs, not enough VIP perks, staff eat poop, sugar eats poop, ect


This isn't something I usually share with everyone but Gazooks gave me the response "I don't know im sick lol" WHEN I RAMBLED ON FOR 20 MINUTES WOOF WOOF WOOF


Thanks for reading, hopefully someone will actually respond lol

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I guess I am not understanding the first question, but ........


Are you removing a lot of weapons and tools from custom classes?


I'm trying to understand this : 


Sugar Tit's Quotes:

 The most you can have is like a pistol or two with a medkit and maybe a guy that acts like an AK-47. 


Can you help the more autistic kids like myself, and please explain this more.

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I guess I am not understanding the first question, but ........


Are you removing a lot of weapons and tools from custom classes?


I'm trying to understand this : 


Sugar Tit's Quotes:

 The most you can have is like a pistol or two with a medkit and maybe a guy that acts like an AK-47. 


Can you help the more autistic kids like myself, and please explain this more.



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He means make purchases more basic and core game items, instead of having a bunch of random shit like M4 howls and AKs.


1) Buying only pistols for CCs would just ruin the point of a CC, however, it would make them more balanced.


2) Clothes vendor should be good for now.


3) The only thing I think should be tweaked or removed is the crafting, I know you've been working hard on improving it since EvoCity, but it's cluttering the map and is just more things for the client to render.


4) Fun, the server is dry and nobody actually roleplays anymore. It's just basing, printing, building, and raiding.


This is why a map change would be great once we get a better and more mature community.


I would suggest adding in more interesting functions in game like we previously dicussed when you first added the Clothing Vendor.

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I feel as though many jobs have nobody playing them or have little effect on RP. Here is a list of jobs that can be fixed to be better and be more useful


  • Gambler - The Gambler simply has very little use and has only a Russian roulette gun on his side. A useful idea would be adding a Casino, which would have slot machines in which you could put in a certain amount of money (maybe 500-100000) and in turn have your money doubled. The gambler would gain ( 45% of the money lost) or lose (5% of the money put in) depending on if someone used the slot machines and lost or won (tweak those numbers a bit). I think this would make the Gambler be a lot more useful.
  • Landlord - The Landlord barely has anyone playing on it because he has practically no use compared to other jobs. A way to fix this would maybe to be allow the Landlord to claim and entire area (industrial suburbs etc.) and allow him to make the owner of bases in that area pay a fee (maybe 1-20k) but the landlord may only claim an area with currently no people so he doesn't go to an area filled with people with no money and force them to pay a fee. If the owner does not pay, he can evict the player forcing them to sell their doors and remove their props.
  • Medic - He has a use just make his medkit heal a bit more
  • Restaurant owner - He currently has no use as his foods heal very little and can barely make profit. Make his foods cost more and provide different buffs based on their effect (such as boost in speed or more salary for instance but you cannot self supply these to you and your friends only and these only last a limited time)
  • Mercenary - Mercenary also doesn't have a very big impact. Literally no one ever hires a mercenary as people can just pay others to raid with them or get a hitman with weapons to kill someone. I really don't know how to fix this.
  • Detective - Detective is really lacking compared to other cp jobs. As I saw in another thread, make her be able to disguise as one of the classes , and make it show on the leaderboard and name color as that job. This can make for intresting use of the job.
  • Demolitionist - His breaching charge is really lacking as it only is for doors and one use. He also spawns with no lockpick. To buff this, make him spawn with a door charge (not a breaching charge or c4) so he can do some damage to props and find a use in raiding.
  • Alien race - A copy pasta of the cultist but with a sword, make them be a bit more different.
  • Grim reaper - Now this guy has a use, except he barely gets to use his ability, as almost no one with a brain keeps themself under 30hp, I think it should be upped a bit to 55 or 60.
  • Swat Sniper - For a main weapon the AWP isn't that reliable as a weapon and a glock is not a very good side weapon, he is simply lacking against other CP. Either make his awp do more damage and make him feel like an actual sniper, or give him a deagle as a secondary.

Thats pretty much it for the job changes I think should happen.

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I like the ideas, especially with landlord. Mercenary in my opinion should be switched for another class because he is very under used and people do just pay you to raid, but I like the idea of the Mercenary class itself.

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