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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Bladefire

  1. Bladefire

    Gun Balance

    The rich are already rewarded in a stupid amount of ways, they don't need more I +1 this idea, giving a new line of weapons to the Gun Dealer facilitates more interaction on the server (not a lot of people set up gun shops) and allows for a good way to make money for new players Considering there's a lot of weapons, it's harder than you think. I think removing a few of them and balancing most would be the best approach Encouraging people to go to the Gun Dealer more often is a good idea, basing more, not so much. There's already enough encouragement to base and this would just lead to less interaction within the server. There's currently way to many guns with the power level of each being skewed quite a bit. The idea of being able to compare stats in the shipment menu is a good idea that could prevent people from buying the guns that are terrible. Perhaps with this you would be able to preview weapons as any class but not be able to buy anything?
  2. Has someone been watching a bit too much RWBY?
  3. Btw when you edit the priority you should probably take the word "high" out of it doesn't pop up in searches instead of just crossing it out
  4. A massive boss battle system would be amazing, just think about it reminds me of the times I went bossing in runescape. Oh THE NOSTALGIA IS SO REAL I can hear the runescape login music in my head
  5. The economy would always stay red since people make way more money than what is bought from npcs etc... Any money put in would get instantly drained by printers and other sources
  6. Uhmmm, I somewhat agree but I am like 20% with you and 80% against you. Here is why: Unboxing is such a stupid concept in my eyes. I feel like it's a rip-off version of csgo and I feel unboxing in csgo is stupid. I do agree that sugar should add stuff like Event tokens, but not a $10 game. I find it boring buying both the keys and create then spam the open creat button. That is more of a preference towards me, but the whole point of darkrp is to role play as best you can. I don't see people in real life, opening creates. I think how getting creates should work is like the parcel system; however you are finding real players on the server. To me, I feel that encourages interaction. All of these bullet points are my opinions and suggestions You haven't seen a single unboxing video? And what would you do if someone's in their base? It would just be super inconvenient for the player and it would take way too long to unbox 1 crate
  7. I don't get what you mean by make raids cooler? How is he supposed to do that? Or do you mean prone would make raids cooler? One S makes the difference
  8. Idk I was testing with logikz or whatever his name is he missed 3 point blank shots at me and I also missed 2 shots exactly on the target, idk
  9. Bug Description: The L115 often when you shoot it, it goes straight through the targets body, not killing them, it will hit about 1 in every 3 shots How to reproduce: Shoot the L115 at a target and sometimes the bullet will go through Priority: Low
  10. here's the exact quote On mobile can't fix that weird url thing
  11. Glaze a suggestion for your suggestion. I play gmod zombie survival and 1-3 people would be horrible and zombies would kill like 1 person at most. Should be 5-7
  12. Bug Description: The boombox does not play music nor sound How to reproduce: Try playing a song on the boombox Priority: low
  13. The awp should be able to one shot someone with 100 hp and 50 armor and be perfectly accurate whilst moving
  14. +1 it would help to tell if people FDA
  15. This is useless since in the update tommorow there will be no adverting raid or doing anything to raid just raiding and no cool down to raiding
  16. Do you guys mean props?
  17. Make it so fading doors have to be lockpickable on both sides of the fading door. I was in a base with bzerk and you could only lockpick on the outside but not the inside therefore people with lockpicks would just get trapped so it wouldn't really be fair as you would need a keypad cracker to get out
  18. Yes implement it please sugar. In an RP aspect, you would announce that your breaking into someone's house and trying to kill them so I think it's a pretty good idea
  19. Snip is for losers, I like making people scroll through hours of text
  20. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all Why you gotta be a hater? Also why did you say it twice? I'm being a "hater" because your suggestion is bad and I disagree with it. And I posted it twice because the forums was being weird on mobile for some reason and I can't edit it for some reason
  21. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all
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