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Basing is a tiered system. There’s new players, mid level basers and then there’s high tier basers. The ones raiding newer players are generally the mid tier basers. They hoard the players ents and then the high tier basers raid the mid tier basers and get everyone’s ents.


I think rather than blaming the different tier basers individually, you need to look at the system as a whole. Personally I think the degrading system needs to be reduced significantly to keep raiding active throughout the day. New players get on, lose their shit, can’t make money and then will log off until they stuff resets the next day or later that day.


Raiding for 10 mins max to get entities for 8 hours is kinda whack in my eyes but that’s the system in place and you can’t blame people for using the system that is in place.

Edited by Smelly
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I'm seeing a lot of good points here. I disagree that anybody has started any drama in this thread, it's nothing but genuine care and concern for the server's performance and longevity.


When it comes to raiding, I do agree that it can be frustrating as a solo/small grouper to get raided by a larger group (this is literally the problem I have with Rust, larger groups tend to snowball way faster and dominate the server), but that isn't something that can ever be solved by modifying the way raids are done. It's just a simple fact that more numbers/better equipment/experience is going to net better performance when executing or defending against raids. When players tell someone to "get good" they literally mean to take the time and invest in better equipment, look at all the guides and tidbits strewn about the community about how to raid, what makes a good base, find other players to base/raid with you, etc. 


Sometimes it's easy to notice the same group "harassing" the server with their megabases, or their large groups, etc. It's easy to sit back and write them off as assholes, when they're literally playing the game as designed. Something I've had to recognize just recently, is that if a game mechanic exists, it's going to be utilized. I can't complain about somebody else using a game mechanic that is intentionally a part of the experience. Terrry and a few others, when raiding my meth base, tend to regularly destroy my Meth ents. whether they do it to get a rise out of me or not doesn't matter, it's allowed. So it's going to be done. If I want to avoid my shit being blown up, I have to learn how to build a better base, get people to help me defend, buy better equipment, go do something else, or just come back to base a different time.


I think it's valid to point out that some staff are abusive, however. The problem with evidence is that its' incredibly difficult to prove subjective things like "bias" or "fraternization" or "favoritism", whereas more blatant rulebreaks like RDM can be easily recorded and uploaded in a simple report. If anybody accuses the staff of something that they can't readily prove, either due to fearmongering or legitimate concern, its' written off as a conspiracy, or that player is ostracized for "starting drama". I also don't think it's necessarily fair to criticize someone for pointing out problems in the community without being able to provide actionable solutions. That's the job of both the staff and management, in my opinion. The community should definitely be sharing what they want done, but they shouldn't be expected to prop up discussions like these to make changes. 


Now, I will bring up a couple problems I personally have noticed. I'm gonna spitball here and not actually provide any evidence, because I genuinely don't feel like consulting the big fairy textbook, "Da Rules", in order to solidify my points, so take these things with a grain of salt.


-Terrry and the gang have started a megabse in the tunnels to industrial. Not sure what the point of it is, but all power to them. (I actually had a fun little event with them last night where like 6 of them chased me with bludgeons. It made for a pretty sick RP situation because like 20 different players got involved, probably one of the more immersive and engaging moments I've had in recent weeks.) It's a running conspiracy in my personal circle of community friends that they do it specifically to prevent our group from basing in Industrial. (we tend to base there often, and there have been many many disagreements between our two groups), and a secondary conspiracy that's gaining traction is that they're trying to prevent people from effectively running the battlepass. (2 of the levels of the Christmas Pass require trashman job). Those are just conspiracies, like I said, but its' understandable to make those accusations given the bad taste some of these people have given our group, and other players as well. Pair this with how its' common for some of those same players to blow up entities that don't benefit them (i.e. meth entities). It's going to leave a bad taste in people's mouths, even if allowed.


-After discovering that Terrry and the gang like to use that tunnel as a base, Sae decided to make a dupe covering the top of tunnels, basically making a free walkway as a direct protest to the megabase that often blocks off a portion of the map (unless you want to travel sewers, risking being killed due to raid district rules + sewer lord, taking a HUGE detour to get to the trash atms). A few days after this, a rule was created that prevented Sae from doing that anymore. Hence, a new conspiracy was born, or rather reinforced. The belief that the staff team use the rules as a weapon. That's a huge one to prove, because it's not just clippable for a report; it requires heaps of context and evidence, and unless the staff in question outright admit it in public, it's impossible to prove. So it remains a conspiracy, whether true or not.


-IronFish is an administrator that has been with the community for a long time. As such, things he says and does are looked at by subordinates on the staff team, and by the community at large, to judge what is and isn't acceptable in the context of the rules. Just the other day, IronFish arrested me 3 times within a 8-10 minute timespan, while he was playing as Fantasma. I was playing as my custom class, which doesn't have any weapons or tools (I just like being a citizen but picking my playermodel since some of them are cute <3). The first time I was arrested, I happened to have a $500 bounty, so it was fine. But I was arrested TWO further times by him, and when I made a big stink about it in OOC, he claimed he weapon checked me, and that "Weapons are default illegal". He never weapon checked me. That simply just didn't happen. And when I revealed to him that my CC doesn't have SWEPS or Weapons, he tried to walk back his previous statement, and claimed it was a case of mistaken identity. I personally don't believe this, and in my head a conspiracy formed that he was targetting me, since I had recently made big stinks on both the Discord and Forums (I temporarily left the community as I didn't feel safe given recent events that I will discuss shortly). I really don't think an Administrator with such vast experience, influence, and involvement in the community should be doing anything close to breaking the rules. I'm willing to forgive him on his mistake, because I'm not him and don't know what he was thinking at the time. It really could have all been a coincidence. But I'm also not the first person he's done this to. From what I've heard he regularly RDA's people. But like I said, I'll let those people come forward with evidence. I'm just pointing out WHY people might have a problem with him.


-Now, to talk about the "Hyder situation." I just want to say before I explain everything, I have no ill will towards Hyder. I really don't. I think it was all a bunch of stupid mistakes from both sides. I recently decided to hop on the bandwagon of "fuck hyder" and once again made a big stink in-game and in discord about how he abuses basing rules and the like (I notice the roof base rule was recently changed, so I know this has been addressed already), and he decided to use the fact that I identify, albeit publicly as fuck, as transgender, to harass me. I get banter is pretty much limitless in the rules, but he posted a picture of my real face in the Discord publicly, and edited it over my forums profile so as to directly identify the picture as me. He also located a picture of my bedroom I had posted a long time ago on Reddit, and posted that as well. I understand that the photos were public, and that I should have privated those things if I didn't want them shared, but these were shared maliciously, DURING a pending reported I had put on Hyder on the forums. It is incredibly unlikely that he "didn't know" I was trans, and what that entails. (Somebody who is trans likely doesn't want to see old photos of themselves reposted, especially in a community that they hadn't ever shared those things with.) I'm forgiving him, despite my current beliefs on the matter, but I was just explaining why I personally have a lot of distrust in the staff team. It's known that Developer and Hyder are friends, or at the very least cordial with each other, and due to that fact alone I had believed Hyder was given grace, at my expense. THAT'S why I made a big stink. I was under the presumption that "protecting personal interests" was being prioritized by the staff team OVER the safety of members of the community. I wasn't upset at the situation I found myself in, I was upset at the precedent that the resolution was setting for other people in the future. I didn't want to be a part of that testament at all, so I thought the best idea was to leave, at least temporarily. I also want to clear the air and make it known I do not, and have never HAD, an OnlyFans, so whoever decided to peddle that rumor, you can put it to rest. That's not related to staff or community issues at large, but I figured this was a good place to make note of it, so that I don't have to mention it in the future.


-My personal views definitely influence how i judge actions in the community. I'm a pretty left leaning individual, and I'm both very fatalistic and idealistic, and on top of that, the world at large is VERY politically charged. It's in our schools, in the media, even the games we play, the shows and movies we watch. So it's pretty common for me to become upset, and forget that it's "just a game" when I feel something in chat has been said that is transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc. I understand the value of free speech, and AVOIDING the dichotomy of harassment and banter, but it's undeniable that politics exists HEAVILY in the TitsRP community. Just last night a huge argument about Trans rights was had. So, based on those things, it's easy for someone to get emotional, or angry, or sad. And they might connect those experience with how the staff and community at large respond to those things. I personally reported someone for putting up textscreens I perceived as transphobic, and the response was mixed. Some people felt the same as me and thought it was gross to have those signs up, and others felt that if it wasn't a direct attack, and just an attack on a characteristic I happen to align with, then it was okay. Resolutions like that, while attempting to avoid politics and bias, unfortunately have the consequence of alienating the more sensitive or perceived marginalized members in the community. This is why so many users, like Hex and myself, constantly find themselves at odds with members of the community, and oftentimes staff. It's because a lot of people think its fun and funny to get quick reactions out of easily frustrated members, under the guide of banter, and it ends up being straight up harassment or disrespect. It's rare that harassment or harmful rhetoric like that gets addressed. It is usually swept under the rug and dismissed. 


-In all those are just some of my personal takes on things that have been said, and my personal experience playing on the server recently. I just want you all to know I have no personal gripes and I still think positively overall about the community. I'm hoping this discussion provokes more, much needed dialogue about how we can improve our circumstances at TitsRP. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays. 

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2 hours ago, nesteggtv said:

I'm seeing a lot of good points here. I disagree that anybody has started any drama in this thread, it's nothing but genuine care and concern for the server's performance and longevity.


When it comes to raiding, I do agree that it can be frustrating as a solo/small grouper to get raided by a larger group (this is literally the problem I have with Rust, larger groups tend to snowball way faster and dominate the server), but that isn't something that can ever be solved by modifying the way raids are done. It's just a simple fact that more numbers/better equipment/experience is going to net better performance when executing or defending against raids. When players tell someone to "get good" they literally mean to take the time and invest in better equipment, look at all the guides and tidbits strewn about the community about how to raid, what makes a good base, find other players to base/raid with you, etc. 


Sometimes it's easy to notice the same group "harassing" the server with their megabases, or their large groups, etc. It's easy to sit back and write them off as assholes, when they're literally playing the game as designed. Something I've had to recognize just recently, is that if a game mechanic exists, it's going to be utilized. I can't complain about somebody else using a game mechanic that is intentionally a part of the experience. Terrry and a few others, when raiding my meth base, tend to regularly destroy my Meth ents. whether they do it to get a rise out of me or not doesn't matter, it's allowed. So it's going to be done. If I want to avoid my shit being blown up, I have to learn how to build a better base, get people to help me defend, buy better equipment, go do something else, or just come back to base a different time.


I think it's valid to point out that some staff are abusive, however. The problem with evidence is that its' incredibly difficult to prove subjective things like "bias" or "fraternization" or "favoritism", whereas more blatant rulebreaks like RDM can be easily recorded and uploaded in a simple report. If anybody accuses the staff of something that they can't readily prove, either due to fearmongering or legitimate concern, its' written off as a conspiracy, or that player is ostracized for "starting drama". I also don't think it's necessarily fair to criticize someone for pointing out problems in the community without being able to provide actionable solutions. That's the job of both the staff and management, in my opinion. The community should definitely be sharing what they want done, but they shouldn't be expected to prop up discussions like these to make changes. 


Now, I will bring up a couple problems I personally have noticed. I'm gonna spitball here and not actually provide any evidence, because I genuinely don't feel like consulting the big fairy textbook, "Da Rules", in order to solidify my points, so take these things with a grain of salt.


-Terrry and the gang have started a megabse in the tunnels to industrial. Not sure what the point of it is, but all power to them. (I actually had a fun little event with them last night where like 6 of them chased me with bludgeons. It made for a pretty sick RP situation because like 20 different players got involved, probably one of the more immersive and engaging moments I've had in recent weeks.) It's a running conspiracy in my personal circle of community friends that they do it specifically to prevent our group from basing in Industrial. (we tend to base there often, and there have been many many disagreements between our two groups), and a secondary conspiracy that's gaining traction is that they're trying to prevent people from effectively running the battlepass. (2 of the levels of the Christmas Pass require trashman job). Those are just conspiracies, like I said, but its' understandable to make those accusations given the bad taste some of these people have given our group, and other players as well. Pair this with how its' common for some of those same players to blow up entities that don't benefit them (i.e. meth entities). It's going to leave a bad taste in people's mouths, even if allowed.


-After discovering that Terrry and the gang like to use that tunnel as a base, Sae decided to make a dupe covering the top of tunnels, basically making a free walkway as a direct protest to the megabase that often blocks off a portion of the map (unless you want to travel sewers, risking being killed due to raid district rules + sewer lord, taking a HUGE detour to get to the trash atms). A few days after this, a rule was created that prevented Sae from doing that anymore. Hence, a new conspiracy was born, or rather reinforced. The belief that the staff team use the rules as a weapon. That's a huge one to prove, because it's not just clippable for a report; it requires heaps of context and evidence, and unless the staff in question outright admit it in public, it's impossible to prove. So it remains a conspiracy, whether true or not.


-IronFish is an administrator that has been with the community for a long time. As such, things he says and does are looked at by subordinates on the staff team, and by the community at large, to judge what is and isn't acceptable in the context of the rules. Just the other day, IronFish arrested me 3 times within a 8-10 minute timespan, while he was playing as Fantasma. I was playing as my custom class, which doesn't have any weapons or tools (I just like being a citizen but picking my playermodel since some of them are cute <3). The first time I was arrested, I happened to have a $500 bounty, so it was fine. But I was arrested TWO further times by him, and when I made a big stink about it in OOC, he claimed he weapon checked me, and that "Weapons are default illegal". He never weapon checked me. That simply just didn't happen. And when I revealed to him that my CC doesn't have SWEPS or Weapons, he tried to walk back his previous statement, and claimed it was a case of mistaken identity. I personally don't believe this, and in my head a conspiracy formed that he was targetting me, since I had recently made big stinks on both the Discord and Forums (I temporarily left the community as I didn't feel safe given recent events that I will discuss shortly). I really don't think an Administrator with such vast experience, influence, and involvement in the community should be doing anything close to breaking the rules. I'm willing to forgive him on his mistake, because I'm not him and don't know what he was thinking at the time. It really could have all been a coincidence. But I'm also not the first person he's done this to. From what I've heard he regularly RDA's people. But like I said, I'll let those people come forward with evidence. I'm just pointing out WHY people might have a problem with him.


-Now, to talk about the "Hyder situation." I just want to say before I explain everything, I have no ill will towards Hyder. I really don't. I think it was all a bunch of stupid mistakes from both sides. I recently decided to hop on the bandwagon of "fuck hyder" and once again made a big stink in-game and in discord about how he abuses basing rules and the like (I notice the roof base rule was recently changed, so I know this has been addressed already), and he decided to use the fact that I identify, albeit publicly as fuck, as transgender, to harass me. I get banter is pretty much limitless in the rules, but he posted a picture of my real face in the Discord publicly, and edited it over my forums profile so as to directly identify the picture as me. He also located a picture of my bedroom I had posted a long time ago on Reddit, and posted that as well. I understand that the photos were public, and that I should have privated those things if I didn't want them shared, but these were shared maliciously, DURING a pending reported I had put on Hyder on the forums. It is incredibly unlikely that he "didn't know" I was trans, and what that entails. (Somebody who is trans likely doesn't want to see old photos of themselves reposted, especially in a community that they hadn't ever shared those things with.) I'm forgiving him, despite my current beliefs on the matter, but I was just explaining why I personally have a lot of distrust in the staff team. It's known that Developer and Hyder are friends, or at the very least cordial with each other, and due to that fact alone I had believed Hyder was given grace, at my expense. THAT'S why I made a big stink. I was under the presumption that "protecting personal interests" was being prioritized by the staff team OVER the safety of members of the community. I wasn't upset at the situation I found myself in, I was upset at the precedent that the resolution was setting for other people in the future. I didn't want to be a part of that testament at all, so I thought the best idea was to leave, at least temporarily. I also want to clear the air and make it known I do not, and have never HAD, an OnlyFans, so whoever decided to peddle that rumor, you can put it to rest. That's not related to staff or community issues at large, but I figured this was a good place to make note of it, so that I don't have to mention it in the future.


-My personal views definitely influence how i judge actions in the community. I'm a pretty left leaning individual, and I'm both very fatalistic and idealistic, and on top of that, the world at large is VERY politically charged. It's in our schools, in the media, even the games we play, the shows and movies we watch. So it's pretty common for me to become upset, and forget that it's "just a game" when I feel something in chat has been said that is transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc. I understand the value of free speech, and AVOIDING the dichotomy of harassment and banter, but it's undeniable that politics exists HEAVILY in the TitsRP community. Just last night a huge argument about Trans rights was had. So, based on those things, it's easy for someone to get emotional, or angry, or sad. And they might connect those experience with how the staff and community at large respond to those things. I personally reported someone for putting up textscreens I perceived as transphobic, and the response was mixed. Some people felt the same as me and thought it was gross to have those signs up, and others felt that if it wasn't a direct attack, and just an attack on a characteristic I happen to align with, then it was okay. Resolutions like that, while attempting to avoid politics and bias, unfortunately have the consequence of alienating the more sensitive or perceived marginalized members in the community. This is why so many users, like Hex and myself, constantly find themselves at odds with members of the community, and oftentimes staff. It's because a lot of people think its fun and funny to get quick reactions out of easily frustrated members, under the guide of banter, and it ends up being straight up harassment or disrespect. It's rare that harassment or harmful rhetoric like that gets addressed. It is usually swept under the rug and dismissed. 


-In all those are just some of my personal takes on things that have been said, and my personal experience playing on the server recently. I just want you all to know I have no personal gripes and I still think positively overall about the community. I'm hoping this discussion provokes more, much needed dialogue about how we can improve our circumstances at TitsRP. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays. 


Edited by Terrry
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3 hours ago, nesteggtv said:

Sometimes it's easy to notice the same group "harassing" the server with their megabases, or their large groups, etc. It's easy to sit back and write them off as assholes, when they're literally playing the game as designed. Something I've had to recognize just recently, is that if a game mechanic exists, it's going to be utilized. I can't complain about somebody else using a game mechanic that is intentionally a part of the experience. Terrry and a few others, when raiding my meth base, tend to regularly destroy my Meth ents. whether they do it to get a rise out of me or not doesn't matter, it's allowed. So it's going to be done. If I want to avoid my shit being blown up, I have to learn how to build a better base, get people to help me defend, buy better equipment, go do something else, or just come back to base a different time.


actually i was gonna flame but you make some good points, namely this, a lot of players(both new and old) cry about how people utilize features to get them changed, without even giving a way to make it better, just complaining saying "erm this needs to be changed cause i dont like it." If you don't like a system then either find a way to work around it, or put up suggestions to actually fix it instead of perma flooding forums and discord with crybaby posts

Edited by bugman
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17 hours ago, Crabroll said:

it would be even better if everyone took gmod as seriously as it should be. a game from 2006 🙂

Or maybe it's not the game we're taking seriously but rather the massive amounts of shitty players and staff who think it's okay to abuse other people OVER said game.


You and others use this "it's just a game" narrative very often, but Crab, are you not taking it just as seriously by trying so hard to hide said corruption and toxicity..? Idk man.


Lot of bombshells were dropped recently. I think people are getting pretty sick and tired of these types of responses :shrug:

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