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Review of Harrassment rules


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Heya! I am Leena but most people call me "Please use the mute function in game", jokes aside I wanted to review about the hate speech rules mostly,  I have seen that certain slurs have been banned and being punished accordingly, but very similliar words are not being punished at all, thus I wanted to write a detailed review about why that shouldn't actually be the case. 



Some sources I used had several writers and or anonymous so I have not used exactly APA format, and or didn't make double citations, I may have used name of website/person that reviewed the article and approved.  Only have double cited on part 5 as that is what website did (I took it exactly without paraphrasing like rest of the others, can point where is which from)


 Slurs by definition is a word that is targeted against one person's race,ethnicity, religion ,sexuality etc. with malicious intent to harm. They are banned in server due to the nature of the words intending to seek (or attempt) to ruin the experiecne for others, which is a very nice thing to moderate I appreciate that. I would like to state that I developed some resistance against them, but I am completely not immune, but what triggers me is no action being taken against some sentences which roughly mean the same thing or even worse. Targeted cyberbullying happens and goes unmoderated by saying just cope,mute and move on however this approach is wrong for various reasons.


 UNICEF (2023) defines cyber bullying as bullying with the use of digital technologies,  and it may affect people mentally,emotionally and even physically! It may make one feel that they are never safe and being attacked from everywhere. These effects may be short or long-term. And may even increase tendancy to self harm or worse in extreme cases. 

(Mentally – cyber bullying might make you feel sad, ashamed, foolish and even afraid or mad.

Emotionally – lack of interest in things you like ,embarassed

Physically - effects like pain in head,stomach and even lack of sleep causing weakness )  [1]


 Additonally, stopbullying.gov (2023) states that cyber bullying has special things to worry about that cyberbullying may be persistent, even permanent and hard to notice by one's parents.

Being persistent means the bullying may never stop so the person being bullied might barely feel comfortable at any time since digital devices allows people to communicate instantly at any given time.

Being permanent suggest the information is available for anyone to see (if something is made to harm one's reputation) , it may affect most forms of applications even.[2]


 However,Dr. Pearl Ben-Joseph suggests that blocking the bully, resisting to urge to answer them helps with this type of behaviour. But also encourages to tell to someone and report it, it may or may not make bullying more severe regardless of if you have stood up for yourself. However people may be afraid to speak up because they might not have figured out they are being bullied, they might choose to not act at all.

It is even worthwhile to report the bully as even police may find them and there are laws* to prevent it. [3]


 According to American Psychology Association only when we all attempt to create an atmosphere where malicious behaviour we will see a decrease in bullying.[4]


 Even though APA have concluded that for schools, many psychologists also agree the same for cyber bullying. I don't always have hard time dealing with bulllying, but some others may not be able to resist their urges to respond to their bullies, might fail to ignore them. This does not make them weak, mental issues are not something that can be said cope and move on like in OOC chat, otherwise people would be best psycholog by saying why are you in depression, be happy. We have seen examples of harrassment in game in private chat and OOC a lot of times and no action have been taken against.


United Nations (2023) define hate speech may threated social peace as it is harsh language targeting a specific individual or a group targeted on their innate characteristics.

 "We must confront bigotry by working to tackle the hate that spreads like wildfire across the internet.” -ANTÓNIO GUTERRES (2023)  [5]


 In conclusion I would kindly want you to review your rules about at least hate speech as it may be the best thing we can do regarding cyber bullying without taking freedom of opion and expresion. It may be hard to distinguish what is hard to differ what should be considered hate speech what is freedom of speech as United Nations suggests[5**], but some actions are clearly have been done with malicious intent and DO harm the players clearly. Intentionally misgendering to harm (Accidental is very okay and I can assure  you everyone I have seen has been tolerant about it), targeting one's race with intent to harm them , telling someone to harm theirselves should not be tolerated by under any circumstance from my perspective.


Thanks for your precious time and I wish you all an amazing day ~ 🙂 ❤️ 







[4] https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/09/prevent-bullying
[5] https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/what-is-hate-speech (kinda important to check the quote)



"However, to date there is no universal definition of hate speech under international human rights law. The concept is still under discussion, especially in relation to freedom of opinion and expression, non-discrimination and equality" (direct copy paste from [5]) , that's probably worth reading)

Edited by Xyleena
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Look it’s great that your trying to help and all but people are going to do it no matter what is done and sadly staff can’t get them all. If you truly don’t like what’s going on while online then I may suggest getting off the game for a bit to calm down cause no one is forced to play the game or get online 

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13 minutes ago, PurifyingOne said:

Look it’s great that your trying to help and all but people are going to do it no matter what is done and sadly staff can’t get them all. If you truly don’t like what’s going on while online then I may suggest getting off the game for a bit to calm down cause no one is forced to play the game or get online 

It's fine, at least I'll sleep well knowing that I tried. 🙂

Edited by Xyleena
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46 minutes ago, PurifyingOne said:

Look it’s great that your trying to help and all but people are going to do it no matter what is done and sadly staff can’t get them all. If you truly don’t like what’s going on while online then I may suggest getting off the game for a bit to calm down cause no one is forced to play the game or get online 

But isn't it oh so lovely that we're the one's expected to be forced offline because people wanna be little shit heads.

Edited by TheRealHex
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3 minutes ago, TheRealHex said:

But isn't it oh so lovely that we're the one's expected to be forced online because people wanna be little shit heads.

Yeah they should beat us at school so we don't cry to psychological violence and put it into ourselves and only cry to physical ones /s

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I know how how I feel about this all already, but none of it matters. You aren't going to get what you want, and even if you manage to push forward a little, you're in for rep bombing because they are fine to share their opinion, but the moment you share yours. you're a cry baby. Just watch my reps on this comment. I'll prove my point.


Anyways, was nice playing with you while it lasted.





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