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two suggestions


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1. i think lightning quests should at least have a chance to count for a single quest coin, i'll often do some really tedious shit and then not even be given one. it would only make sense. i feel like guaranteed to obtain one could be pretty OP but this is a good middleground


2. for police there should be like a bounty hud that you can toggle, because people talking in chat can clog up and if you are trying to make arrests for bounties, it makes it hard to remember. idk how hard this could be to implement but i assume it isn't too hard.

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5 hours ago, Peppermint said:

1. i think lightning quests should at least have a chance to count for a single quest coin, i'll often do some really tedious shit and then not even be given one. it would only make sense. i feel like guaranteed to obtain one could be pretty OP but this is a good middleground

i +1 this 

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9 hours ago, Peppermint said:

1. i think lightning quests should at least have a chance to count for a single quest coin, i'll often do some really tedious shit and then not even be given one. it would only make sense. i feel like guaranteed to obtain one could be pretty OP but this is a good middleground

Agreed. Like you said it doesn't need to be a quest coin every single time a lightning is completed, but having a chance of receiving one would be great.


9 hours ago, Peppermint said:


2. for police there should be like a bounty hud that you can toggle, because people talking in chat can clog up and if you are trying to make arrests for bounties, it makes it hard to remember. idk how hard this could be to implement but i assume it isn't too hard.

Uhh cops get on my nerves most of the time but I wouldn't have an issue with this. I'm sure its really annoying having the bounties come up and disappear within 3 seconds because a lot of people are talking in chat. Some type of pop up menu or just something on the side of your screen would be really helpful and a lot easier.

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