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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by dyln2000

  1. just keep practicing brother
  2. I use Precision Rotate all the time when I am building in singleplayer, it’s just so useful and I wish the server had it. TileBuild is something else, though. It’s just too heavy, if you want to build something with it just go into singleplayer. I use NoCollideWorld often when I’m building, I would like to see it added but it could be abused easily. Maybe limit it to supporter?
  3. I dunno if this has anything to do with it, but the c_hands of my gun was just missing texture.
  4. Please stop posting in this font, mobile users cannot read
  5. This has been an issue for me for months. Almost none of the map’s decals are loading, including the lambda insignias wherever a secret spot is (pd vault, jail vent, window room) None of the graffiti or posters can be seen, but when I load the map up in single player everything works fine. Please fix
  6. Bump?? it’s been like 4 days
  7. Minecraft Chicken pet does not give LVL1 Lootbox upon level up, that is its only perk
  8. cmb 2: back at it again
  9. Gang: lambdacore Ingame name: cheesecake3704 Steam id: STEAM_0:0:176956777
  10. I just reopen the quests menu and then it lets me claim.
  11. +1 for police suggestion.
  12. ‘Near’ the black market NPC there is a farm house with a grow zone and a forest. There’s a sewer entrance in the forest, and when you enter the cereal monster is to the right.
  13. The shark should be an actual threat, similar to the sewer lord. Right now he is just a slow fat chunk of meat waiting to be randomly killed
  14. dyln2000

    Good Ear gang talent

    it is no different…
  15. Keypad crackers are shit, they take the same time as lockpicks and are a gazilion times louder. I will only use master lockpicks or blowtorches on fading doors, never a keypad cracker. Only if lockpicks could not open fading doors, and the keypad cracker was close to silent and took like 15 seconds to use, then i would put one on my cc or stock up on them
  16. It’s not really that big of a challenge to fight the natural goons, most of them get stuck inside each other when they spawn so they can’t move around at all. Maybe disable collisions between them? Also, if the Bugbait is gonna be able to control goons then the hobo job will have a new purpose
  17. I would love to see Bugbait on the CC editor.
  18. armor does not belong in the rdm zone
  19. (he is too afraid to reply)
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