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Gun Dealer Stand Update


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The Gun Dealer stands have been around for a while now. And in my years of being on titsrp, I believe the only change I've ever seen to them has been making it so they can sell  weapons that gun dealers can't spawn. (And maybe adding/updating the info window when you hover over a weapon? My memory is a little fuzzy on that. But anyway.)

Supplying the stand
Right now, in order to supply the stand, you drop whatever you want to sell into the box at the back of the stand. There are two main problems with that. One, people can walk by and steal what you are trying to sell. And two, sometimes the product gets stuck under the gun stand. It would be easier if we could just hit E on the stand, and it would open up a menu that connects with your inventory, so you can drag and drop whatever you want to sell, without having to worry bout someone stealing your products, or them getting stuck under the stand. This would also add an opportunity to update the gun stand E menu. 
Taking Weapons Out

When you take out weapons from the gun stand, they just drop to the floor, and if they're in shipments, they need to finish spawning before you can pick them up, which means, as stated above, they can get grabbed by someone, or stuck under the gun stand. It would be better if, when taking out entities, they would go back to your inventory. Or, adding on to the above, if we got a new gun stand menu, we could be able to drag and drop weapons back into our inventory.
Customizable Stands
It would be cool if we could customize the stands, like maybe make them a different color, and be able to put a title at the top. It would just be more appealing to the eye. (ngl I mainly got this idea from Roblox Booths)

Either way, gun stands are always flooding the streets, they are easier to make profit from, as opposed to making an actual shop. For something that is used quite often, they should get a cleaner, and more efficient makeover.
As always, feel free to add or -1 this, feedback is much appreciated.

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Yeah how they are now works but thats about it. I think they should be updated to make it easier for gun dealers to add/remove guns to them, and it would be pretty cool to make them customizable somehow so they don't all look the same.

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