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New jobs added/edited?


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I think some more jobs similar to batman's vigilante style would be cool. Off the top of my head, a green arrow class that has tranq arrows to knock out the kidnapper/raider.  I know that's similar to Mr bones but just an idea.

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You never really see cops raiding bases. It's difficult to establish an actual RP reason to inspect a base/warrant a player. Maybe if there was an item or class that could detect drugs/illegal entities in a base and alert the PD to this. Maybe give an option for the mayor to warrant the owner of the entities. You could nerf this use of it with a timer/"you can only use this against the same player every XX minutes cooldown".


I think this could encourage the PD to stop camping downtown and explore the sewers/suburbs/industrial areas. 


Other than that, I think most players agree they like parts of the city that are built up with cool hangout bases or street art. Like when someone makes a cafe. I think there should be entity racks that let any player/specific class sell any item in their inventory. So players could create their own shops to sell items similar to the F4 menu marketplace. I think it would also have an impact on the economy. You would see more items for sale, and it would encourage players earlier on in their playtime in start crafting/collecting useful items and give them an opportunity to sell them in the open. (Trash shops would be cool) This would encourage players to build more shops, malls, galleries, etc. It could really encourage more roleplay areas and give players an excuse to build something other than a base hoarding printers/plots. 


The hotel is a building you rarely ever see used properly. I wish there could be some incentive to actually have a hotel room and make the hotel manager job worth while. The only things that come to mind would be tv players in the rooms, or letting the hotel manager make rooms have a special quality that would incentive customers. Maybe like buffs for staying in a room, or something.


I'd like to see more jobs that encourage building. Gun shops are obsolete with guns stands, and restaurants.. let's be honest .. are useless. Most builds nowadays are made to make money, kidnap people, or a room with props to hangout.


To spitball a few off the top of my head : Therapist, Talk show host (radios could be a thing), Bartender/Budtender (with alochol, pool, minigames), TV Reporter (camera that can broadcast to TVs), Animal Hunter (craft and sell items made from birds/pigs/minions/sharks etc.) Jobs like these encourage roleplay, would be fun, and encourage building new types of bases.


At the end of the day, I just want more players to explore more of the map and have bases everywhere for all sorts of purposes. All the action happens downtown and that's to be expected, but it would be nice to walk to suburbs and actually see people living in the houses. 

Edited by Dan Hunter
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4 hours ago, Dan Hunter said:

You never really see cops raiding bases. It's difficult to establish an actual RP reason to inspect a base/warrant a player. Maybe if there was an item or class that could detect drugs/illegal entities in a base and alert the PD to this. Maybe give an option for the mayor to warrant the owner of the entities. You could nerf this use of it with a timer/"you can only use this against the same player every XX minutes cooldown".


I think this could encourage the PD to stop camping downtown and explore the sewers/suburbs/industrial areas. 


Other than that, I think most players agree they like parts of the city that are built up with cool hangout bases or street art. Like when someone makes a cafe. I think there should be entity racks that let any player/specific class sell any item in their inventory. So players could create their own shops to sell items similar to the F4 menu marketplace. I think it would also have an impact on the economy. You would see more items for sale, and it would encourage players earlier on in their playtime in start crafting/collecting useful items and give them an opportunity to sell them in the open. (Trash shops would be cool) This would encourage players to build more shops, malls, galleries, etc. It could really encourage more roleplay areas and give players an excuse to build something other than a base hoarding printers/plots. 


The hotel is a building you rarely ever see used properly. I wish there could be some incentive to actually have a hotel room and make the hotel manager job worth while. The only things that come to mind would be tv players in the rooms, or letting the hotel manager make rooms have a special quality that would incentive customers. Maybe like buffs for staying in a room, or something.


I'd like to see more jobs that encourage building. Gun shops are obsolete with guns stands, and restaurants.. let's be honest .. are useless. Most builds nowadays are made to make money, kidnap people, or a room with props to hangout.


To spitball a few off the top of my head : Therapist, Talk show host (radios could be a thing), Bartender/Budtender (with alochol, pool, minigames), TV Reporter (camera that can broadcast to TVs), Animal Hunter (craft and sell items made from birds/pigs/minions/sharks etc.) Jobs like these encourage roleplay, would be fun, and encourage building new types of bases.


At the end of the day, I just want more players to explore more of the map and have bases everywhere for all sorts of purposes. All the action happens downtown and that's to be expected, but it would be nice to walk to suburbs and actually see people living in the houses. 

It’s called police dog bababooey!!

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6 hours ago, Dan Hunter said:

The hotel is a building you rarely ever see used properly. I wish there could be some incentive to actually have a hotel room and make the hotel manager job worth while. The only things that come to mind would be tv players in the rooms, or letting the hotel manager make rooms have a special quality that would incentive customers. Maybe like buffs for staying in a room, or something.

If I'm correct we used to have a hotel manager job but it kind of just went away 

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