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The Horse

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7 hours ago, The Horse said:

1. Trespassing: I say this rule should be updated. you cant KOS for trespassing if you make no effort to keep your doors shut and/or locked. if you just leave them wide open for any joe to walk into you cant claim trespassing and KOS for it

How would we deviate this though? How could staff tell who had their door open wide and who doesn't? I feel like this would just cause a lot unnecessary sits, but maybe change it to only bases with "kos" signs can do this maybe that would help.

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11 hours ago, The Horse said:

1. Trespassing: I say this rule should be updated. you cant KOS for trespassing if you make no effort to keep your doors shut and/or locked. if you just leave them wide open for any joe to walk into you cant claim trespassing and KOS for it

This one I have to disagree with here. Even in real life people can leave their doors open and unlocked but that doesn’t mean you can come inside without asking. I would still see that as trespassing, because they weren’t given permission to enter said property 

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10 hours ago, Mumper said:

How would we deviate this though? How could staff tell who had their door open wide and who doesn't? I feel like this would just cause a lot unnecessary sits, but maybe change it to only bases with "kos" signs can do this maybe that would help.

trust me. ive seen it happen multiple times. and people keep coming back to try to kill the person. hell once i saw atleast 15 people chilling outside a base just getting shot by the dudes inside

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5 hours ago, Jason Bourne said:

This one I have to disagree with here. Even in real life people can leave their doors open and unlocked but that doesn’t mean you can come inside without asking. I would still see that as trespassing, because they weren’t given permission to enter said property 

this isnt real life. it is a game where you can punch people to death cuz you ate too much food as a pig. it makes sense. 

also the times i see it done. they had the base wide open and the inside was decorated to look like a public base. but they set up a see thru wall and shot anyone who came in

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11 hours ago, Zesty said:

it's because you need to call a sit, staff don't just check every single revolt to see if it has a valid reason

yeah but no mod ever dose stuff for mayors unless its a failrp law or prop blocking or something. I could get rdm by pd and a mod will go "yeah just run for mayor again" or something stupid. plus I bet they don't have the power to  automaticallh stop a revolt. I think they could kill command the leader. but a revolt starting and then having to type out a sit while in revolt is dumb. 

maybe the revolt has to be mod approved to happen and if no mods are on it get put to a vote like unfun.  tho for it to actually work i think it should be based on like 10 people said yes instead of 25 people needed to stay yes to start.

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