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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Change this rule:

  • Kidnapping people makes you KoS as you're a threat to everyone around you

It's really not RP when you kidnap someone and some rando just sees you and instantly kills you.

It isn't hard to tell someone "drop him" or warn 3 times in adverts or warn with the action menu no matter how lazy you are giving people right to counter without being inherently involved or getting involved is just bad.


The same thing could apply to something like cuffing a thief makes you KOS to all jobs with thief ruleset. not very fun rp at all.



Pretty interesting how this is still in the rules too....

DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action


Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper.

I feel like it should stay the way it is helps prevent mass kidnapping of people from certain individuals who spend their whole time repeatedly kidnapping people over and over again this way anyone can save them from the kidnapping gives them a 50/50 chance instead of letting the kidnappers kidnap a large portion of a server just for shits and giggles

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Change this rule:

  • Kidnapping people makes you KoS as you're a threat to everyone around you

It's really not RP when you kidnap someone and some rando just sees you and instantly kills you.

It isn't hard to tell someone "drop him" or warn 3 times in adverts or warn with the action menu no matter how lazy you are giving people right to counter without being inherently involved or getting involved is just bad.


The same thing could apply to something like cuffing a thief makes you KOS to all jobs with thief ruleset. not very fun rp at all.



Pretty interesting how this is still in the rules too....

DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action


Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper.

I feel like it should stay the way it is helps prevent mass kidnapping of people from certain individuals who spend their whole time repeatedly kidnapping people over and over again this way anyone can save them from the kidnapping gives them a 50/50 chance instead of letting the kidnappers kidnap a large portion of a server just for shits and giggles

I used to kidnap for shits and giggles. Anywhere from right out of spawn to down in front of the PD.

I could go 30 minutes without being killed or even threatened, in that time potentially kidnapping someone every 30 seconds (though it was usually closer to once every minute or two if I'm being careful).


This is an actual, legitimate need for an unbalanced game mechanic that is unfun and in some cases nearly impossible to fight against unless you are literally thirdperson 360 spinning while jump crouch walking with a gun out, and even then they can just fall from the sky. Being kidnapped shouldn't be your number one concern on main street, it should be done in the corner of the map where nobody is watching or you should be able to fight your way out of it if you want your target that badly. Kidnapping shouldn't be "shits and giggles," it should be for RP (maniac wants to torture people, cultist sacrificing people, pedophile raping you, etc) or for monetary gain (a gang kidnapping for ransom, or using the weapons box for cash). The KOS rule encourages good RP and stops us from having to put in a really stupid "only kidnap in alleyways/not in main areas of the map" to force RP. 


In short: encourages good RP, discourages a previously OP game mechanic by encouraging you to only do it when it would be advantageous for you in RP and forces you to play the game instead of playing point-and-click adventure. I don't see Sugar getting rid of it unless a better suggestion can be made, which I am 100% for hearing if anyone has one.

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good suggestion piklas


Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper.

I feel like it should stay the way it is helps prevent mass kidnapping of people from certain individuals who spend their whole time repeatedly kidnapping people over and over again this way anyone can save them from the kidnapping gives them a 50/50 chance instead of letting the kidnappers kidnap a large portion of a server just for shits and giggles

I used to kidnap for shits and giggles. Anywhere from right out of spawn to down in front of the PD.

I could go 30 minutes without being killed or even threatened, in that time potentially kidnapping someone every 30 seconds (though it was usually closer to once every minute or two if I'm being careful).


This is an actual, legitimate need for an unbalanced game mechanic that is unfun and in some cases nearly impossible to fight against unless you are literally thirdperson 360 spinning while jump crouch walking with a gun out, and even then they can just fall from the sky. Being kidnapped shouldn't be your number one concern on main street, it should be done in the corner of the map where nobody is watching or you should be able to fight your way out of it if you want your target that badly. Kidnapping shouldn't be "shits and giggles," it should be for RP (maniac wants to torture people, cultist sacrificing people, pedophile raping you, etc) or for monetary gain (a gang kidnapping for ransom, or using the weapons box for cash). The KOS rule encourages good RP and stops us from having to put in a really stupid "only kidnap in alleyways/not in main areas of the map" to force RP. 


In short: encourages good RP, discourages a previously OP game mechanic by encouraging you to only do it when it would be advantageous for you in RP and forces you to play the game instead of playing point-and-click adventure. I don't see Sugar getting rid of it unless a better suggestion can be made, which I am 100% for hearing if anyone has one.


I understand the reasoning behind it but right now this is usually what happens: You kidnap someone and a guy sees you maybe carrying someone across like the length of fountain to cinema, they go to you with a weapon and just kills you. It might promote RP for kidnappers to rather kidnap when someone is totally alone but it doesn't promote good overall RP.


What I would rather call rp is that the people who actually have a reason to counter the action can counter it, such as cops, people they were talking to or were around or simply people who warn. Again there are rules about warning 3 times in adverts and to get involved for a reason. To make kidnapping an exception to the rule doesn't make sense imo. And example can be that what if we made raiding KOS to everyone around since "you're a threat to everyone around you" that wouldn't be fun at all, (and make cinema stupidly broken). If we keep the rule that the kidnapper is KOS then the kidnapper should be allowed to kill people who are around for the kidnap so they are actually a threat.


For a guy who complains that terrorist is lazy rp literally being KOS to EVERYONE for kidnapping 1 person is really lazy rp when there is a plethera of things you can already do to counter things like kidnap. 

Reduce the cooldown of gang wars or increase the kills. 

Doesn't feel good to only be able to gang war every 12 or 6 hours to kill each other 20 times when some gangs can have upwards of 20 members on at one time.

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The kidnapping rule was changed because one staff suggested it and most (if not all) supported that it should be KoS


In reality, it doesn't promote good RP because its basically killing someone because they are kidnapping. You're better off chasing the guy telling them to put the guy down because what ever reason than just shooting him across the map. I can see it from both sides though and each side has its RP process and lazy RP process


From a kidnappers RP perspective, you want to kidnap someone to either torture them, get paid, or come to an agreement. You don't want to just be killed because you're carrying someone else because why should they be able to kill you? They should have to either be involved with the kidnapping or they should call the police. Not all players should be a vigilante


From a players RP perspective, you want to notify the kidnapper to put the victim down. You want to threaten them with their life and hope they put them down. If they don't you may take action and start a firefight. If you're super into RP or you have a lot to lose, you would call the cops or walk away


From a lazy perspective of a kidnapper, you kidnap people just to lock people in a room for 5 minutes or you kidnap just to hit them in the back of the head and then move on with your day


Before the the rule was added, there was no lazy perspective to a player. They had to follow the RP perspective because you weren't allowed to kill a kidnapper unless he knew you were involved. Issue with that is that it is unbalanced and the only way to fix that is to higher the kidnap timer to make sure you kidnap who you want to kidnap (which is a double edge sword solution) or you just allow the player to gun down the kidnapper which is either really fun or really stupid if you're being shot from across the map because someone sees you picking up another player.


I do think that if you're a lazy kidnapper, you should get the punishment of dying. If you have no intentions to do anything interesting, then bite the bullet. There really isn't a clean solution to please everyone but I think that in the current state where kidnapping is very prevalent, its probably better to have them as KoS because most kidnappers are most likely classified as lazy kidnappers.

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Personally I like the new change as it promotes sneakier kidnap RP, and makes you kidnap for a reason, not just to lock someone up for 5 minutes and have them leave the server and never come back because they are tired of being kidnapped.

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You have to look at kidnapping in its entirety. It's toxic in every regards.


We can place kidnappers in two categories:



Shits and Giggles


Roleplay kidnapping is when you do it for roleplay purposes. Cultist sacrificing people. I've seen people build little homes / environments for the kidnap-ees.  That's cool.


Shits and giggles is when you have any player (Usually, "MASTER RACE IM ON CC IM KOOL REEEEEEEEEE") that kidnaps you, finds the NEAREST building that they DON'T EVEN OWN - own the doors, throw you inside and drop the box for 30k.


Even if I had the money to pay 30k every time, I wouldn't do that. If you're kidnapping me, sticking me in a room for 5 minutes and then want me to PAY you 30k - It's not happening. Even if it's 500, you're not getting it. You're depriving me of playing.


Being kidnapped is being worse then arrested. If you're arrested, you (should) have done something wrong, you deserve it. It's not as bad to sit there when you did something wrong. When you get kidnapped for no roleplay reason, other then that "It's on my CC REEEEEEEEE" - it's just bad all around.


It should be noted that there are anti kidnapping devices on trello that sugar plans on putting in.


I'd like to see the speed kidnap move from the perk to the talent section, so you have to invest for it. Alternatively, make the perk only work for NORMAL jobs and not CC jobs.


Remove bludgeons from CC's and keep bludgeons on the normal jobs that have them. Allow bludgeons to be purchased from the BMD or gained from a processor.

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The kidnapping rule was changed because one staff suggested it and most (if not all) supported that it should be KoS


In reality, it doesn't promote good RP because its basically killing someone because they are kidnapping. You're better off chasing the guy telling them to put the guy down because what ever reason than just shooting him across the map. I can see it from both sides though and each side has its RP process and lazy RP process


From a kidnappers RP perspective, you want to kidnap someone to either torture them, get paid, or come to an agreement. You don't want to just be killed because you're carrying someone else because why should they be able to kill you? They should have to either be involved with the kidnapping or they should call the police. Not all players should be a vigilante


From a players RP perspective, you want to notify the kidnapper to put the victim down. You want to threaten them with their life and hope they put them down. If they don't you may take action and start a firefight. If you're super into RP or you have a lot to lose, you would call the cops or walk away


From a lazy perspective of a kidnapper, you kidnap people just to lock people in a room for 5 minutes or you kidnap just to hit them in the back of the head and then move on with your day


Before the the rule was added, there was no lazy perspective to a player. They had to follow the RP perspective because you weren't allowed to kill a kidnapper unless he knew you were involved. Issue with that is that it is unbalanced and the only way to fix that is to higher the kidnap timer to make sure you kidnap who you want to kidnap (which is a double edge sword solution) or you just allow the player to gun down the kidnapper which is either really fun or really stupid if you're being shot from across the map because someone sees you picking up another player.


I do think that if you're a lazy kidnapper, you should get the punishment of dying. If you have no intentions to do anything interesting, then bite the bullet. There really isn't a clean solution to please everyone but I think that in the current state where kidnapping is very prevalent, its probably better to have them as KoS because most kidnappers are most likely classified as lazy kidnappers.



The major reason why he wants it changed sugar is him and his gang would literally mass kidnap people and repeatedly do it over and over again and the only counters were coming and technically it is an rp thing in rl a person would either attack or kill a kidnapper if seeing him/her kidnapping so logically speaking it is an rp situation.

You have to look at kidnapping in its entirety. It's toxic in every regards.


We can place kidnappers in two categories:



Shits and Giggles


Roleplay kidnapping is when you do it for roleplay purposes. Cultist sacrificing people. I've seen people build little homes / environments for the kidnap-ees.  That's cool.


Shits and giggles is when you have any player (Usually, "MASTER RACE IM ON CC IM KOOL REEEEEEEEEE") that kidnaps you, finds the NEAREST building that they DON'T EVEN OWN - own the doors, throw you inside and drop the box for 30k.


Even if I had the money to pay 30k every time, I wouldn't do that. If you're kidnapping me, sticking me in a room for 5 minutes and then want me to PAY you 30k - It's not happening. Even if it's 500, you're not getting it. You're depriving me of playing.


Being kidnapped is being worse then arrested. If you're arrested, you (should) have done something wrong, you deserve it. It's not as bad to sit there when you did something wrong. When you get kidnapped for no roleplay reason, other then that "It's on my CC REEEEEEEEE" - it's just bad all around.


It should be noted that there are anti kidnapping devices on trello that sugar plans on putting in.


I'd like to see the speed kidnap move from the perk to the talent section, so you have to invest for it. Alternatively, make the perk only work for NORMAL jobs and not CC jobs.


Remove bludgeons from CC's and keep bludgeons on the normal jobs that have them. Allow bludgeons to be purchased from the BMD or gained from a processor.



I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can

You have to look at kidnapping in its entirety. It's toxic in every regards.


We can place kidnappers in two categories:



Shits and Giggles


Roleplay kidnapping is when you do it for roleplay purposes. Cultist sacrificing people. I've seen people build little homes / environments for the kidnap-ees.  That's cool.


Shits and giggles is when you have any player (Usually, "MASTER RACE IM ON CC IM KOOL REEEEEEEEEE") that kidnaps you, finds the NEAREST building that they DON'T EVEN OWN - own the doors, throw you inside and drop the box for 30k.


Even if I had the money to pay 30k every time, I wouldn't do that. If you're kidnapping me, sticking me in a room for 5 minutes and then want me to PAY you 30k - It's not happening. Even if it's 500, you're not getting it. You're depriving me of playing.


Being kidnapped is being worse then arrested. If you're arrested, you (should) have done something wrong, you deserve it. It's not as bad to sit there when you did something wrong. When you get kidnapped for no roleplay reason, other then that "It's on my CC REEEEEEEEE" - it's just bad all around.


It should be noted that there are anti kidnapping devices on trello that sugar plans on putting in.


I'd like to see the speed kidnap move from the perk to the talent section, so you have to invest for it. Alternatively, make the perk only work for NORMAL jobs and not CC jobs.


Remove bludgeons from CC's and keep bludgeons on the normal jobs that have them. Allow bludgeons to be purchased from the BMD or gained from a processor.



I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can

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The kidnapping rule was changed because one staff suggested it and most (if not all) supported that it should be KoS


In reality, it doesn't promote good RP because its basically killing someone because they are kidnapping. You're better off chasing the guy telling them to put the guy down because what ever reason than just shooting him across the map. I can see it from both sides though and each side has its RP process and lazy RP process


From a kidnappers RP perspective, you want to kidnap someone to either torture them, get paid, or come to an agreement. You don't want to just be killed because you're carrying someone else because why should they be able to kill you? They should have to either be involved with the kidnapping or they should call the police. Not all players should be a vigilante


From a players RP perspective, you want to notify the kidnapper to put the victim down. You want to threaten them with their life and hope they put them down. If they don't you may take action and start a firefight. If you're super into RP or you have a lot to lose, you would call the cops or walk away


From a lazy perspective of a kidnapper, you kidnap people just to lock people in a room for 5 minutes or you kidnap just to hit them in the back of the head and then move on with your day


Before the the rule was added, there was no lazy perspective to a player. They had to follow the RP perspective because you weren't allowed to kill a kidnapper unless he knew you were involved. Issue with that is that it is unbalanced and the only way to fix that is to higher the kidnap timer to make sure you kidnap who you want to kidnap (which is a double edge sword solution) or you just allow the player to gun down the kidnapper which is either really fun or really stupid if you're being shot from across the map because someone sees you picking up another player.


I do think that if you're a lazy kidnapper, you should get the punishment of dying. If you have no intentions to do anything interesting, then bite the bullet. There really isn't a clean solution to please everyone but I think that in the current state where kidnapping is very prevalent, its probably better to have them as KoS because most kidnappers are most likely classified as lazy kidnappers.



The major reason why he wants it changed sugar is him and his gang would literally mass kidnap people and repeatedly do it over and over again and the only counters were coming and technically it is an rp thing in rl a person would either attack or kill a kidnapper if seeing him/her kidnapping so logically speaking it is an rp situation.

You have to look at kidnapping in its entirety. It's toxic in every regards.


We can place kidnappers in two categories:



Shits and Giggles


Roleplay kidnapping is when you do it for roleplay purposes. Cultist sacrificing people. I've seen people build little homes / environments for the kidnap-ees.  That's cool.


Shits and giggles is when you have any player (Usually, "MASTER RACE IM ON CC IM KOOL REEEEEEEEEE") that kidnaps you, finds the NEAREST building that they DON'T EVEN OWN - own the doors, throw you inside and drop the box for 30k.


Even if I had the money to pay 30k every time, I wouldn't do that. If you're kidnapping me, sticking me in a room for 5 minutes and then want me to PAY you 30k - It's not happening. Even if it's 500, you're not getting it. You're depriving me of playing.


Being kidnapped is being worse then arrested. If you're arrested, you (should) have done something wrong, you deserve it. It's not as bad to sit there when you did something wrong. When you get kidnapped for no roleplay reason, other then that "It's on my CC REEEEEEEEE" - it's just bad all around.


It should be noted that there are anti kidnapping devices on trello that sugar plans on putting in.


I'd like to see the speed kidnap move from the perk to the talent section, so you have to invest for it. Alternatively, make the perk only work for NORMAL jobs and not CC jobs.


Remove bludgeons from CC's and keep bludgeons on the normal jobs that have them. Allow bludgeons to be purchased from the BMD or gained from a processor.



I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can

You have to look at kidnapping in its entirety. It's toxic in every regards.


We can place kidnappers in two categories:



Shits and Giggles


Roleplay kidnapping is when you do it for roleplay purposes. Cultist sacrificing people. I've seen people build little homes / environments for the kidnap-ees.  That's cool.


Shits and giggles is when you have any player (Usually, "MASTER RACE IM ON CC IM KOOL REEEEEEEEEE") that kidnaps you, finds the NEAREST building that they DON'T EVEN OWN - own the doors, throw you inside and drop the box for 30k.


Even if I had the money to pay 30k every time, I wouldn't do that. If you're kidnapping me, sticking me in a room for 5 minutes and then want me to PAY you 30k - It's not happening. Even if it's 500, you're not getting it. You're depriving me of playing.


Being kidnapped is being worse then arrested. If you're arrested, you (should) have done something wrong, you deserve it. It's not as bad to sit there when you did something wrong. When you get kidnapped for no roleplay reason, other then that "It's on my CC REEEEEEEEE" - it's just bad all around.


It should be noted that there are anti kidnapping devices on trello that sugar plans on putting in.


I'd like to see the speed kidnap move from the perk to the talent section, so you have to invest for it. Alternatively, make the perk only work for NORMAL jobs and not CC jobs.


Remove bludgeons from CC's and keep bludgeons on the normal jobs that have them. Allow bludgeons to be purchased from the BMD or gained from a processor.



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