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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Pets have no need for keys. They can’t base and it’s just FailRP. Why do you need an inventory?


Dance moves if their models can. But yeah I agree. Isn’t really RP

Remove rules in the MOTD that repeat (e.g you have kidnapping is kos in there twice)


Have a promoting system for cp. 


Make the rebel group be able to have their own separate wars with cp.


Let custom classes have access to crip and blood models and if they change their job to crip or blood they can becone  one 


Have 2 slots for kingdom jobs so one can war with the other.


Have a thief job where they can use a hound eye type thing to see people and let them assist in raids 


Make it so if you are in a party and you raid it splits the loot they collect evenly (have a party button that says begin raid and after 10 minute it sees how much money you have collected and it splits it)


Make a gang perk that makes your car



Make a gang perk where you drop talismans every 30 minutes 


Make a gang perk gives you 100 armor or 50 every spawn 


Make a npc where you can put your cc up for sale with a description & price 



Make it so once a gang reaches a certain level they get to have another weapon slot on their cc


Make a gang perk where you jump higher


Make a hunger system where you need food to promote RP for the restaurant owner


Make it so the mayor can bring all cp to the conference room where it sits all the cp down for a 5 minute meeting (mayor can end early if he chooses)


Create a secret tunnel in a road (I mean like a cover in the middle of the road that brings you down to the sewers 


Make it so when you do shownlr it automatically spectates person you want to show NLR for (the skeleton not the person)


Have terriosts be able to invite other vip members to become one.


Make a way for staff to host events and invite people who are willing to join the staff event. 


Make it so the abomination can’t hide in their friends base (easy way to do this is when they are on rampage they are “too big” to walk through doors


Make abomination have 50 armor since they get killed so easily


Would be a great list if it included a sugar npc.

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So I got a small idea for updating the rules: Allow raiders to use materialized props to see through one-ways.


Why? Because one ways are cancer and become a doomfort without some form of method of dealing with them.


We have a relatively cheap item that bombs materials off props, and another relatively item that now (april 13 changelog) literally removes several different props, including fences in addition to some more expensive items that can burn through an unlimited number of props one at a time or destroy a base one time.


Or call the cops and start raiding after they break down a few props.

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Something that's annoyed me a few times is that the gang menu uses member's steam names rather than ingame names. This is annoying because I can't recognise half my members because their steam name is unrelated to their ingame name. I promoted the wrong person to officer because of this earlier today. I would quite like to see the gangmenu use ingame names rather than steamnames if possible.

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This might have already been suggested but could you guys please add some feature to change a user's revolt material colors. I'm colorblind and during every revolt i always end up thinking some enemies are friendly and end up dying to them because i didnt shoot first, so it would be nice if there was a way to mabye make pd appear blue to me during revolts so that i cant mistake them for friendlies.

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