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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I want the to be able to buy the stove for my custom class.

Some situations where this would be great


Kidapping some crabs on the beach and taking them into my joes crab shack and eating them.


Kidnapping and luring street people into my deli.

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Split bigger into at least 2 parts as a nerf

1 part has the minigun with normal up and armor. Name: heavy arms officer

1 part has more armor (or a bit less extra armor and takes less damage from grenade, Trisha bomb, time bomb etc.) and and extra buff of defusing bombs faster, no extra spawns. Name: bomb squad

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It would be pretty cool if you added something for when somebody gets frozen by staff. As my friend said, when you are frozen, people thing they lagged out and disconnect. Maybe if you had like a red message pop up on your screen saying, “You have been frozen.” This can prevent accidental LTAP.

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Buff Masterchief to be similar to jugg like an actual Spartan would be and give him a cool weapon so that there is a chance to have a new counter against jugg as criminal, but also comes with the chance of having another OP CP.

minigun vs minigun oof the crossfire could get ugly

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Buff Masterchief to be similar to jugg like an actual Spartan would be and give him a cool weapon so that there is a chance to have a new counter against jugg as criminal, but also comes with the chance of having another OP cop.


"Another OP cop"

can u don't.

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Buff Masterchief to be similar to jugg like an actual Spartan would be and give him a cool weapon so that there is a chance to have a new counter against jugg as criminal, but also comes with the chance of having another OP CP.

minigun vs minigun oof the crossfire could get ugly


Any OP class shouldn't be allowed.


Something called balance and powercreep isn't going to e the solution either.

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Buff Masterchief to be similar to jugg like an actual Spartan would be and give him a cool weapon so that there is a chance to have a new counter against jugg as criminal, but also comes with the chance of having another OP CP.

minigun vs minigun oof the crossfire could get ugly


Any OP class shouldn't be allowed.


Something called balance and powercreep isn't going to e the solution either.


What if the Master Chief sides with the CP? 2 OP Classes *sweats*

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We should add more general content to the server. Just a couple ideas that come to mind are


Character Appearance Customization (Maybe in the form of a closet or someone you could talk to?) [Note: NOT A POINT SYSTEM THAT GIVES THINGS LIKE SANTA HATS, ETC.]

Quests - They could come with general rewards such as [Armor Packs] / [Metal/Wood/Chem] / [Guns or Rare Weapons + Including movement sweps] / [Money]

Personal Skills - this could be something as simple as weapon proficiency's and be left at that. Nothing too ridiculous though. [Reload time reduced by .X seconds] [Clip Size increased by X] [Recoil reduced by X]

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We should add more general content to the server. Just a couple ideas that come to mind are


Character Appearance Customization (Maybe in the form of a closet or someone you could talk to?) [Note: NOT A POINT SYSTEM THAT GIVES THINGS LIKE SANTA HATS, ETC.]


That has been a thing in the server about half a year back but was removed because of lag or something.


I personally want it back too because it gives some nice personalization to you and not everyone will run around with the model that is the flavor of the month on their cc too

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