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Caliber Recruitment


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                                                                                                                                 Caliber Recruitment

                                                                                   Are you tired of the Gangs that don't give you the needs to stand a chance in PvP

                                                                                         Are you tired of you're Gang wasting their talent points on size command?

                                                                                             Are you tired of your gang not giving you the basic talents for basing?

                                                                                                                     Well I have a solution for your problem

                                                                                                                           Join my gang simple as that


                                                                                                                         Gang perks

                                                                                                              Quick sell

                                                                                                                                      A Pretty Penny

                                                                                                                                        Extra Bullet

                                                                                                                                       Blood Sucker

                                                                                                                                        Force drop

                                                                                                                         Gang perks in the future

                                                                                                            Precious Life 

                                                                                                                                  Junk Launcher

                                                                                                          All are welcome to join    

                                                                                                                             To join just pm me in game (FK_BOOLIN) 

                                                                                                                                   Or pm me on discord (FK#1016)


                                                                                                        (Betrayal may happen at some point in time but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it)


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19 minutes ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

Rolex is a fine gang. When was the last time you can honestly say you saw toxicity and hostility towards other people from a member of Rolex? Meanwhile you have Based, which is a collection of the most toxic and disliked players on the server...

I've seen it plenty lmao. I ain't got anything against Rolex, but they are nowhere far from toxic.



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7 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

Well I hope we can change your mind ingame. Rolex has had some shittier periods but with our new ownership I feel that the gang is 100% moving in the right direction now.

You're in rolex you have no valid opinion


Edited by Tass
  • crine 1
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I mean I haven’t even started inviting people been gone for a while so yeah... I don’t know about Versace tho. Everybody is in that gang so it doesn’t really have any you know... how do I say this... different there we go. My gang has pretty good perks and I think a cool name. So if you want to have the same stuff but you are in something that not a lot of people really have join my gang. 

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One of the two reasons why I stayed in bogger a for a long ass time and didn’t join a bigger gang like based or Versace or any other huge ass gang is because not a lot of other people had that tag. Another reason why I stayed in bogger is because i wanted to stay loyal to the people who brought me up from using 1 proc and using normal guns and jobs to having a full blown exclusive cc that I have grown up from the ground aswell as having almost every item at one point. @Big Ass 


Join this gang if you want good perks but a gang that isn’t the same one that everyone else is in. Join if you want to have good perks and some what of a cool name. 

This gang is all about PVP and money. Why waste a good talent point on the size command when I can use it on another perk that can give me more of a chance to win in fights or raids.  

P.S. also if you want to join Versace go ahead and do so. I could care less BUT if you want something more exclusive but the same perks as Versace join this gang.

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