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proc and printers not getting hit

Leona Sandcastle

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Description: I used c4s and time bombs and shot multiple times like 100+ bullets on procs and printers and only like 2 of them blew up

I used 2 timebombs and 2 c4s at 8 procs and only 3 of them blew up.

I think most of the damage isn't registering or something because this is weird. procs only took 1 shot to blow up.

btw im being serious here i used all of that stuff

it also could be the people who owned the stuff exploiting idk why it happened


How to reproduce: buy procs and printers and use your imagination.


Priority: (Medium)

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Description: I used c4s and time bombs and shot multiple times like 100+ bullets on procs and printers and only like 2 of them blew up

I used 2 timebombs and 2 c4s at 8 procs and only 3 of them blew up.

I think most of the damage isn't registering or something because this is weird. procs only took 1 shot to blow up.

btw im being serious here i used all of that stuff

it also could be the people who owned the stuff exploiting idk why it happened


How to reproduce: buy procs and printers and use your imagination.


Priority: (Medium)


Dude, health on entities were buffed due to the fact people were accidentally shooting them. This is not a bug at all, purely intentional. 


Also even if this were a bug, at worse it would be a low. Seriously, is it necessary to the game to blow up entities? I don't think so tbh.

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lol sorry i didnt know which priority to pick so i picked normal

i raided a base with A LOT of stuff like 30 procs and 25 printers and 35 minis i seriously planted 5 c4s and 6 time bombs scattered them across the loot and only 3 procs blew and around 6 printers

it would've taken me more than 20 minutes if i individually shot every single entity in their base

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Yeah, I think sugar might have gone a bit overboard on the health buff. I think their health can be reduced a little bit.


Yeah, but slick when you take in to account how easy it is to accidentally shoot your entities, especially in a small base, the health buff is perfectly reasonable. It discourages people from destroying ents, as the little xp you get from destroying printers would be miniscule, compared to farming the printers you obtained during the raid. Before, if you didn't want to take all the loot, you would just destroy the rest. Now raiders either leave the stuff alone, or pickup box all of it. Raiders who destroy ents now are not that common.

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The new HP is ass. When I was raiding Sea Bears kingdom base and I blew up the ents I had to use multiple rounds of jugg mini and a couple grenades. It should be like 8 shots with a gun and 1.5 grenades. (Change explosion damage to entities)

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Health was buffed because some people blow up their entities when getting raided. It's the "If I can't have it, no one can" kinda mentality which is perfectly acceptable because no one wants to buy back their ents or raid the same person again.


I know there is a rule that says "Destroying your entities during a raid on your base to avoid them being stolen is FailRP." but this change was also added to basically remove that rule. If you wanna blow them up fine but you're gonna have to use a lot more firepower to destroy them. I can add an explosion damage multiplier though

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