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Punish demoted staff

It's cold in here(._.)

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I feel as some users become staff and just abuse their powers without care, in order to prevent this, I'm suggesting some punishments for staff who abuse their powers. Of course not every demotion will result in a punishment. Here's some possible punishments.


  • Numerous incorrect bans=24 hour ban - 7 day. The reason for this as it angers players who did nothing wrong and are banned. Therefore discouraging the players from continuing to play.
  • No clip abuse=warn - 24 hour ban. This depends on the extend as if it was like flying around aimlessly, it's a warn. If it's abusing and flying into bases, this should be a 24 hour ban as it angers the person basing.
  • Physics gun abuse= 24 hour ban. Nobody wants to be thrown around.
  • Crashing another server/causing large distress in another server=VIP removal and or a month ban. If you heard "Did you hear of that TitsRP staff who crashed (insert other Gmod server here)?" "Yeah there's no way I'm joining them, I don't wanna get ddosed.
  • Disrespecting players/other staff/minging=warn - 24 hour ban. Staff are suppose to be mature and role models, or else other players will think it's okay to copy them or if at the receiving end, they'll be offended by the fact a staff member insulted them.

I hope this gets incorported into the server, I included a few as examples of why abusive staff is a problem.

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I get where you’re coming from but we don’t have problems with staff all that much and when there is a problem usually it’s the inexperienced staff making a good faith mistake. There are some issues that do come up but we already have a good team of senior moderators and admins that deal with this sort of thing case to case.

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I think this is a good idea because it could help new staff focus more on not making mistakes because something is on the line besides their position. I however don’t think the punishments should be as severe as bans.

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If staff abuse, they get demoted. If they make a human mistake, they are told not to repeat the mistake. Bad staff get demoted, as has happened in the past. This isn't a necessary addition imo.



the thing is when ur staff and make mistakes u get more "lives" u get forgiven by shit that u would have been warned for if u werent staff or even banned....


and trust me i did stuff as staff a bit ago that would have gotten me banned multiple times, but just a verbal warning.  :dodgy:



to what cold is suggesting its just dumb they get demoted if they abuse and etc i dont see why demote and other punishement should be issued....

a demotion is enough punishement.

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