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Should i have been perma banned?


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So hey i've been perma banned on forums twice and ingame for being a rogue staff, apperentely i can still post on forums because i'm amazing hacker. Nah im fucking with you guys i have no clue so im just leave this here until its removed. I've already made a bug report on this because i'm a good boy.


Lets get into this:


So basically i decided to go rogue and ban like 6 people; Sewer Overlord, Claudette Morel, Some randoms idk their names, and Jacket <3. 


Now i left 1 staff online to actually like unban them and i was banned in the process. Ban later extended to a perma saying I wasnt welcome. Now do you guys think this is too harsh? I mean Ratty=Good boy after all.

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IMO you shouldn't of been perma'd or punished at all - you proved a point to the villainous admins that they needed to wake up, you fought back against the regime, against the machine, and fought for the freedom of each and every member of the TitsRP national community. You are a martyr to the cause, and your name will be celebrated in mead halls all across downtown_tits_v2 for generations to come.




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