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Why do you think the server is dying?


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I do agree with some of your points, however I think the server was toxic, and that was the fun thing about it. Everyone was toxic and it was a lot of fun when piklas cuffed other cops and beat them in a corner if they were bad. It was fun, it was a good time overall. CC's have been nerfed even more, so I really don't think CC's are a contributing factor, and now that you cannot p2w its not really a factor at all. I really just think its how the community changed in general and that most of the people in gmod want that toxic, fun time, not a "you have to watch for everything you do". Although a contributing factor is gmods popularity still going down. It's going to be hard to get out of this hole, hopefully the server can survive, but I don't know...



Yes - CC's have been nerfed. I'm not saying CC's are overpowered - they are inherently better and stronger. The point is that a lot of people have access to a CC now. New people see that and see it - "oh, that custom CC gun is overpowered, etc". That's just the inherit thought. It isn't overpowered - it appears overpowered. Perception is reality. The server was better when people had more freedom to do what they want. I still like it when kidnapping wasn't KOS to everyone.



I think the economy, CC's, basing, and the map need to be given a hard look. If CC's never existed on the server, or existed with very severe restrictions - I think the server would be in a much better spot. I think reverting back to the old king / banker would be good. I think having a smaller (but updated) map would be better.


Here's an example of why having a smaller map would be better (not the exact same situation, but relatable) - in World of Warcraft with all the expansions - if you go back to the older zones - it's dead. Everyone is playing the new content, in the new zone. It's kind of the opposite with downtown. Downtown is a classic, nostalgic map. People play in the classic areas. A lot of servers use a modify downtown map - this server isn't any different. Cut the content no one uses and polish the places people do use.


I think keeping the sewers as a way to travel (much smaller sewers) to other places of downtown would be better with limited basing options.

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Grape, you make a valid point. I agree that the spontaneous actions and toxicity of the server was much more fun. I think this has more to do with the players that were on the server than the staff being more strict, although I do agree that staff need to lighten up on a few things. I prefer to let the community moderate themselves but perhaps the solution is to not get staff involved as much.

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I don't ever see staff get involved unless you're braindead and use racial slurs in global chat, you're literally harassing them for hours/days, or you're doing things literally only to annoy people. I'm checking the reports section but I'm not seeing any valid reports on staff for being overly strict. Complaining about the staff being overbearing and strict and "ruining the server" when they're literally just stopping you from, for the most part, saying a singular naughty word in OOC is a little weird.



Are staff shitty and not doing anything or are they doing too much? I'm seeing both complaints here.


CCs are something Sugar said he wished he never added. I do see his point, and I'm glad people are starting to think a little more about it. CCs have their upsides and downsides. 


Basing is definitely an issue. People weren't happy with basing because it was stupidly overpowered and were leaving over it (and coming back, of course) so we nerfed it, so people complained and started leaving over that (and coming back, of course). Finding a balance is going to be hard when you have people doing everything in their power to break basing and make it as powerful as possible, but not everyone is doing that, and we have to balance it around both kinds of people. The people doing that aren't in the wrong, either, finding ways to make shit interesting is the point, it's just making it hard for us to balance it in a way that's good for everyone.

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I think that having lower amount of props + removing the one way props would make basing way better (remove C4's and such but keep things like the blow torch). People would have to be more creative and actually make sight lines to kill people - or even make a way behind the person that they don't know about to kill them.

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the only fun thing i find in the server now is interactions with new players, even if they never come back the next day.


getting raided by someone with loads of c4 isn't fun.


managing entities to get money isn't fun.


getting bludgeoned in the back of the head isn't fun.


grinding money for a cc isn't fun.


farming items isn't fun.


having an atmosphere of toxicity isn't fun.


doing a repetetive task isn't fun.


grinding leaderboards isn't fun.


having a meta weapon in every gun class isn't fun.

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What are you talking about Walter? You literally can't say "N-Word" Not the word, but the phrase "N-Word" along with a lot of other stupid shit. You can tell someone to kys and u will get not just muted, no, GIGAMUTED for 15-30mins. You can call someone a shitty staff member and they will mute you. Apparently "Staff Disrespect" is a thing, which NEVER was a thing before, but now people are getting banned/muted for it. A lot of the fun things we used to do, like I gave an example of what funny shit Piklas did, that was just that, fun, but now if you attempt to do anything near that you get banned for having fun. The most fun I've ever had was just memeing around with my friends, having fun, but then staff see you doing things that slightly breaks the rules - boom banned. Censorship has gone up on the server, you can't argue that. Most of the old players have left, so yes it is an entirely different playerbase, but most of the old players that I know left because of the terrible staffing, or the server not having enough updates to keep them around. Basing is an issue because there is a learning curve, as there is with everything, but I do agree sugar needs to make things more balanced, like making the blowtorch around 75k like it was around a year ago. Thundervoltz, you gotta have fun with farming money and getting items, I've gotten all my cc's and stuff from the server just having fun with my friends. Those late night proc farming times were great where me and like 5 others just chilled in a base talking for hours. I think CC's are well balanced and add to the server right now, as we all use a lot of the default jobs also. But yeah, to me, the number one problem is the staff team. I mean I got unknowingly perma banned and had to go personally talk to an admin to get unbanned, and I still have no idea what I did wrong. There is a lot of bullshittery that goes on with the staff team right now, it really isn't a good thing when an admin says "We would accept a cactus". That just shows the faith in the staff team itself, not just the players faith in it.

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Its not fun anymore for me because it wasn't how it was like it was a year ago with people. I always played because there was people like mark, north bear, grape.just dum people who did dum things and its just fun to be with em. I dont really see much of that anymore and I just dont see TitsRP fun to be on anymore.

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Its not fun anymore for me because it wasn't how it was like it was a year ago with people. I always played because there was people like mark, north bear, grape.just dum people who did dum things and its just fun to be with em. I dont really see much of that anymore and I just dont see TitsRP fun to be on anymore.





Rogue Staff | Stole My Bamboo | Fake Mod

0 Days

2018-03-20, 6:57 PM

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