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The Raccoon King


The Raccoon King last won the day on June 15 2020

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  1. my pc would die if i looked at those minis
  2. The most lucrative ways to earn cash are usually through basing in one way or another. Basing with lots of procs and printers and selling items to the general buyer is a simple way but as ppl said its high risk as many more experienced players could raid you. Selling meth makes a decent amount of cash at a steady rate and raiders usually ignore meth bases but meth is very tedious. Combining eth with regular basing will make you lots and lots of cash but its best to base with lots of friends in that situation. Selling enchanted weps is also a good way to earn money but at a less consistent rate. One of the best ways to earn money in my experience is through trading/buying lootboxes. Save up your talent points to buy the reroll personal perk. Buy lvl 2 lootboxes and if ur lucky you can sell expensive items to the gen buyer or you can hoard items until you see people wanting to buy them. Good items to sell are gang, vip, and proc tokens, jetpacks, raiding tools, chems, rare items/sweps. You could also try to sell bases if ur at least decent at building. there hasnt been a dupe seller in a while.
  3. Looks clean and i fuck with the aesthetic
  4. Gimme some unique event ideas that I and other staff could sponsor.
  5. +1 if i was mayor id be pretty sad if that happened
  6. Kinda hostile its just an idea my guy
  7. This is incredible and as long as all the ideas are valid like no clearly impenetrable bases which I think you have the IQ not to incorporate I will absolutely bring it up with head staff if I really have any say in it. You have my full support and I implore you to keep working. Good luck!
  8. Honestly this makes a lot of sense, there has been a large meta with the toxic mayor that long time players have become completely numb to. I agree to these points and add that building should be limited to the mayors office. When I'm on I'll take better care to straighten out laws and make sure they abide by the motd.
  9. I will start building a maze but am open to more suggestions
  10. This idea is going off of what succ said in his thread. I propose removing the wep enchanter job and instead having an NPC wherever the NPC's are (ex: spawn, sewers, beach, etc.) In this npc there would be recipes for weps that switch out every hour or so. an example for the recipe would be (gun + metal + money + resource[wood, chem, strange gem/rare oak, dragon egg] you would place the gun in a box, place the metal required for the rarity, and place the resource per rarity, as long as you have the money and all necessary materials you could craft the weapon epic and legendaries would cost more money and more mats + cost rarer mats and would also be rarer recipes. This would give farming another use as well as the dragon egg. Making legendary weps much much rarer. I also agree that small/invis pots/talis should be removed for balancing.
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