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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Yeetus

  1. If the hit box is very screwed up to the point it’s like eating a small food, it should have both done imo. In an extreme case I suppose it could be removed because I’m pretty sure Keith owns it and he’s never active anymore. I’m against this however just thought I should state the potentials.
  2. Two solutions could be to lower its base health and make it not able to raid.
  3. The big snake model can’t start or join revolts. I believe several are already blacklisted from starting or joining them.
  4. If you abuse staff powers you get demoted simple as that. I don’t know him so I can’t get behind this “community” I guess you would call it’s effort. If he truly abused powers he deserved the demotion, just because he was a good staff and took sits doesn’t exempt him from rules.
  5. Well with bludgeons it’s easy to look for the set amount of damage the bludgeon does in the logs. I can get how it can be annoying but I never had problems just finding the 5 damage done.
  6. Well, the point of the minimum word count is to make people be as specific as possible when making a sit. Staff don’t want to have to take non specific sits such as “this guy killed me please do something”.
  7. They’re literally defenseless when using them. I think they’re balanced considering how op bases are.
  8. I like the change. I’ve noticed a pattern with your group (nothing against you Corp) but every time I see someone get kidnapped and try to help you and several other people instantly begin attacking me. Lots of people that kidnap do this and it’s quite annoying.
  9. Welcome to the community. Don’t mind the toxic players and have fun!
  10. How could you say something so controversial yet so brave (you’re not wrong)
  11. Yikes I don’t know if I would have posted this on forrums. No staff should be spectating unless it’s for a sit. The fact that people in a discord call with you were spectating greag while you raided him doesn’t look to good IMO.
  12. Ah yes the alien minge that plagues me so
  13. I think this glitch has been known for a while and I think it was supposed to be patched but idk if it was fixed.
  14. Besides sugar stepping back if you haven’t heard about that which is highly unlikely.
  15. Depends what the dude has in his inventory
  16. I think this is a good idea because it could help new staff focus more on not making mistakes because something is on the line besides their position. I however don’t think the punishments should be as severe as bans.
  17. To sugar about the rdm zone. The top reward is literal poop. Most of the time it gives you one wood or 2 pounds of a drug. The rdm zone obviously isn’t rp but I still feel the reward should be higher.
  18. Some of super Mario’s suggestions are ok but I’ve noticed some on there are already in place. I don’t agree with some of them like removing useless jobs such as datboi, as somebody players prefer messing around without no particular goal in sight on useless jobs. Currently most shot guns and smgs are obsolete. Ars dominate the pvp. I don’t think prop limit should be changed. I do like some of the other suggestions tho.
  19. I mean he kinda already is. He has a faster lockpick which is exclusive to his class and he has a shotgun. IMO he’s fine the way he is.
  20. This happens with some other items. I found dropping them and re-inventorying them sometimes fixes the issue.
  21. Yeah you can stay gone. Make a ban appeal in a few years.
  22. I like the idea of a vape job just not part 4 lol.
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