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Tene last won the day on August 15

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About Tene

  • Birthday 11/21/2006



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    i have gmod clout.


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  1. we leaving some warns out lil bro u spam flooded chat and sent advert warns 26 times within 1 minute (i counted logs) and only killed a total of 3 people despite warning 26 times, each warn being within around a second or 2 of the last, literally flooding the chat. its a 5 minute gigamute as for this thread i think change the event to be some shit where both zombies and survivors are rewarded and the zombies are made KOS. it can only be started by admins, maybe a poll system where if 50% of server vote yes it starts the event or something could be neat, or it just happens every hour or so and lasts 5 minutes (like a purge event)
  2. source engine thing, if its not there then server just crashes when too many models are spawned
  3. remove that shit too the jump sound effect is a literal discord ping and its big as fuck edit: are we talking about the long ass revolver or the long ass katana jumpswep
  4. I hoard stuff so people raid back. It seems the RARE V.13 formula was not a strong enough dosage to counteract the 'Top Dog Aura' and it made you scared to raid back. The observation has been noted and all necessary enhancements will be made for future testing. Without the RARE Deluxe Piklas Prototype Pill © you would still be nothing, and now the experimental phase has ended it seems you are upset towards RARE (who made every likeable thing about you) due to the Garnival being temporarily closed following an internal investigation revealing significant management irregularities and unethical practices along with several fraudulent activities. You were subsequently removed from all RARE operations and we have attempted to detach ourselves from you as much as possible after the investigation was concluded. This however is not being reciprocated. Before talking on RARE again I strongly suggest you seek the counsel of your lawyers, you should be aware that there is a cease and desist currently in place against you, and making statements in order to harm or defame RARE will not be tolerated and will be counteracted with prompt and decisive legal action. Best regards, RARE CEO & Head of Product Development, Tene
  5. quitting comm cause he dislikes it but is still active in discord and still actively checks the forums fraud crashout for attention garnival publicity stunt, credibility lost #raremadeyou
  6. pretty sure this is intentional
  7. Tene

    Chud Giveaway

    hope i win i think if i won it would prove there is a big conspiracy
  8. you being less active doesnt mean that the server is dying. the server has actually been popping a lot more as far as i know and is quite fun. as for ur survey some of the statements are incredibly weirdly phrased. ''do you think you should have to wait ur turn to raid". I personally wish it didnt have to be like this, but YOU and YOUR GROUP specifically abusing this to ''takeover raid'' and then ''accidently die to my own timebomb'' or ''accidently walked into their bullets'' are the entire reason this rule was put in place. If taking over raids could be added without any form of counter raid takeovers then i'd be down, but unfortunately your group heavily abused this so it had to be lost to prevent that. as for the raid district question it seems to be written as if you didnt understand the current rule. why would we ban ''problematic people'' if there is no sufficient evidence put against them? if this were the case we would permanently ban terry, not because of any rulebreaks, but because he raids people too much. See how ridiculous it is to ban ''problematic people'' without an air tight case? So many people want terry banned BECAUSE he raids them, not because he is a supervillain who breaks every single rule, and if we just listened to them we'd be banning a player for doing nothing wrong and literally just being good at an aspect of the server (raiding). As for the 2nd half, not sure what you mean and i would appreciate you to provide examples of this instead of just talking without anything to back it up, maybe we can have a discussion about that and the staff that you believe are involved in witch hunting people not because they are breaking rules but because they are ''problematic'' (are u referring to haze or something?)
  9. wouldve done it until i scrolled and scrolled and saw i was on page 1 of 3. almost all raiding things have been discussed, raiding and basing rn is in a great state imo as opposed to 12 man basing groups with an extra 3 people not on doors (that u dont even know are going to defend) being able to ''takeover raid'' aka counter. picolas cage should not be able to train a person inside of a base cause his job cant raid which is why it was changed to being a random group of 10 players near eachother. frog pet wasnt nerfed it was bugfixed to do what it was meant to do. everything else idrc about but i like the post being a discussion type thing but i for sure dont think it should be anonymous if u want serious answers and not troll/spammed answers. cool concept good job goldfish
  10. Application format Ingame name: You Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mydny/ Previous gangs: Dinglefucks Hours played: 4400 Hours played past week: 60 Gametracker score: gametracker is now deleted but it was 4000 trust Age: 17 What are some skills and weaknesses you bring to raiding: i am good with my timing and use of inventory stuff, i have good aim and can usually full in any base, my weakness is sometimes not tunnel visioning enough on a raid so i waste time by being more focused on people outside. Do you base: Yes How often do you base: depends on the mood but around once a week now that i have started playing again (i think now its several times a week) What is your biggest weakness when basing: i have no weaknesses when basing. maybe inviting crashouts to the base and sometimes im not locked in enough so i miss the min-max time and waste time by accident. Other good qualities about you for the gang: im really cool and am known as the god of titsrp. i have a lot of admins/senior moderators on my side which allows me to help our gang win by banning/dealing with any threats on command. Do you use a mic: sometimes What is your favorite food: tough question i think its probably fried chicken. top dog out
  11. cp mains and bad mayors making the server come together for a mass pd raid/revolt are some of the most fun aspects of the server. 20v20s are fun asf. if people want to be cringers and revolt and suicide (not allowed) or just run to their deaths then let them do that, its still a better barrier to unfun instead of just letting u unfun without even attempting anything
  12. i think unfuns should be locked behind a revolt being lost first. it is quite silly that people's first go to is a unfun, especially when as smelly has said unfuns should be done when mayor's with bad laws are very hard to kill due to good dupes etc. !unfun should say ''Try revolting first!'' until there has been a revolt that has been lost (some people are unfunning during revolts for some reason which bugs out revolt timer).
  13. startbanning all the cringers who perma talk about femboy sex (50% of ooc dies)
  14. Tene

    Close My Account

    this guy isnt even me unironically and admins can alt check forums to see there is no way im this rent free bro if u want to quit logout. step by step guide for you since you are incompetent: Account settings Request account deletion. Remember this: I own you. Do you feel it?
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