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�از ا�س�طرة ع�� ج


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by �از ا�س�طرة ع�� ج

  1. Honestly I think that the price for double XP should be raised, I don't think that buying double XP should end up making you profit, I think that double XP is a shortcut and overall should make you lose money or break even at the end of the 24h
  2. unlucky homie i been tryna get it too not like you have tho
  3. We need to come up with a list of pets and how to get them. I can start with a few that I know. Fishing Pet : 1/25000 chance to get from fishing. Hobo Pet : 1/3000(might not be true) chance to get from every piece of trash dug out of dumpsters. Dragon Pet : 1/800 chance to get by destroying Dragon Eggs. Mini Mod : 15 prestige tokens. if you know others (even if you cannot obtain them anymore) please reply to this post with the name and how it was obtained and i’ll add it to the list.
  4. yeah that is true about the crates flooding, I would assume it wouldnt work with tokens, another good one would be dumpsters searched.
  5. I think that metal and wood farming should 100% be on the leaderboard. "XP Gained" or something along those lines would be pretty cool too. Maybe a staff leaderboard for sits or something too, not sure if that would be a good idea or if it has even been done in the past just throwing stuff out there. Leaderboard is one of my favorite things on the server so I would like to see more things to be on there for.
  6. i was on titsrp forums on my chrome book in class just reading reports/appeals ect and later in the day i get called to the office and i was suspended for 2 days LOL because they thought it was a porn website or something LMAOOO
  7. i wasn’t your boy but i will become your boy when you come back - i’m a flaming homosexual
  8. i’m wishing you all good luck during this years no nut november. remember together we can learn, not to release the sperm. (fuck you toeslurper) EDIT: fuck you kiezuh
  9. ok so my suggestion is to basically have something you can get from quests, tier three crates,ect that would function as a fishing token. basically it’s like a metal token or any other token but it makes a little fishing hole that way you can fish anywhere. i think this would be a good addition to the server because a lot more people would fish making the leaderboard more competitive.
  10. lostinplace joined a few times like 3 years ago+ https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4047
  11. i dont think ive seen you in game yet but you seem pretty cool welcome to the community
  12. i mean technically thats true but a big ass always helps a girl who genuinely cares about you with no ass is better than a girl with a big ass who doesnt actually care about you
  13. no man you took it the wrong way it was just a joke we are all having fun/im pretty sure theres only one mod here out of the like 5 staff online rn we are all having fun together it was just a good natured joke
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