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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Ghost

    Event Glitch

    No , I understand why the inventory is disabled for events but it happens even after the events for hours and hours till you reconnect Oh ok didn’t know that. I forwarded this to sugar already
  2. Ghost

    Event Glitch

    Think the inventory one may be intention to prevent people from pulling weapons into events last second
  3. Yeah it was funny. I’m pretty sure u were afk when I joined tact but I was there lmao
  4. Us canadians don’t have school nurses. We deal with shit ourselves
  5. these are lies i was investing money and this perv took some pics.... get a load of this guy
  6. Ghost


    He’s addicted to anime
  7. Jarred deserves to be stuck it’s fine +1 to fix this
  8. Ghost

    Money Pot exploit

    Sugar did say he would make it so the hacker class can hack it. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=6717 Only mods or above can see this thread
  9. Ghost

    Cl0ut give away

    Ghost of christmas past fuck if i know probably Ghost but it could be i throw rocks at fat girls memory was when i took like a hour to train ur ass, and now u kidnap me on the daily discord too much work
  10. Ghost


    Steam name: either Ghost or like i throw rocks at fat girls. (Good steam name right) IGN name: Ghost of Christmas past Do you know me: DO I KNOW YOU HECK THE FIRST PERSON I MET
  11. Ghost


    Some mods now have become garbage trainers, like pre bad. Not gonna name anyone but when I was more active than I am now and I trained people I spent at least like a hour with like ironic doing training making sureness he actually understands concepts so idk if this guy did or didn’t get training but damn people need to learn how to train
  12. Clear things up here he was kicked for his actions.....
  13. Ghost

    Broken Map Bugs

    Yeah man ur right... ur voice is obnoxious and ur mouse is clicky
  14. So much for that rocket raid eh
  15. https://gyazo.com/9ad1372f25f7990fb44fd688fa37df80 Sorry ladies and gents and sorry sugar but it looks like it's time for the big guns to come out
  16. I haven't really been mugged or anything like that and doesn't that usually take it directly from your hotbar not ur inventory. But it seems fishy I'm missing only my legendary guns aka the fastest mini gun on the server and the hecka fast deagle I had, and all my santa weapons
  17. Bug: Seemed after the new map came out I suddenly lost multiple inventory weapons (not in gang slots or anything) there were in my top spots but I am only missing certain things like my legendary weapons and santa weapons no regular or other weapons went missing (I tried to pm sugar obviously he didn't answer wanna know if others have this problem too Reproduce: dunno I can add pictures and such when I get hom
  18. Woah.... someone who agreed with me, literally mods can do what admins can to a extent either then perma ban or promote and demote. For forums literally all you have to do is ask for permission to accept and deny. Have we become that lazy we can't ask anymore? Like cmon we have 3 active admins do not think we really need anymore. They are extremely active especially on discord so you can ask for all the permission you want. I personally think some people are just power thirsty, can we not be happy with the rank we obtained? Why does a staff member need to move up in the ranks to be noticed? Why can't we all just be noticed? Listen, my point here is that yeah sure it's a dream to be a admin whatever but you don't need to be one. You don't need to move up ranks to be noticed, trust me you are noticed you just don't know it. You don't need to give up because you aren't a admin and yeah maybe you won't get admin for a while but WHY DOES A ADMIN ROLE MATTER. Why does it matter when moderators can do the same thing. Why does it matter when we have active admins already. This whole thing doesn't make sense people just want admin because the want to be better then the other, they want that extra power. Now don't get me wrong always strive to be the best you can be always look forward to the next step, but you shouldn't always expect it, know you have done well and don't need a blue tag beside your name to be noticed.
  19. Ghost


    Happy early birthday.
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