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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Frisco

  1. You fool! This is just a suggestion post to rename weapon forges in disguise!
  2. A very scuff tutorial on how to enchant weapons in on TitsRP. made in singleplayer :P
  3. Darkrp aks and crip cannons are not fishing exclusive.
  4. Whats poppin. This is probably the most quality of life suggestion I've made, anyways here it is. When you get into resolutions higher than 720p, inventory colors become harder to see. My suggestion is to increase the amount of pixels that are affected by the color changing in inventory. I know that isn't the best explanation so I spent 30 minutes in photoshop doing each of them manually. Heres what the colors look like at 1080p GMOD at 1080p ^ Original ^ Both of these are from GMOD at 720p ^ edit i made in photoshop. This is what I am suggesting is changed so color coding is more useful. This could even be a toggle-able option in the help menu. High Contrast Inventory Just a little quality of life suggestion.
  5. Ok I’ll make 10 more suggestions.
  6. I've been flying around the TitsRP map for like 20 minutes now and I noticed there isn't a single bank in industrial area. There is one in pretty much every other section of the map. And even then, the nearest one isn't too far. Let me just post pictures of the wack ass placements of these. 2 banks in just this one area. Why is it getting special treatment? Ok now I'm just like what the fuck is this, whoever set bank pos' you need to reconsider your life choices. No banks industrial so please add one. Great spot, visible from street and not in the way of anything. Added arrows if you're blind. Btw here is this locations world pos if you wanna trust my numbers :P -4035.519287 2994.224854 -31.983986 -4035 2994 -31 Long story short please add a bank to industrial there is banks everywhere but industrial.
  7. RX 590 Ryzen 5 3600 32gb DDR4 3200Mhz RAM 1920x1080 144hz
  8. R u dumb? Guns are never the reason that bullets don’t reg. It’ll always be hitboxes or some sort of issue with the host.
  9. A bulletproof window in the bar of a strip club does not make sense no. Hmu if you ever see a strip club with a bulletproof window where drinks are served tho. Oh and the graffiti, It is suppose to spell petrol just a small critique to move it over a few feet. And that incline... sure there could be a secret there, but there isn't so it serves no purpose other than being an extremely detailed invisible barrier.
  10. Move kingdom from admin land over here. This black square would be a garage door with a button behind it to close and the kings "lock" button would just close the door. (This could make the current portals equivalent of FDA impossible) On top of this people would no longer be able to glitch into admin land, restoring the areas original purpose. Could also add a bridge to easily access this area (People already do this with props all the time) This would also make the NLR I see broken so often with the kings portal obviously be harder because of the further distance) No explanation needed here. Simple graffiti fix. Remove section that serves no purpose. I mean really? What part of this makes sense? Ignore the fail base comment and just lower the vent so anybody can access it without breaking rules. Just a small little suggestion for another fishing area, catching fish in a fuckin fountain pond doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. Never seen a bar with bulletproof windows. Just basically copy the left side(circled) all the way over to the right. Window and chairs alike. Fix the no-render barrier here to match every other one in the map to help with frames in industrial.
  11. In the CC 'Edit Items" tab there should be a "None" option. There is many reasons for this. It is really frustrating knowing you'll have to wait till someone's sweps get removed in order to not have to scroll as much. Many people have made this suggestion in the past, and personally I'm not sure why it hasn't already been done. If you can add weapon slots you should be able to disable them aswell.
  12. Server is shit as always but with even more soft ass snowflakes.
  13. Reminds me of a dude I used to know. Think his name was hoodie or something.
  14. No clue either. And I agree it should be vip only.
  15. dating nanights lmao.
  16. This isn't a new issue. I sent a recording of it happening on a val a while back and nothing was done about it. Which is probably my fault. No formal bug report was made. I'll put two recordings I have of this happening anyways. kap40 is an as val reskin btw. https://streamable.com/81eq09 (0.07 firerate prenerf leggy val shooting just as fast as a non enchanted kap40) https://streamable.com/nimwgu (0.06 firerate prenerf epics, pkm works fine. sl8 says 0.06 firerate and has the default firerate) all of these guns were enchanted before the nerf. If it matters edit: sorry bout the buzzing sound in link 2
  17. Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it. Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair. "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven." What does this even mean? You're just grasping for straws at this point. When you grind for things its just a given you're working for something powerful, cool or just something you want. This entire thread is just a long way of saying "how dare people that have put the hard work in, have powerful things." And the best part about this whole thing is that this dude thinks its unfair that people who have money have better items. That's how the world works man. Get over yourself.
  18. Few issues with this. (I'll do the annoying numbering thing staff do) 'Grind to win' - he pulled out an SBC cannon. Sure, they are expensive, deterring players from using them, but this is basically what I am talking about when I say grind-to-win or pay-to-win. 1 SBC Cannons are meant to be good. Its not impossible to die with them infact more times then not the people using them end up killing themselves. Sure it does a lot of damage but not anyone can just pick them up and use them properly. 2 It is the same thing with jetpacks. They are meant to be good. And again, a lot of the times people end up killing themselves with it because just all it takes is a 15 foot jump to instantly die. 3 These arent things only rich people can get, all you need is to open lootboxes from an npc. Which you can earn with xp not just money. All you have to do is actually try to get them. My thing with this is, if you're looking to remove or nerf all the shit that makes the endgame fun, what is there to work for? Ill leave it at that. edit: some words
  19. Why is this high or medium it isn’t game breaking
  20. I fail to see how saying to free someone is bringing hate to staff. If literally any other player were to do the dumb shit that our group does they might be banned, sure but at least they’d be given a chance to defend themselves. This is why you’re biased. Not letting someone show their evidence before any decision is made. You are the perfect example of how staff members should not do their job. And now let’s see if I get banned for voicing my opinion. The reason people openly talk about you and your decisions is because they want to see something done about it. It’s not a secret that you have had several reports on you and those don’t just come from nowhere. These people really had big enough issues with you to take the time from whatever they were doing and to write a whole thread trying to get done what we all want. For you to be demoted. These reports no matter how numerous they are, are always shot down. That my friend is why people behave the way they do. Not because they want to start drama for no reason, but because the want to see something done since clearly the forums isn’t doing anyone any favors. edit: some meaningful words.
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