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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. Yeah, generally your best bet when using a new Wi-Fi is to run a speed test (found here: Speedtest.net) and if your Wi-Fi averages fewer than 5 mbps then it's pointless to attempt connection to a server with as many add-ons as titsrp has. Hopefully you can get your issues fixed. If you ever have any tech issues feel free to pm me and I'll be more than happy to assist. (I work in networking and internet repair as a career so im your man lol)
  2. Okay so to me it looks like your wireless signal timed out. Essentially garry's mod exceeded the maximum bandwidth your internet connection allows, which in turn caused you to lose complete connection to the server. Your best bet is to clean up your add-ons, and open your Wi-Fi ports, thus creating a clean and seperate ip address for your game to connect to. (This can be caused by new add-ons and such on the server, stressing the client out)
  3. I used to have this opinion, but then police wouldn't really ever have a legitimate reason to raid. But I do 100% agree that so many Police raids are just random warrants, and when I take a sit that involves a false Police raid, it's incredibly messy to sort out. I'd like to think there's a better system that could be implemented, but I really don't know what that would be without either making police raids never happen, or constant false police raids. Not sure, just a thought but one way to remedy this would allow police to see printers through walls. However I see how this could be abused, so perhaps the police would only be able to see the printers within a relative proximity, and temporarily with some sort of scanner swep that only certain cp would have (police chief, swat members, etc. Kind of like a "signal interruptor" that picks up on the trail of a printer. Just a thought, maybe someone can improve on this idea and make it a workable thing
  4. Monoxide

    Time off

    No I promise I'm not lol
  5. Monoxide

    Time off

    Hey guys. I thought I'd make a quick post to let everyone know that I'll be inactive on the server, and reserved from the forums for the next four days or so. I have things to do with work, and my wedding this saturday, honeymoon directly following. I look forward to being back after my very short hiatus. Take care everybody, ill see you all soon.
  6. 1. This isn't a bug 2. Pm sugar. I'm going to close this thread and warn you. Making public threads that could be PMed to one person (e.g, CC problems) - 1 week warning for 50% on the first offense, leading up to a ban after several offenses.
  7. As the leader of the dark carnival I extend my hand to you, in an attempt to form an alliance that will be mutually beneficial to the both of us. The terms of this alliance are as follows, and should you accept will be effective immediately. We (the DC) will not raid or otherwise harm you or any of your members in any way, so long as you (the wanderers path) reciprocate the gesture. We will offer protection and assistance to you and your brothers in times of need, including but not limited to: safehaven within our gang bases, protection for your own bases in the form of soldiers acting as guards, and assistance with smuggling or procuring items, so long as you reciprocate We will not rat any illegal activities out to the police, and expect the same from you. We look forward to your correspondence on this offer.
  8. Also give mods more liberty with accepting and denying ban appeals. We can ban for 1 minute, which is equivalent to unbanning, so we should be able to accept or deny appeals, it would make the process go by so much smoother if we didn't have to wait for an admin
  9. I second this. I ran into this issue about an hour ago
  10. I see you like carnivals! Excellent! As the leader of the dark carnival I extend my hand to you, in an attempt to form an alliance that will be mutually beneficial to the both of us. The terms of this alliance are as follows, and should you accept will be effective immediately. We (the DC) will not raid or otherwise harm you or any of your members in any way, so long as you (the brotherhood) reciprocate the gesture. We will offer protection and assistance to you and your brothers in times of need, including but not limited to: safehaven within our gang bases, protection for your own bases in the form of soldiers acting as guards, and assistance with smuggling or procuring items, so long as you reciprocate We will not rat any illegal activities out to the police, and expect the same from you. We look forward to your correspondence on this offer.
  11. Dude im 21, if you don't see me on its because I'm either working, or drunk lol
  12. Good luck to ya in college. I graduated at 19 and never wanna go back
  13. We have here an example of titsrps native carcinogens in their native habitat. Rep bombing is fucking childish as heck
  14. Look around you. Pets that look like pokemon, who can say Allen and carry weapons, bipedal walking frogs that wear shirts and throw bibles, HALF HUMAN HALF CAT creatures, SENTIENT PICKLES WITH THE FACE OF NICK CAGE. These monstrosities walk among you and it is the government's doing. OPEN YOUR EYES IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK. (This should be made into a full fucking rp storyline. It'd give a purpose to the rebel job, stop the government from creating the "super animals"
  15. This is where your tax dollars are going people! Every time the mayor taxes you he puts that money into funding for animal experimentation! This is just one of many creatures that have been genetically engineered by the titsrp government! A super dog with semi human sentience. STOP GOVERNMENT TESTING ON ANIMALS TODAY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.
  16. So you're the guardians of the galaxy in titsrp
  17. Can you show me some sort of proof of this happening such as screenshots or a video? I am thinking of making an "alleged scammer" part of the list but it feels like that would be abused to say anyone you don't like is a scammer. Would like to hear what other people think Does a second person attesting to these claims count? He's done it to me as well
  18. Monoxide


    Crow get zek to join DC id love to have the living meme himself within my ranks
  19. Sugar stop im losing bloodflow to my brain, it's all being diverted elsewhere ;)
  20. I've NEVER gotten an erection that fast......im dizzy
  21. Just be patient. Sugar has to put these classes in himself, and he's working on updates while handling things like this, there is the possibility of delays
  22. Monoxide

    CC stuff

    Pm sugar Making public threads that could be PMed to one person (e.g, CC problems) - 1 week warning for 50% on the first offense, leading up to a ban after several offenses.
  23. Its in the server rules "Do NOT call an admin for a single RDM"
  24. Damn wish I could see these. Stupid phone won't cooperate.
  25. Okay this will be my final word on this thread and if you still don't get it after I'm done speaking my peace then so be it. Yes, every active staff member signed up to be staff, we volunteer our time to help the server, but this is not a job. Staffing this server doesn't put food on anyone's table, or gas in their car. This is a GAME, one that might I add we all paid for. If you can't understand that were human and want to play the game then that's on you, but I will not sit here and listen to the boohooing about how "seventy percent of the staff are bad" when you haven't included any worth while suggestions. You've criticized without any way for us to truly improve. I'll reiterate what another staff has said, if you feel you can do better then put up or shut up. Put yourself in our shoes and I guarantee your tune changes instantly.
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