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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. It is the 4th anniversary of TitsRP. That's amazing. So Free VIP is given out. So personally, I don't like the idea of the free vip being given out. It spoils new players since they don't have to grind for VIP like other players did year round. For me, I spent about 2 weeks raiding and grinding money to get VIP. I got on every day and worked hard for VIP so it sucks to see that people can just come in here and get free VIP. 

          Additionaly, the celebration gift for the 4th anniversary is one-sided. New players get free VIP while old players that have been on TitsRP for a long time and already have VIP get nothing for it. Yeah i know it sounds greedy but still there was nothing given to the old players. In my opinion the gift was unfair to the old players.

          Finally, it lowers the value of VIP. When someone got VIP people would say congrats and welcome. However now, someone getting VIP is common text in the chat. Some people spent actual money and put in many hours to get vip. Also, VIP jobs are always full and the most popular jobs are filled very quickly.

    Never ask for money sugar will nerf it in the long term if there is a surplus of cash.

  2. As Tits grows in player count day by day, Sugar and the upper staff think we don't have enough staff. My main reason for posting this is to encourage those people that are on the fence about applying because they don't want to be denied. We have been instructed to be a bit more lenient in our grading of apps, so apply away!


    Some tips I can offer as a senior moderator, do your homework and show us you did your homework. Show us you took the effort to read the MOTD and punishment times. Add some formatting. Ask staff members questions or if you can shadow sits.


    Good luck everyone.


    Nah just add more respected especially people with zero warns and over 500 hours on the server if there are any.

    1. Record trade
    2. Get players steam ID
    3. Say you're trading for a 100k item, you being the buyer, make them add the item and 1m
    4. You add 1100000
    5. Reread trade info
    6. Accept if correct
    7. Check inv and money to make sure
    8. If all is good then good for you
    9. If not report said player for scamming and add one of the deal so they know it was for -100k and therefore 1m scammed and its against the rules to scam 1m plus


    Good but you will never outsmart zek he will scam you 100%

  3. Hi everyone, a few days ago I left for my vacation. It is only a 5 day vacation, so I will be back in 3 days. Hope everything is going good on the server and happy bday Tits!


    Welcome back zesh.



    Implement them with gangs. Perhaps every gang could have a "Legal Operations" and "Illegal Operations" subset that you are able to join and switch between with a cool down. It could have perks that you get just for joining and ones that are unlockable. Maybe have them tied to a different XP pool, and while you get XP for things like selling a weapon from your gun stand, you also get "Operations/Union/Job Experience" that unlocks these perks.


    Some of my ideas include, if you're a gun dealer and you're on the illegal team your adverts will be a different color/bolded to make them stand out, or you get 10% off a random shipment that changes every 30 minutes and can advertise it as a sale, or as a hitman you have a chance to randomly receive a hit from an "anonymous source," possibilities are endless with how auti creative we all are. 


    I like wanted's idea of adding more legal ways of making money, and especially for utilizing the sewers for something other than hiding the mayor. I also recall a Baker job from 1942 that made bread somehow. All I remember is there were five of us in a tiny building down the road from the reich and we were scared as shit we were gonna be found out. 


    add back meth


    • Yes like a fisherman job that gets higher chance of rare fish when fishing and gets crab meat if he kill a player on crab job that he can use to make special dishes that give different perks like talisman.
    • Add indentured servant system that allows a user to pick different mission for a player to do that is like a quest like "chop 50 trees" or "make 10 of x item" that gives the owner the product automatically after the indentured servant completes the mission and gives the servant, servant tokens to buy items from the servant shop.

  5. Hey, guys I've arrived at my destination and I'm settled down. I might continue to make forum posts or engage in some discussion posts during my vacation occasionally to stay in touch.


    Your dad is a lesbian and you should get smite by the Lord K Dawg himself.


    I can confirm since i am his lover.

  6. With lootboxes and treasure hunter giving you other people sweps, tokens, ect. I think there needs be more inventory or bank size . At least a way to buy more space like inventory tokens. Also a button to auto combine duplicate items you have in your inventory. Lastly a way to sort items like value or alphabatical order.

  7. Hey! So I was thinking, would it be possible to do something just like revolts so when a CP dies during the PD raid they are unable to use their weapons and shit but for PD raids also. And when it would end is when the people PD raiding die or there is a timer set on how long you have to PD raid. Why I want something like this added is because pretty much %100 of the time I PD raid and kill a few CP most of them come back and break NLR and attack me again during my PD raid after I killed them. This may not be possible but I thought it would be a good idea.


    Good point thats is why we shouls buff the jug.

  8. if we nerf kidnapping we need to rebuff basing


    why not both?


    Whats wrong with kidnapping it doesnt take up much time just pay and leave or just go afk instead of complaining.


    I don't play videogames to be afk 50% of my time playing them. why don't you come up with something useful to say instead of saying stupid and predictable shit that has already been said and disputed several times in the thread?

    Maybe remove kidnapping so these whiny adults could play their video games!!!!!!!!! Kidnapping doesn't need to be changed since it's been nerfed into the ground. It's your fault for being kidnapped all the time, I only get kidnapped by mass kidnappers when I'm tabbed out or just fucking about in OOC. If you get kidnapped in RP you're a master at not being aware of your surroundings.




    PS: I forgot to add that my opinion does matter mingy peanut.


    Im not sure if you saw what Mentor said, but players don't log onto Tits just to sit in a box half the time nor go afk. Read.



    Sitting in the hobo box while I get drunk enough to tolerate you idiots is not the same thing as RPing and having my RP constantly disrupted by kidnap.


    as a side note, in the past 2 days since this topic was made, I have not been kidnapped once. And I do think it has been significantly more enjoyable to be on the server without being kidnapped or having to fight CC kidnappers.

    so you are complaining about your rp being distrupted by others RPing? lmao open ur eyes and maybe you can get the kidnapper before he gets ya.


    Someone pissed in ur cheerios this morning 


    be honest, most people do not RP as kidnappers they do it just to do it, or to get XP, or to annoy people.

    kidnapping for xp or to annoy people is still rp


    False. Kidapping to annoy people is classified as minging. As an ex-staff I would expect you to know that.


    Some people's rp is other people annoyance, i personally like being kidnap if the kidnaper acyully rps and dosent just kidnap you and is inactive with his victims.

    • Like 1
  9. This was talked about in staff chat just like 20 minutes ago. Processors are going to return to their former glory except they will need 1 barrel per 20 prints & 1 metal (or 0 metal with the upgrade).


    While it was my choice to implement the processor change in the first place, I wasn't the one who thought about it. It was YOU PEOPLE who thought processor farming was too OP (which it was & now basically will be like that). At some point we will find a balance though. I will make plants not dry out so often too.


    I have ideas on new systems to make basing more engaging but that may take some time.


    Also your assumptions are correct with trying to limit entity usage in each person's base. This prevents a few people from having everyone's stuff. Also old basing would bring in 20+ mil a day if done correctly which is way blown out of proportions of how much money I want people making a day


    Easy solution is to have a zesh job that will pick someone at random that has no entites on the server when there are too many entities. that will make them invincible and gives them a gun that can make props noclip and destroys entities . They lose the job after x amount of time or after x amount of entities are destroyed.

  10. Kidnapping.


    The first issue is bases. Most to all kidnappers use are either bases where its completely one color and you can't tell where your going or its a slightly different shade from the outside.


    Another issue that is also connected to the all one color is that somewhere in the entire entrance of the base, there is one no collided wall thats not only where you can shoot through it, but its practically impossible to find within a reasonable amount of time while first entering the base. ( Most Kidnapping bases that have this trait require you to either crouch or jump crouch into a specific area all while they have a hidden area where they can see you and shoot but you can't see them )


    And another Issue is that there is no Role-play involved in kidnapping, you're just hitting someone in the back of the head with a stick or sandwich and carrying said victim off to a pitch black area where they have to either wait 5 minutes to kill themselves or for the captor to get bored with them and kill them.


    CC's with the bludgeon is also a issue, most CC's have a plethora of weapons at their disposal as well as healing items and some that give armor. This makes it damn near impossible to stop them when they use their jumping swep go into the sky just to come down and hit your noggin and carry your body off into their little cave.


    Kidnapping should be implemented in with Role-play, not only should said kidnapper HAVE to place the box, but there should be a new system to kidnapping so its not just a one hit to the back.


    Thank you for reading this.


    Yea sugar should remove the coldown for kidnaping.

    • Add a loyalty system that rewards you for playing an x amount of time, such as getting respected  if you have 1k+ hours and no warns or free vip.
    • Add a insurance system that players can buy that will cover entities such as printers or processors of they are destroyed in a raid and be able to caim them at full upgrade and xp, but wont produce anything for lile 30 min so it cant be exploited.
    • Add a gambling system that you earn a different type of currency that you use to buy currecny exclusive item or perks with.
    • Bring back king of the hill event.
    •  Make darth vader a gang leader.
    • Add a work system in the jail that will reduce a players jail time and make the pd money.

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