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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. 9 hours ago, Dingus McCracken said:

    Holy fucking shit guy, it's a fucking GAME. This ain't the goddamn pinnacle of human interaction that needs to be strongly policed every single time someone does something stupid. If you are having this much of an aneurysm because of rule breaking, you should take a break from being a control freak and take a week off or something.

    🤓👆But how do you know its a game and isn't real life?

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Malicious said:

    i get that but i'm just showing you it's easy to get xp it shouldn't be reduced...

    That is a subjective statement and has no objectivity in it please share what makes it easy in comparison to other activities. 



    • reckduck 1
  3. On 6/25/2021 at 7:13 PM, WantedNearby said:

    Revert kidnapping back to it's former glory and remove hard hat perk. 





    Correct revert it back to no cooldowns for kidnapping, than it will be immersive 



    • thumbdown -1 1
  4. It's gonna be a no from me on all of these. We don't want more entities you can get for "free". If you want two mini printers, use a mini printer token or raid. We did a change a while back actually because you used to be able to buy 2 big printers, but, in order to reduce the number of entities on the map, we lowered that to 1 and just buffed the single printers, Dont want to do an inverse of that change, would reduce server performance. Sound reduxxers are one of the few things people actually bother to craft, so, at the risk of making the crafting system useless, gonna decline that as well. Also, you can get tons of those out of lootboxes anyway. Finally, regarding processors, part of their balance is that they're safer buys than printers - they give generally less money than printers do, but they also have no explosion risk. People highly value processors anyway, so, I dont think theres a lot of them floating around the map - I think people gobble them up pretty quickly


    True we want to make this server the dark souls dark rp equivalent and remove all currency to force players to barter for items, good post.

  5. apparently i have a -1 rep for mass rdming after i got demoted

    u bafoons really out heree saying i mass rmded after i got demoted from tmod even though i never even got back on titsrp after i got demoted


    edit: i am not blaming the entire server i just wanna make sure that people think that i was super salty and i mass rdmed the entire server apologies if i made it look like im blaming the entire server


    yikes actually caring  about rep on a website that does nothing.

  6. Correct we need things to be added to increase immersion like increase's cp's base movement speed as well as batman, or sugar/doc npc that teaches new players the rules with audio in case they are blind or illiterate like wantednearby is (reason he has 50 warns cause he cant read).

  7. why does Watermelone come here and bitch about everything

    "printers and procs need buffs + shit suggestions"

    "report on you and timbleweed"

    "frostmourne is too op"

    if you don't like it then leave


    adding failsafes to processors isn’t buffing them big brain

    Correct we need to buff batman and jug, tbh they are way too under powered at this point and not very realistic, breaks my immersion.

  8. Believe it or not, staff, I'm not suggesting this just for myself (especially considering none of my warns are 1 month old), but I think it's a good idea. Especially if a person has a bad spread on the server and turns around. It's a big bias thing with staff. If somebody has a high warn count, they're more likely to get a warn than not.


    See what i mean, my point proven.

  9. I figured I'd suggest that Sugar should implement a system that auto-deletes your warns if they're a year old, because I have a small number of warns that are invalid or old


    I figured this would be nice because we have the ability to appeal warns, but if the staff member who gave us the warn is no longer apart of the community, we're stuck with the warn forever and it adds to our total forever. I myself have 11 warns as of 10/29/2018 and that is because I've played for a long time (since late 2016) and they've just racked up, I've never been banned, just warned and I think I've learned from my warns, and I'm sure others have as well. It'd be pretty cool to see if Sugar would be willing to add a system to auto-delete warns after a certain amount of time (which I think a year is fine). Not too short, and it's not that long.


    To conclude, the warn system could be revised and could keep a log of all of your current warns (so staff could see them) but have an active warn threshold, which the warns become in-active after a certain time.


    For example, Player X gets warned on 10/29/2018 and a year has passed (10/29/2019) and his warn is declared inactive but still logged for staff.


    As for the banning system/kick system for warns, they can stay the same.


    But if a player gets an obsessive amount of warns (even if they aren't active, it should be a high punishment).


    Yikes actually one of the worst suggestions, if the warns are false just appeal them and if they rules are no longer valid i think they should still be kept since it will show regardless that the player didnt follow a rule at the time. This would really only benefit minges that get alot of warns. If you have a few warns its not a big deal. I could only see this working if you change amount of warns need to get perma banned to 10 or having 3 similar warns is a perma banned. Already pretty laxed with warn system, if you can figure the rules by 50 probly should seek professional help if its not due to being too careless or intentional breaking the rules.

  10. Sugar could just buff other aspects of combat to balance it such as, having job or jobs that are immune  to certain talisman like gun jam and/or possibly a talent or perk that gives you damage reduction if not using any talismans or increased damage to players using a talisman or more then one talisman.

  11. At this point I've been playing a while and realize that a takes a while to fill the xp bar for mining/tree material farming. Knowing that we get [4+ xp] ( Per xp bar cooldown ). Can we get a fraction amount that shows at the bottom left that also shows how much you've got complete?


    IE: 500/1k or something


    I also always wondered why some xp tasks have no cooldown... like creating talismens... farming processors... processing drugs... why can't it be that way for farming trees/metal ores? and other things?


    reason is that some unnamed gangs might have waited at all the trees the day the gang update came out and got a completely ethical and fair amount of xp



  12. Sugar needs to team up with a third party that helps treats mental handicap people, have it be the only way to get unban from 35 warns since if your arnt intentionally trying to get warns you are most likely mentally lacking .

  13. There should be a device that either makes it so you dont drown ( The easiest and laziest route to doing this suggestion )

    in the water so people can make underwater areas, basically I want to make a underwater chill place thats surrounded by water and sharks and what not.


    Bye bye.

    My laziest suggestion


    Correct we should transform titsrp to waterworldrp.

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