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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Mayor and PD get small percentage from lottery winning


    For an incentive for people to want to become mayor and so the pd can issue warrants and encourage people to be pd too so others can raid the too bank.


    Also if possible a pd house alarm that you can buy from the pd that automatically alerts the police when someone breaks into house.


    A Slot machine or a type of gambling machine for the gambler.


    Maybe a bounty like system(not for a bounty) for the Spawn of heck gives them a random target to search for.


    Ability for gangs to pick their perks.


    For gangs to be able to make a custom class for gang.


    Possibly to rework Hazard job so when you scan people for Ebola it lets them know that is what you are doing.


    Increase the amount of money you can invest in a bank vault.


    More General Buyer npcs around the map.

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