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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. I think it's a good reference for how someone's general behavior is. I mean yeah, you can ask for rep, but I doubt anyone is asking for negative rep



    Well you didnt know zek then, becuase he begged for -1 rep and then bragged about.


    I did actually, but I only knew him in-game. He was an alright Bounty Hunter/ kept to himself before all the drama that made him a meme.


    Well he may been alright ingame, but im not sure about out of game.



  2. I think it's a good reference for how someone's general behavior is. I mean yeah, you can ask for rep, but I doubt anyone is asking for negative rep



    Well you didnt know zek then, becuase he begged for -1 rep and then bragged about.

  3. For all that don't know…


    Sugar isn't trying to make this server a "pay to win." So all those suggestion are never going to happen.


    Yea i know,  but i dont think it wouldnt be fair to add more health on a larger pm if their hitbox is bigger as well

  4. Here's an idea, allow small player-models to have the same advantages of normal playermodels, 100 HP and simmilar height, but make them cost more.


    Bro people with money will get mad advantages over others thats not fair for them.Pm specially should be set to have all or very similar hit boxes and sizes to make it fair for everyone


    Plus it would be nice having more health on a larger than normal pm, also i agree to what you said.

  5. dang that is a lot more, i dont know i feel its pretty fair just adjusting their max health because you are less likely to hit them compared to one with a normal size pm in my opinion.

  6. Here's an idea, allow small player-models to have the same advantages of normal playermodels, 100 HP and simmilar height, but make them cost more.


    Cost more what, and how much more?

  7. If you think a playermodel is too small, let me know and I can swap theirs out. All playermodels with a smaller hitbox are adjusted on the server and their screen. Their view is reduced to 50% and their max health they can ever get will stay at 50. If a model goes through the floor, it's not intended and can be swapped out


    If their is pm larger than the normal size will you increase their max health?

  8. Edited just for you Walt.


    but its isnt a bug, they are using Stealth camo


    You're not supposed to be able to hide an obvious red reskin, it's exploiting. I was informed it will be fixed on next reset.


    Ohh ok, i was just saying sugar said it was fine to use durring revolts

    That he did say, you're right ?

    Yea but he may have meant it was ok to use until he patched it, idk .

  9. Edited just for you Walt.


    but its isnt a bug, they are using Stealth camo


    You're not supposed to be able to hide an obvious red reskin, it's exploiting. I was informed it will be fixed on next reset.


    Ohh ok, i was just saying sugar said it was fine to use durring revolts

  10. I looked at older post's and found them to not be applicable to our current problem. I've seen a few players cloaking and killing during a revolt and it is very unfair to PD. Unfortunately, since I have never done it I do not know how to produce it but I'm sure someone does. It'd be nice to see this fixed.


    I pm sugar and he said it was ok to do it.



    Can you use stealth camo during revolts, some mods say yea and others have said no?



  11. It SEEMS like it would just be a lot of editing of current scripts and a couple new jobs, but I don't fucking know how Sugar set his shit up (mayor GUI, revolt system, terrorist system, etc would all have to be messed with).


    • An update like this may encourage real role play. People REALLY get into the whole "communist mayor" thing as it is which, as it turns out, is what role playing is all about!
    • It could give PD the boost it needs to become popular with more players.
    • It would give the rebel job a real purpose and encourage role play on this front as well. Maybe rename mayor's assassin "rebel spy."
    • It'll add new (military) jobs and be fun as heck.

    On the other hand,

    • It may be difficult or impossible to implement.
    • It would require some very serious balance testing.

    As far as purge goes, I don't think it's a good idea. CCs will continuously spawn with guns and you will eventually run out.


    True maybe they should change the the rebel's job into soviets class or add them as another gang class.

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