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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

    • Rename pissed baby to pissed zesh
    • Add another currency that can only get from events. Such as zek scams, zesh tears, salt, and sugar sperm.
    • Slave system that lets kidnappers make their victims into slaves and sell them to other players .
    • Add a rank between vip and respected. Such as Void Rp MVP, Sugar Daddy, Sugar's lover, and Church of Zek.
    • Dynamic economy (ex. More printers on the server higher the cost of items are in f4 menu and less money you get from general buyer for selling stuff)
    • Boss npc that spawn at random and drops loot
    • More legacy jobs
    • A cp that can detect printers
    • A cp with a riot shield
    • More events
    • Increase cp pay day
    • decrease prop limit to 9 or 11
    • Have staff meetings twice a week on sat and sunday

  1. Turn theater into an actual theater with a media player and a theater job/owner. The theater base is way too overpowered and that part of the map was never really supposed to be based in.


    Or to counter powerful base dupes, increase c4 and blowtorch drop rate from processors.


  2. I know that I am not staff, but if you and the owner/whoever is in charge of the rules section could give it an overhaul, that would be great.


    Things off the top of my head are missing

    Valid Rp Demote info, IE what is/isn't valid

    Clarify what cops can/cannot arrest/fine for

    IE I was yelled at for arresting a jwalker when jwalking was illegal, Mdantos said that "I was supposed to fine him instead"


    Just in general beef up the rules and then at the same time  If something isn't in the rules ------> don't punish for it


    Define LTAP, NITRP and other acronyms in the rules


    For LTAP, us players need some heads up not to disconnect, maybe implement a so and so has reported you DO NOT disconnect IDK


    True some of the rules could be clarified better.

  3. Job name: Zek the Scammer or just the "Scammer"

    Job description: Scam People 

    Can Do: Scam,Raid

    Cant Do:Base, Heist, and Kidnap


    Job Abilities:

    • !scam does a similar thing to what the abomination's !rampage does except gives Scammer a fast pickpocket swep that he can pickpocket someone in a few seconds.
    • Ability to hack into the pd's panel that you can buy amour and health from . That allows Scammer to get all the money spent in the panel for a set amount of time and possibly a cooldown in addition.
    • A disguise sweep that he can change his player model into a type of pd job with his job name changed too.
    • Handcuffs that works similar to pd handcuffs except if people dont pay the fine, nothing happens.
    • swep or possibly a command that  when used on a player, pops a message on that player's screen. That Scammer can make the message and change with an amount they could set with the max being 10k that the player can accept to pay or decline to pay. Also a long cooldown maybe being like 30 minutes so they cant spam people.

    Job Weapon:

    A minnigun that dosent shot anything from it but makes the gun noise but with a lower volume and does damage to the scammer so he dose not spam it.


    Other Info:

    Scammer is AOS for the PD


    Possible ideas for Playermodels:














  4. Zek! Thats a name I haven'y heard in a while. But yes the problem of staff not taking sits is kind of rising. I was ex-master baitor before resigning due to life changes and do notice that some staff(not saying any names) RP more than staff. Most of the time the problem aren't that noticeable due to there being good staff in the mix. However, once chaos starts and sits starts piling up staff usually show their true faces. The new influx of Male porn stars(generalizing here, there are some are like 14 inches long but in very little amount) do help a bit but not a lot due to the tendency of master baitors to have the stank for the dick(again, not naming any names, but zek(sugar Tits), zeshthedoge, and billcate). So when the server is horny and there's onlymaster baitors, 99.923143526969BFIG842% of the time they're either gonna get overwhelmed or even not taking sits at all. So when  my mom's like that, if I were you I would just make it easier both on yourself and the my mon by just fore playing.


    This is the truth on this matter.

    who tf is Zek?


    Zek was a tmod that was quite promising. However he got demoted due to gay sex with pewdiepie without using a rubber. A shame really

    Yea it was real shame, he was pretty good as a tmod other than that instance.


  5. I feel like these kinds of threads are a bad idea due to the possibility of drama... Just saying


    Exactly, its like asking for drama. lol


  6. I think it'd be cool if we could have personal tv's for our bases. I've seen it on a few servers in the past and the players seemed to absolutely adore it. Minor suggestion since the boomboxes are such a big hit.

    Yea there a big hit for the wrong reason though, lol id say a majority of the people that use boomboxes use it to play ear slap on it. Yea too have suggested that though.

  7. The new map will have better FPS than the map we have right now as it's the #1 priority


    The map itself has the same kind of downtown feel except it has a lot more places. The map is no where close to being feature complete and I only shared my rough designs with Gallium (mapper) and will plan on revamping them down the road


    An actual theater is possible too


    So no, for having tx(media player) that work the same way as the movie theater in individual buildings, or npc boss? Also will there be an underground area in the new map?

  8. Idk if you are still taking suggestions but maybe make theater base a working theater? i've seen it on other servers and it might be fun. and make it a public building so people can't actually base there, along with this a movie theater owner job maybe?


    or bases with tv(media players) that work the same way

  9. Prepare yourselves LeBlancs, I'll give you a two-week headstart, then I begin collecting more members... Long live TCM




    yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool)


    (it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends)


    Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that.


    The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit

    Prepare yourselves LeBlancs, I'll give you a two-week headstart, then I begin collecting more members... Long live TCM




    yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool)


    (it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends)


    Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that.


    The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit


    It matters who joined first so yeeeeeeedeeseddee


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