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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Take sits.....


    Get harassed by staff members


    Give people money and my cc for free.


    Chill w my gang 


    Post farm 


    Tell the people who call me out that I'm post farming that I am just "ACTIVE"


    Listen man. I don’t understand what you have against me. I respect you and you should do the same. If you feel I have wronged you in anyway or I am breaking some sort of rule feel free to report me. I respect you no matter what but i do not appreciate you making harassing me  on thing i enjoy doing


    It pretty obvious, he has a crush on you.


    Yes very true we could put the sugar npc there.


    Whats a sugar npc? Also why would it be in a basing spot? D:


    Yeah what would the sugar npc be for?


    The sugar NPC is an idea bill came up with to help people learn the rules. Basically you would talk to the npc, and it would read you the motd iirc

    That’s really neat. I think that should be by the other npcs though not by the church

    Nah since sugar is a deity he should be there.

  3. This is just a small suggestion but to me it would be a HUGE improvement, one of my favorite spots to put the sugar npc is by the church with the huge garden in the back, the garden spawns choppable trees and mine able rocks which I LOVE, however it would be really nice if the backyard area could also be able to grow crops (like some of the houses in residential) that way it'll be a really popular sugar npc spot, and a way to passively hear the rules! Hopefully this gets added :D


    Yes very true we could put the sugar npc there.

  4. Hm instead of begging for money it looks like you're begging for attention. are they apples to apples or apples to oranges?


    No I was just trying to be nice


    "I am ok with him being a tmod, but he is gonna stay a tmod"

  5. Back when I used to play a lot of DarkRP for hours a day, I never just sat in a base. Basing was just throwing money printers / growing weed into your house and then leaving it and coming back to it every so often to collect the money from it. When you say promote basing do you mean that no one sits in their base or that no one has money printers in general?


    Maybe I can think of a system that is kinda like a minigame but used only in your base so people legit sit in their base if you want that


    You could add drones that you can control fron inside a base and make them able to raid and pickup printers.Or just add casino.

  6. Suggestions

    • Make the strip club spawn
    • Buff thee jugs amour
    • Make hobo swep give players ebola
    • Add the sugar npc
    • Add the zek/exstreme gambler npc
    • Double  theives movement speed.
    • Buff hacker phone.
    • Change the ban message in chat to "sent *player* to voidrp"
    • Increase stalker's speed when there is no one looking at them
    • Change sugar dollars to k cubes
    • Make the king able to spawn a tank 
    • Give all cp classes the kiss swep
    • Add a work system for prisoners so they can reduce their time by producing stuff for the pd.
    • Add a new rank for people that have served over 14 days bring banned called "voidrp respected"
    • Add a stripper class called "Cynthia's Mother"
    • Add a job called "Father,Father" where it randomly designates a player as father and you get Kevinvin cubes when you find him.

  7. This is actually more incorrect than informative.


    1. Staff do not need to handle / work on the Discord. Moderators literally have no power on the Discord unless given Dyno mod.
    2. Staff can work on the forums. Forums isn't a hard thing to do at all. All you have to do is check out ban appeals, reports and mod applications. After that, you put your opinion on things.
    3. From my personal experience, it was only very few amounts of staff members that really did anything.
    4. If you are saying that each staff member averages "40-60" sits a day, that is completely wrong. Sugar showed the average sit count for most of his staff. Most staff averaged 1 or 2 sits per hour. That is horrible. So you're completely wrong on that one.
    5. I get that staff take a lot of stupid calls from people crying, "Oh, he killed me one time. RDM!!!!!". But you also have to consider the actual good sits that staff pass up and don't bother to do.
    6. Most staff, I would say they either applied to benefit themselves, wanted to help and burned themselves out, or just pure lazy.

    There is way more that I can list, but this is from my personal side. I have been a mod for I believe 7 or 8 months then resigned. I seen pretty much anything you listed.


    The mods that I did see do their work a lot and did it well are:


    • Walter the Assaulter
    • Mr. Peanut Butter (Dimitry Kirnov)
    • Booper Scooper (Ex Mod)
    • Monoxide (Handles Forums And When He's On In-Game, He Does Great)
    • Dindu Nuffinz
    • Steve Harvey (Not Steve)
    • Zareox (Inactive Now)
    • GN Isaac (Very Nice And Caring Guy)
    • Wavy (Either He RP's A Lot, Or He Does A Bunch Of Sits)

    If I didn't name them all, I'm sorry, but those are at-least most of the staff that I seen do very good. The lazy staff, or the staff that literally don't want to do anything until something happens to them, they need to be demoted. Either step up your game as a staff member or don't be staff. That's all I'm going to say.

    You are missing alyssa and zek from the list.

  8. I have a suggestion for the inflation problem.


    First just wipe my money only. Then make proc's like they were and make cc item cost at 50 mil for only me. Also add more gambling options instead of just zek npc. I will gamble and lose more lowering inflation as well 


    Citiation: i am a genius, more smarter then everyone else.


    Yea i do agree we need to buff the jug and make spawn the strip club.

  9. You were really mean to me its what made me remember you like just because we were both t mods had something against me or some shit.

    She doesn'tent like men, she is into women. Thats probly why.

  10. I don't even know if some of the people I was mean too still play but I am sorry now and hope you can forgive me :^).



    Especially Pippy man, hecka sorry about all that crap I said.


    Welcome back mdantos.

  11. So, that sucks.. About 2 weeks ago I began saving for a new computer, after having this one for over 2 years, when suddenly while I am playing gmod, my battery(presumably) completely assblasts me and now it will not turn on. Luckily, from the 2 weeks(Paired with 1 year from 3 years ago), I currently have approx $500 Saved, and im selling a shitload of ebay items, including my now broken computer($500 off). If you wanna buy it go ahead as a general overview it has a working i7 6700 and a GT 750, along with a 1 TB HHD and 8GB of Ram. $300(Rather than usual $900). Feel free to repair it and resell. If you bid now you get it at $250.


    Anyways, I cant really do much for 5 months if no one buys anything, as I get barely anything per week(cuz im 12 xd)

    I can head on the forums every now and then with my backup laptop(cant run gmod) but thats about it.


    Ebay if you wanna help me get on the server faster and get yourself a pretty nice PC(Dont fuck my files pls) 


    Paypal.me if you honestly just feel like assisting me. https://www.paypal.me/TheSpartanCoding

    If you would rather send money via email, send to [email protected]


    All in all, cant do much. Just wanted to say this so I dont get demoted for inactivity in-game. I hope you partake on some of my offers which will allow me to join the

    server faster. <3

    It does not matter wether or not you donate anything, just wanted to throw that out there. Im not solely trying to promote my items.





    Looking back now, I probably should have changed the thread name, was moreso angry so that is probably what caused it. If anyone can tell me how to change it I would appreciate it.


    Nice you have more money then me.

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