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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. The model has to be 2MB or lower, the model can't be really small unless you have permission from sugar. It would cost $30 real life money or $60 mill in-game I believe for a custom model.

    You can see the shop info https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=6


    Sugar's Discord: Sugar Tits#9645

    Don’t listen to all the others. This is what you need to know.


    No all they need to know is if they take up another custom model spot i will drop an enola gay on their house.

  2. hecko my name is TamelessCloud.


    Things to note about me: 


    Im a nerd and love anime (Date A Live is best animoo) 


    I will be on this server (TItsRP) Alot so i hope you will be nice to XD


    Thanks for taking time out of you very important day to read this!

    Wow zesh this is your alt now, welcome back

  3. Make the mayor's assasin able to tag some cops that will zap the mayor for maybe like 80 damage when nearby and only the secret service can detect it by using a swep or pressing a button in the e menu on them. This way the mayor's assasin has atleast 1 more option to try to kill the mayor but risks being detected as the assasin by other cops. It's also more like what you could expect assasinations to be, kinda like sending fidel castro poison cigars.


    You could also make the tag give the mayor ebole but imo it's way too easy to stock up on bleach or just have the gang perk to negate it. Maybe incurable ebola or ebola that requires a special treatment to remove? Call it "terminal ebola" or something.

    This guy has the wisdom of kevin b, also maybe after the mayor has been the mayor for over an hour have an option for the raid leader to turn into zeshthedoge and insta kill cps with any weapon they are using.

  4. If I’m the president I can fire anyone in the executive branch for whatever reason. This is just RP, don’t get salty


    Please reply with serious solutions to this problem like decreasing the mayors max health each time he fires a cp.


    No such thing as solutions for this, only arguments and crying


    Smh what void rp way of thinking, there is always solution.

  5. If I’m the president I can fire anyone in the executive branch for whatever reason. This is just RP, don’t get salty


    Please reply with serious solutions to this problem like decreasing the mayors max health each time he fires a cp.

  6. this make the server unfun for people that like to play a cops




    Play something else for a bit


    also https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175


    also PD Raids, and a dedicated Mayor Assassin Job.


    but don't bother, I already told him all this. he can't be convinced. he would rather try to get staff involved than get better at playing the game.


    Sugar needs to a legacy job of a mayor assasin with cuffs and can talk in cp chat.

  7. No what sugar needs to do is allow fired cp to access a non cp jug so they can help revolters.


    oh interesting actually, maybe the fired people could keep their weapons for that life


    Yes or even give them a tank they can spawn.

  8. If someone dies from an enchanted weapon make the killcam say the weapon name they killed you with instead of the base weapon type. I personally think it would be pretty fun to have a legendary weapon nametagged something like "You tried atleast" and they see it when they die. This would also give the nametag a bit more relevancy other than for yourself or for listing what special it has which is the only reason I presonally use them right now.


    That was the whole intention of nametags but I messed it up somehow. They will work for when the killcam is revamped

    Where is the sugar npc?

  9. I'm sorry but I feel like if anyone is going to clear the waters about anything, it shouldn't be a trial mod that got his rank a week ago. I'm not saying this as an offensive jab at you, I'm just saying that it's kinda strange that you're making this when you even said yourself "I mean come on. I got tmod not even a week ago. I have probably been on a total of 12 hours and I already have 270 something sits." When one of your first lines is "Alright boys, time to bring up a monthly topic that kinda gets on the whole staff teams nerves." When you haven't even been staff a month yourself. I just don't think you should be as "all-representing" of staff as you're trying to be. My point pretty much is: Don't let the complainers get to you. Just take it with a grain of salt, but accept real constructive criticism. I'm not even currently a staff member, so all I can say is some suggestions to help you out. This was my constructive criticism to help you out hopefully, and I don't mean anything ill-willed.

    Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh


    I have actually learned and witnessed a lot in the past week. Not including the experiences I have had when I wasn’t mod


    See my gigga already has the wisdom of kevin b already.

  10. I'm sorry but I feel like if anyone is going to clear the waters about anything, it shouldn't be a trial mod that got his rank a week ago. I'm not saying this as an offensive jab at you, I'm just saying that it's kinda strange that you're making this when you even said yourself "I mean come on. I got tmod not even a week ago. I have probably been on a total of 12 hours and I already have 270 something sits." When one of your first lines is "Alright boys, time to bring up a monthly topic that kinda gets on the whole staff teams nerves." When you haven't even been staff a month yourself. I just don't think you should be as "all-representing" of staff as you're trying to be. My point pretty much is: Don't let the complainers get to you. Just take it with a grain of salt, but accept real constructive criticism. I'm not even currently a staff member, so all I can say is some suggestions to help you out. This was my constructive criticism to help you out hopefully, and I don't mean anything ill-willed.

    Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh

  11. Majority of the time, staff doesn't take sit because they enjoy RP. 


    Some just sit there and literally suck each other off in admin land experimenting how to thrust people into VoidRP. 



    There are staff that farm their printers, or they run around shooting people,Go AFK to gain hours and not announce that they will be gone, or playing as a hobo and sitting in a box putting music through their mic.



    This is also true. 




    Dindu also has like 5k sits and he hasn't taken one for months!



    big facts my guy. 


    Nah its cause they are spending their time trying to get rid of their "beauty mark".

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