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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Topic Of Suggestion: Books


    You heard me Ladies, Gentlemen, Fishies, And the sort.



    Now this suggestion can be summed up into a few things.



    In order to craft certain things you will need a book ( That once you "read" aka clicked e on it you'd permanently have that "Knowledge" ) in order to craft things.


    Say you want to craft a makeshift time bomb.

    IN ORDER to craft it you would not only need the materials and crafting table.

    But you'd also need a book for explosives and technology (?)


    Thats basically it for the suggestion. A husk of one anyways with a starter on what could happen.



    Okay bye bye


    If only sugar would add more inventory so i could keep a book smh, what about if sugar made a new language called zeshthedoge for the books and you had to decode them in order to use them.

  2. ~I'm Chink2g~

    AKA SlayerProductionsYT


    I'm usually just minding my own business in the server.

    If you've ever watched anime... I would describe myself as the typical apathetic male bad ass character

    ( This doesn't mean I never smile. I'm not fully dead inside yet...)

    If you ever see me. I'll probably be on the piano because I have no life.

    Gaming is kinda getting boring to me so I switch from League when I tilt, to Gmod so kids can amuse me and make my ears bleed.

    I really enjoy binge watching anime.

    I enjoy looking at the stars at night.

    I love sleeping.

    And overall I think I'm just a really chill person.


    I really like the community TitsRp has to offer. I'll cya guys around c:

    Now here's a picture of me on the last day of high school of my senior year. ( My signature isn't showing ;c)



    Welcome back pippy.

  3. ~ I'm Callie, Most of you probably not know me since I usually stay quiet! 


    Here are many quick summaries about me ^w^


    - I love making faces >:3  even though I know it may seem cringe but who are you to judge >3>


    - I love love love food <3 I think everyone does and Ish nyot special u~u


    - I joined this server because I was bored and heccing really sad that day.. 

      I wanted something to take off my mind ;~; ... nyow I think I am really

      addicted ~.~ but heck! I met a lot of friends! and hope to meet more ^^


    -? Apparently People think I'm a trap uwu but I don't mind <3 I already revealed my voice proving I don't have a bulgie wulgie!?

    ......................../>  フ 

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    ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)



    Wb z dawg they will never find out.

  4. Can we make it a little less of a pain for bounty Hunters to perform the functions of their job? Like maybe getting the bounty from the bounty board, or killing the "pickpocketing" aspect?


    The number of times I've had to explain how the bounty list swep works-- as well as the number of times I've been arrested or killed trying to use it, even after said explanation and permission granting, is too damn high.


    Technically its fail rp if they do let you use the swep since its pickpocketing unless staff changed their mind on the subject.

  5. Damn i guess you must be new cause at one time  it was almost impossible to raid a decent made base before without using  5-6 c4 since their radius was much smaller and the only other alternatve was either keypad craker or a blowtourch. I doubt sugar will revert it back to the old days since he usually trys to nerf money making ways or makes it list compelling to do.

  6. Hi, so I feel like I should've written this thread a while ago but here it is anyway. The bank is like 90% useless right now imo. Like, it's useful for making a bit of money, but pretty much useless for any job related to it. The bank manager currently has no reason to even bother being at the bank other than like the $1k it gets every 15 minutes (which I don't think manager even gets, only guards). Also, I believe there have only been two bank heists to date, one of which failed because of the bugged vault. I feel like this update pretty much ruined the bank and made it the safest money making method possible.


    Bank C4s are way too difficult to make right now. They really don't need to require TWO dragon eggs, one is fine. Also, the oak wood and gems are a bit too much, maybe only two of each instead? Like I get that it's supposed to be difficult to raid the bank, but the reason it should be difficult shouldn't be because it's so impossibly difficult to make a bank c4 that you never want to risk actually raiding. If you spend all that time gathering the materials and spending millions to make the c4, it should be pretty easy from that point to break into the bank.


    Something else we came up with in a meeting is making Insurance work differently. Rather than protecting all of your accumulated money, it should only protect your initial investment (not sure if you already did this).


    Lastly, the bank manager should be made more useful. I'm not sure how you would go about doing this, such as making the manager responsible for spawning the bank terminal, but the way it is right now is pretty pointless.


    Also, I recommend making a command similar to revolt where when it is called people can't turn into cps/bank guards and current cps/bank guards and bank heisters lose weapons when they die till the heist ends to prevent nlr. In addition, make it so that the members of the bank heist can't damage each other and people not part of the bank heist or part of cps/bank guards can't damage people part of it. If you spend such an exorbitant amount of money buying the bank c4 you shouldn't lose it to one random nlrer.


    Yes tbh sugar needs to add an ablity for the bank manager to loan money to people

  7. cops don't seem to understand the concept of nlr during a pd raid, so can we make a command for this similar to revolt, except it places a zone around pd where if cops enter after dying they get sent back to spawn? ty


    Edit: please make sure to disable the command during the pd bank event


    +1 maybe even add thqt beeping noise that they used for the staff sits but instead have them go off when you break nlr.

  8. If a turret comes out of this wall I may or may not just nut https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265946192085022/20180914170142_1.jpg

    Yes and have them auto shoot at wanted people and/or non cps

  9. hecko everyone, it’s been a while. My name is Geanie, some of you may or may not remember who I am, but to those who do, I am back! I started playing on this server about 2 years ago, and I played it A TON. I didnt have the best of reputation (as you can see :p) and I can probably understand why. My 17 year old self was probably not fit to be a staff member lmao. I took about a year or so off from the server as my computer stopped working and I had to get a new one. I am now a freshman in college, 19 years old, and a completely different person than I was back when I first played on this server. I look forward to playing more often again now that I have a new computer, and hopefully we can forget this horrid -10 rep and look on to the future. See you all on the server!



    P.S. if any staff member could help me in obtaining my old CC that I had (so I don’t have to buy a whole new one), that’d be greatly appreciated. I’ve already tried private messaging sugar but it says his private messages are closed.





    Welcome back gnome.

  10. Make Batman go faster, have armor, higher movespeed, have a knock-out function for a chance to proc with his fists (and zip-ties the dude automatically)


    why dont just give him god mode instead huh?


    Actually good idea since batman never dies, hopefully sugars this great idea next reset.

  11. To make Food More Convenient you should allow stack able food instead of each food taking up one slot. People dont really cook which is really sad because there is like 2000+ recipes to discover and trade with people. 



    Frankly sugar should just increase inventory space either way .

  12. who reads the motd to be honest. If this becomes a thing I'll just tab out and play or watch something else


    Yes the motd should be played as audio of someone reading the whole thing when new players rejoin the server

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