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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. I think the weapons are great how they are right now. Back in the day, there was always that one gun that everyone used because it was more powerful than the rest. Several trial and errors later, most of the default guns are balanced now. I feel like people are complaining about OP guns as if they can't also get them. Did we forget about Legendaries? Anyone can pick up a poopgun (weapon me up) and you might be surprised how many get left around the map unnoticed by whoever pooped it out. Weapon Modifiers can also produce these types of guns AND they will be droppable which means you can keep them. And if you are still complaining about CC guns you should really play the RDM arena for more than 5 minutes, you will see that most of them are actually just trash vanity items that are just reskins of default guns. This is a multiplayer game, there should be different types of guns at different levels that anyone can get, and there are now, where it wasn't always like that. would you prefer it be like halo and have one of each gun type or what? that would make combat more about skill than stats, sure, but it would get dull fast, as this is not meant to be a realistic simulation of combat or something. Guns are fine right now, and if you do have skill you can still outgun people using a bunch of crutches most of the time. I use standard guns 95% of the time and I still get one of the highest K/D almost every time I play, or at least its always good. Leave shit alone stop whining lulz


    Correct we should buff every gun so there is more of that one gun.

  2. Some guns are op but honestly I like this. I like the faster deaths and more variety. There is several good guns now, dope.


    Shh better delete that before you know who sees that.

  3. Hi, ive noticed while playing on this server that the CP are far to op when it comes to arresting. Regardless of the fact that you might be filling him with bullets like a porn star with jizz, he manages to make the arrest just because he got within 5 feet of you. I personally find this annoying as all shit because it's not realistic. And yes before someone comments "It's a video game not real life" I know this. I suggest that a rule be added preventing cops from "Baton Rushing." All it needs to say is that if you're a cop and you are being shot at, you cant rush someone for an arrest. This doesn't mean if you're like .2 seconds away from arresting someone and they shoot you once that you should stop and kill that person, but that you cant just run at someone across an open room, all the while eating more lead than some of the people in Alabama, and put some cuffs on the guy. This would make the already OP cops (EX: The stun gun, which i love and hate at the same time.) just a bit more fair for the casual people who don't sit on here 24/7 grinding money and perfecting their combat. I would love to see this added not only to slightly nerf the cops but to add a tiny bit of realism to arresting. After all, this is Darkrp, role-playing life as whatever you want. 


    I would love see any and all feedback from player who either like or hate this idea.

    Nah they are pretty nerfed as is if anything they need a major buff, since there could be  one cp and a mayor. The 98 players  could raid the pd at once to kill the mayor.

  4. /y you just attached my party member prepare to die



    that’s been my bind since that report, idk why the rule was changed when it’s pretty common sense


    Why are you killing players for attaching to your party member?

  5. all weapons being base weapons allows a fair environment for all plAyers, new and old. Making it so rich people have stronger guns is just retarded.

    Correct we should just have one gun tbh so its the most fair. To be even more fair remove all damaging sweps on the server and replace it with rock papper scizzors swep that lets you challenge people you want to kill to rps. If you win you kill them, if they win they kill you. This would help prevent mass rdming.

  6. We need Somali pirates to take over the ocean though baljeet.


    I’m fine with pirates being added but they don’t need a soul purpose just to kill sharks and crabs especially the fact that they have guns and a damn boat 


    They can probably just claim an island and could be like a advanced thief I guess


    Yes their purpose is to slap and pillage the town.

    Also should add a direct path from ocean to the sewer for the sharks.

    Add underwater levels to the sewer and add scuba gear. To make underwater basing a thing.

  7. You can't expect staff to take sits 24/7.


    The reason I left staff was because there really wasn't any time to play. It's almost constant sits 24/7 and you either play or ignore sits. If you get rdm'd, just ignore it - unless you actually lose weapons or other things from it. If it happens again, let it keep happening until they get that nice mass RDM.


    We can turn this into carebear rp and just remove all weapons.


    Are you saying you are volunteering to have all weapon access removed from you completely so you will never be able to use a gum again. +1 ill contact staff and see what i can do.

  8. add pirate jobs and ships so we can have navel warefare, also should increase the ocean size, maybe add an island with a bunker on  it that can be used as a secondary pd with the mayor's menu that has machine gun emplacements on it.

  9. Encourage players to use the rep feature. If they have an issue with staff not responding to their sits they should leave a rep of the staff. Admins should review these periodically.



    Theres no easy way for staff to view most recent rep since rep seems to be randomly placed, but it would be nice for staff to be able to easily view recently given rep.



    I think its easy to get unmotivated as staff, especially with the bullshit some players try to pull on the regular, not unlike what i remember you doing alot when i was staff and after demotion. If everyone on the server tries to help each other out in any way i think people will be more motivated to work.



    I agree, staffing can be demotivating and draining, we need a way to motivate staff, will have to do some thinking on this.


    Simple, sugar makes ai staff, the faster he releases the ai for it faster it can start learning  to know what to ban users for, then he can sell the source code to dark rp owners, win win.

  10. Tbh they need to bring back the beeping back for staff sits, it would also help blind staff members let them know there is a sit request .


    Give admins the option to disable it for certain staff if they’ve proven themselves and change it’s settings such as amount of time before staff online get beeps.

    Correct and it will help the blind and partially blind staff.

    Encourage players to use the rep feature. If they have an issue with staff not responding to their sits they should leave a rep of the staff. Admins should review these periodically.


    Nah, sugar needs to add  a page on the website to rate staff like ratemyprofessors.com since there is a limited amount of characters you can use and only can see it when they are online if they did through rep.

  11. Yea those sobs sitting around doing nothing, while getting a big fat check of zero dollars for baby sittiing, easiest job  in the world. It makes me sick to think a person would  volunteer to work as staff on a game and not think they have to work 24/7 or that other things like school or family emergencies have a higher priority then staffing. Sugar needs to make binding legal contracts that if any staff dosent fulfill their responsibilities then they give their house and all their assets to sugar.

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