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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Description: 5% tax on all coinflip winnings  
    Reason: Why not, give some that money to everyone on the server or it all goes into the bank

    • Like 3
    • crine 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, BearPaws said:

    My concern would be with new players joining the server, not checking laws, being fined for 10k for jaywalking or something, and losing 20% of their starting cash or being jailed for like 5 mins. I would be behind this if the jail time to fine ratio was also adjusted to not increase the amount of time spent in jail.

    Good point we should have speakers around the map that read the laws with text to speech on repeat so the new players know the rules and have them so loud they cant not hear it

    1. This class should be like Juggernaut class but on steroids. Without having the movement depuffs of the jug class and being slightly faster than the normal cp classes.
    2. It also should have double the health and armor of the jug class.
    3. An ability with like 30 min cooldown to see printers through walls with that is near them.
    4. Can see a player's bounties above their head.
    5. Has a op stun gun that will stun someone for 5 seconds completely if they have a bounty over 10k.
    6. AOE passive that gives nearby cps damage resistance and buffs their damage.
    7. Equipped with jetpack swep
    8. It has a normal pistol that isn't a stun gun that just slows a person when they get hit by it.
    9. Make it a legacy job since its very powerful class
    10. A powerful minigun will do bleed/damage overtime if they get hit by it so many times within a short time.
    • Like 7
  3. 2 hours ago, TheRealHex said:

    Hello my fellow TitsRPers! It is April, which means it is Autism Awareness Month! An estimated 2.2% of the United States population is estimated to be on the Autism Spectrum in some capacity, which is a total of 5.4 million adults. This number doesn't include all of the (unfortunately) undiagnosed adults and children who live among us. 


    Autistic folks are often misunderstood because of our issues with communication in social situation, emotional processing, and several other important aspects in our lives. Because it is a spectrum, some people are higher support needs, while some people can get along in life fine with very few supports. I know of several people on the server who share the diagnosis of autism on the server, and we are all very different people with different opinions, views, triggers, and enjoyments. No two people who are on the spectrum are going to be the same, and that uniqueness should be celebrated.


    This is also a reminder to not fuck with Autism Speaks as they support eugenics and other very disturbing methods of either trying to "cure" autism (which is not possible) or trying to find ways to make Autistic people mask heavier than they already do, which can has has caused more severe distressing symptoms relating to autism.


    In short, take some time this month to look at all the autistic folks throughout time who has contributed amazing things to our society and helped us grow as a species.


    Bro no need to call out markcx like that. :(


  4. 30 minutes ago, Makoto said:

    The max fine limit used to be 20k. You see how Mayors typically make every law violation a 5k fine now? It was 20k back in the day. It was hilariously fun if you were a CP. If you were not a CP, it became very annoying very quickly. I remember it was reduced to 5k because of the driving new players away argument. Which made perfect sense. Imagine joining a DarkRP server for the first time and one of the first things that happens is that you're fined for 20k for walking around.


    In addition, nowadays jail time is tied to how big the fine is. A 20k fine would be around 5-7 minutes in jail (if unpaid). If you want a way to kill the server, that's an express lane.


    The time for exorbitant fines came and went. The 5k limit was generally welcomed by the community back when it was changed and there have been almost no complaints about it since.

    Actually true we need to bring it back to 20k 

  5. 32 minutes ago, That one rain frog said:

    ikr 1mill max fine I would pay money for it to happen

    Damn when will you apply for staff you obviously are the smartest person on the discord

  6. 3 minutes ago, MinShi said:

    This NEEDS to happen! CP enjoyers are underpowered AND NEED MORE MONEY AND POWER. Honestly they should add a ranged arrest baton or ranged cuffs. Over all great post!!! 

    Actual good idea, tbh this would be a buff that cps actual need to compete against broken cc classes  #buffcp  #makecpgoodagain #unbanmarkcx 


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