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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. hecko, my name is Newhook. 


    I joined the server not too long ago while searching for another community to be apart of. About 6 years ago I was a newcomer in what was at one time the most popular Dark RP server worldwide. I'll spare the name but unfortunately it was taken down a couple months ago due to the veteran players like myself growing bored of the game and leaving without being replaced by new players.


    I poured over two thousand hours into that one server alone and help manage it by becoming a high ranking admin. I am very interested in roleplay and I have become so invested in the server at the time that I would even blame failing my tenth grade mid-terms on the server due to being utterly addicted. However in the years to come I grew bored and I left. While still being apart of the community on their forums, I realized I valued the community and sense of community more than the game itself. 


    My departure of the community was sad and I longed to be part of another. This server varies a lot in nearly every way and that may be why I'm attracted to becoming a member of the TitsRP community. Hopefully I stay for a while.


    Dont worry if wantednearby can become staff with 49 warns you can be co owner in no time. And that server was probly void rp.


    High School Diploma < Darkrp money

  2. 2 options

    1: stop going on your phone at 3am, actually try to sleep, eat healthy, soda doesn't supply enough water boi, ignore number 2 the harder you try the harder it is to sleep.


    2: just use some Eszopiclone, is it ironic to post at 3am?


    Wow telling people to take drugs smh

  3. Yea no one even uses the RSB NPC anyways, might as well remove it


    Smh i use it all the time, its probly the fastest way to make money i got 4 mill

     In a day from using it.

  4. I think there should be some kind of mine or something that you can plant around one way props that disable material grenades, because the fact that there is no counter to material grenades makes one way props useless to have in the first place, and most of the time guarantees a victory for the raider(s).


    Not if you have a good base or are competent at defending plus they were added to the game cause it was hard to raid bases unless you used c4.

  5. As it currently stands the really only thing you can do with fish is catch them and then sell them.


    What I suggest is two things, one being able to be implemented more easier as the other may be somewhat hard for Sugar to find a way how to do it ( If he even decides its a good thing to do in the first place ) I digress.


    The first thing fishes could also be used for is cooking, seeing how Farmer has recently been buffed with the introduction of Mega Seeds, The farmer being able to plant much faster and in turn harvest faster, the Fish could also be used as cooking, creating another Buff for fishing as well as a buff for cooking ( Fish with higher rarity makes better dishes that could give more health or give perks for a short amount of time [ Jumping higher, running faster, shooting faster, etc... ] And not only would this be beneficial for fishers and restaurant owners, it also could tie into my Business Suggestion I gave a while back, Both farmers and fishers competing to sell their valuables ( Food Shipments and Fish ) To restaurant owners. (Side note side note, Id really love to be able to make "Fish Bread" a food item, Cough cough, nudge nudge)


    The Second thing is Fish tanks. Just being able to take a fish from fishing and then drop it into a glass tank that you place (Sorta like a Ore Token or tree token) Fill it with water and then drop a fish in that May or May not swim around is  just a happy thought to me. ( Also this gives Water Barrels another function in the game )


    Okay thats the End of this Post. Bye bye.


    Just make it so you can craft fish guns with them as well as a fish ship that fires cannons or missles

  6. Me and a party of bank heisters try to raid a bank but it's not exactly working so well idk whether to report this as a bug or quality of life so i just put it in discussion. 


    https://plays.tv/video/5b759142adf8323e0b/so-umm-bank-raids-arent-exactly-working-yet-dont-waste-ur-bank-c4-like-pepsi-did-?from=user (sorry for quiet mic)



    RIP, Pepsis bank c4


    Sugar needs to remove all currency make the server a barter economy.

  7. So Lemme talk to you real quick, Farming could be improved and boy o boy do I have a great suggestion for you SUGAR.


    So I suggested "Buying things in Bulk" for the Gun dealer and now I see that Farming need that big buff to it.


    On a serious note I can see one of two ways you can add onto farming ( Thats a lie I have more suggestions and will post them in a separate forum post ) 


    First Suggestion: Buying seeds in bulk.

    Its as easy as that, just allow people to buy seeds in bulk (I'd say 5 max just because I like clicking and what not ) 


    SECOND SUGGESTION: A New Machine For Farming.

    Now with this new machine there would be more items people could buy. Bags of (Crop, Opium, Weed, Etc...) that you can load into these machines and allow it to automatically plant your crop as soon as you start picking up the finished and grown crop. ez pz.


    Note: The machine could only work in areas where it says like "Growing plot" (Ex. Church Area) This cant work with tilting plots as you need to water them.


    Wheres my Senior VIP.


    Too bad sugar would nerf something else about farming if he buffed it. If you get senior vip then i get my head vip.

  8. I think batman should have a swep that lets him stun players from a distance since he has to get close to them to restrain them. Maybe making his smoke grenades stun people inside the radius except for him. Also he should have more amour maybe equal to a jug even though they need more amour as well .

  9. Hey,so one of my relatives has lent my their laptop to play during my vacation. This means I can probably get in my 2 weeks of required activity and more when I come back from vacation. I can't wait to start playing.


    Probably wants you to give them sugar bucks to use their laptop.

  10. I think there should be more jobs that kos each other then babies and pedos, and Jesus and satan, maybe darth Vader and Luke (idk how to spell it) sidewalk, batman and joker, and maybe add another pedo player model as Jared from subway. #addgocartsback


    Yes there should be a legacy job like "void rp respected" that can kos any job.

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