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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. I agree with what you say, but i think all cps need to have their own tank.
  2. I agree with everything you say, we do need to buff the jug.
  3. Wow your title is misleading, i thought you ment he went to vist homer.
  4. You should make your name either narf or ZeshThedoge. [attachment=706]
  5. Issue with that is that you can make a crazy amount of cash by just taking out 1 mil when you hit 2 mil. Since the more money you have, the more money you make. I thought about it yesterday but I don't think it's a good idea You could balance this by having random inflation or make its so the banker can embezzle money as an event. [attachment=704]
  6. That would be extremely unprofessional. The speeds havnt been alowed for rp since cullen was an active player on the server.
  7. True, who dose not hate chess and checkers. I do also agree we should add a strip club to the pd to increase cp's income.
  8. Thank you for this joke, i was feeling sad today but this lifted my spirit up. Thanks
  9. i'm ready to give up the formula. It's Zesh's tears and zek's seamen. PS i do bite, ive already bitten Mike Hawk. Sounds like a very tasty patty. Yum
  10. Suggestion: Add more bots to the discord Change the discord's thumbnail to a pair of tits.
  11. Suggestion: Make official rules and punishments for the server's discord
  12. My last two post havent been brought up yet in a meeting.
  13. Zek, since the new update, it will really destroys mic spamming for you guys.
  14. Hey zek how is being the owner of dank rp going?
  15. Because i am a rep whore nibba, please +1 me now!!!! That is a true statement that you said dindu, I agree with it 100%. [attachment=674]
  16. Saturday and discord, 6pm i think Isnt it usally 6:30pm est?
  17. Suggestion Phallic shaped fountain that shots milk out of the top.
  18. To add on Follow sit guidlines, dont spam random letters thats maybe why some of your sits get declined If someone spams random letters, they dont deserve to get their sit taken. Or maybe they are sending random letters because they are blind, please dont make fun of the blind unless they can hear it. [attachment=650]
  19. Suggestions Add boneless pizzas when the food system comes out, also add bone pizza that does damage to you if you eat it. change the respected rank to "Cynthia's Respected Rank" give vip+ or change there rank to "Head VIP" to the top donator of the server. nerf this way to get money as seen in this video its too OP. Add this as a job Job name: Scammer Job description: Scam People Can Do: Scam,Raid Cant Do:Base, Heist, and Kidnap Job Abilities: !scam does a similar thing to what the abomination's !rampage does except gives Scammer a fast pickpocket swep that he can pickpocket someone in a few seconds. Ability to hack into the pd's panel that you can buy amour and health from . That allows Scammer to get all the money spent in the panel for a set amount of time and possibly a cooldown in addition. A disguise sweep that he can change his player model into a type of pd job with his job name changed too. Handcuffs that works similar to pd handcuffs except if people dont pay the fine, nothing happens. swep or possibly a command that when used on a player, pops a message on that player's screen. That Scammer can make the message and change with an amount they could set with the max being 10k that the player can accept to pay or decline to pay. Also a long cooldown maybe being like 30 minutes so they cant spam people. Job Weapon:A minnigun that dosent shot anything from it but makes the gun noise but with a lower volume and does damage to the scammer so he dose not spam it.Other Info:Scammer is AOS for the PDPossible ideas for Playermodels:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...searchtext= make zek admin Make dindu Head Moderator like you did with alyssa rename the piss baby to "Pissed Ricky" make the theater an erotic theater that streams from porn hub add a strip club to the new map, inside the pd let the mayor spawn a tank for cp add a loan system Buffs for the bank manger such as but is not limited to: Increase investment limit Decrease interest time Give credit cards to people that players can use to directly give money to people that charges intrest for each transaction that goes directly to the bank vault. buy atm machines that they can place around the town that allows people to withdraw and deposit money from. [*]Have an on screen status indicator that tells you that a revolt is still happening, or at least a pop up message notification when the revolt is over because its very easy to miss the chat notification. [*]make its so if people say "n*gger" in ooc or advert, the console auto censors it and pms them telling them they are a "bad boi" [*]Add a permanent law board in spawn. [*]A casino with slot machines, black jack tables, and ect. Also pd would get a percentage of all winnings from the casino. [*]make the npcs talk in rhymes [*]have sugar sing the phrase "Bad Boy" and have it play every time you get arrested [*]allow playing gay porn in voice chat in the discord [*]give the illegal thing job aslapswep [*]add a trash can filled with anime pm/ragdolls [*]make all perm bans auto say "You have been sentenced to play on void RP" [*]give rocket launcher to the mayor [*]give a mayor % of the winnings from the lotto [*]add a bulge to the detective pm [*]add a master baitor job to the new map that gives him a master rod that lets him catch fish faster [*]add a pope job that lets him call crusades on the pd [*]bring back small pms [*]give cp a working a howitzer artillery for the pd [*]Make Ceejay the owner of titsrp [*]Rename the server to zekRp
  20. Suggestions: Strip club stripper job named "Sugar Tits" A cemetery with a list of all perma banned users. Have server meetings ingame instead of discord so people in the server can contribute, PTS IS ACTIVE during the meetings. Have slot machines for the gambler make the bank manger be able to spawn atm machines that allow them to deposit and withdraw money from the bank make Darth Vader a gang leader and add storm trooper pm for his gang member make batman able to see wanted players and allow him to kill wanted users. Add a an underground boss dungeon that spawn boss npc that drops shipments. Add different minerals that you can mine instead of just metal ore. Add a job where there only task is to destroy radios. Add an erotic cinema that only streams from pornhub Add random event that happen randomly, such as a void rp invasion(where one user turns into zeshthedoge and mass rdms everyone, like the abomination), Govector claws drops random presents from the sky with rare weapons, and Sugar Tits punish bad bois(where a user spawns as a big black man and kills all wanted players) Fix the event npc Add a sugar tits npc that says random advice/rules when you press on him Add a tank for the mayor that they can spawn and only them can drive it Have different commands that the mayor can use with the money inside the pd bank, such as calling airstrikes, zombie invasion that only targets non cp, Supreme Juggernaut(has twice the health and amour as a regular Juggernaut), Carnival area in the new map with working rides and arcade machines that you can earn sugar tickets from Have an obesity system with the new food system that if you eat too much or too much of the wrong foods it will increase the chance of you dying randomly from a hardattack. Add a venator ship from star wars in the skybox Add a dog adoption system that allows you to adopt dogs and have them be able to kill people that attack you without being in a party with them. Add a Colosseum to have death battles in. Rename respected rank to 'Sugar Bitches' or 'Sugar Titties; Add rank for people that have over -30 rep on the forum called "Bad Boi" or "Void Rp Member" Fix kiss swep and make it so you can choose different potions to "kiss" people in. Make a deaf mute job that kills people that mic spam. Add Machine Gun Emplacement in the pd Have a metal detector that the mayor can spawn Add weather system that is client side that you can turn off and on Increase the pm girth of the master stalker and the stalker Updated: Add a sugar radio station that plays sugar reading the entire !motd that plays on radios that are not steaming any music Add a religion system that is similar to the gang system but allows religions to kill other members of other religions if the leader of the religion declares war on them, and members of the same religion will take less damage from friendly fire if they have the same religion. If the leader of a religion becomes mayor they have the option to call an inquisition that lets them imprison people that they see as heretics. Give k9s the ability to sniff out drugs and find drugs Make the mayor have the ability to ban cars which would make other players unable to buy them from the f4 menu Have gangs be able to call a revolution that if one of the gang members kills the mayor, they can vote on which of there members they want to become the mayor. Add a robo cop cp, that gives him thermal vision and colors wanted players so he can see them from distance, and is slightly faster then normal cps Add a cripple system that makes users slower and increase their gun recoil from the amount of damage they take in one life that is present no matter if they are fully healed or not.
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