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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Its because there isnt a sugar npc on the server yet and the pm's girth isnt big enough.
  2. Welcome back ZeshThedoge, how is your server dank rp?
  3. Make a optional workshop addon that has the normal textures and not the optimize ones on the server right now.
  4. Not Bill Cosby I would like to know how you are choosing the winners and it should be recorded for proof .
  5. Good sugestions but who is "Dindu Nuffinz" and "Walter the Assaulter"
  6. Add slot machines, and rename the stripper job to "Sugar Tits" or "ZeshThedoge's mom"
  7. Description: when changing price of a cc perm for a gun it changes the price to 999 mill How to reproduce: change the price of a custom gun, i i changed mine to 25 and it changed it to 999 mill Priority: medium
  8. Bug Description: sometimes you will be given the wrong item when you unbox How to reproduce: Try using unboxing until it happens Priority: low
  9. i think zek the head admin demoted you
  10. WB ZESHTHEDOGE, how is your server void rp going?
  11. I like these ideas, I will add something like this into the next reset Yes, you should be able to get the robbing crowbar from the cc editor, and locking picking fading doors does need to be shorter.
  12. Suggestions: A cp with a riot shield Have staff meetings twice a week on sat and sunday Add a head vip rank Add a currency that you can only obtain from winning event that you can use to upgrade a player's item bank. Add a an underground boss dungeon that spawn boss npc that drops shipments. Add nuclear submarine to the beach that shoots missiles Increase cp pay day make Darth Vader a gang leader and add storm trooper pm for his gang member A cemetery with a list of all perma banned users. Add a sugar tits npc that says random advice/rules when you press on him Have an obesity system with the new food system that if you eat too much or too much of the wrong foods it will increase the chance of you dying randomly from a hardattack. Fix kiss swep and make it so you can choose different potions to "kiss" people in. Add Machine Gun Emplacement in the mayor's panic room in the new map Add a religion system that is similar to the gang system but allows religions to kill other members of other religions if the leader of the religion declares war on them, and members of the same religion will take less damage from friendly fire if they have the same religion. If the leader of a religion becomes mayor they have the option to call an inquisition that lets them imprison people that they see as heretics. Have gangs be able to call a revolution that if one of the gang members kills the mayor, they can vote on which of there members they want to become the mayor. Add a robo cop cp, that gives him thermal vision and colors wanted players so he can see them from distance, and is slightly faster then normal cps Add a cripple system that makes users slower and increase their gun recoil from the amount of damage they take in one life that is present no matter if they are fully healed or not. Let the mayor spawn an attack helicopter.
  13. Proof, if not I nominate smerexy to be on this list, for trying to make false scam claims, plus he feeds in league. note: weird when i put "proof" it puts the word hecking in front of it
  14. Add this bad boy to the list, Master Chief Elite (Steam name:CowsRChunky)(http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197982626206/home) For " selling processors over advert, he took my bait, I scammed him and blew up his things."
  15. Bug Description: Sometimes When you try to zip tie people that "is wanted by the police" it sometimes will not let you zip tie them saying that can only restrain people that have commited a crime and are red How to reproduce: Try to zip tie people that are red and says "is wanted by the police" there is a chance it will not let you zip them. Priority: low https://imgur.com/AImEcDH https://imgur.com/AImEcDH https://imgur.com/88PkDZk
  16. Yea i havent watch the newest episode, but i love this song.
  17. True this post belongs in that thread. [attachment=727]
  18. You google "foreskin" to get a pack of skin. [attachment=726]
  19. Exploit Description: User is able to fake chat from other players and demote vip from users(sugar said it wasnt him nor could there be a bug that would do that) . How to reproduce: not sure Priority: Extremely high Note: I was afk when it said i texted in chat nor has there been anyone else in my home. Also could not have been someone with the same name since it shows my steam id for that chats. Also the Vip demotion was a while ago but it didnt bring it up earlier since vip was free then but i was afk at that time too and when i came back I Wasn't vip. screenshot links: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1120014192 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1120014106 [attachment=710] [attachment=711]
  20. Exactly, thats why we need to give cps riot shields and tanks maybe even increase the max jug limit to 5. [attachment=708]
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