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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Damn he pulled a blacnova and tricked us like blacnova tricked sugar into becoming staff.
  2. Yea it should be like 5% of the server needs to vote yes for unfun mayor to go through.
  3. Sorry but we dont take advice from kman12 fans.
  4. Wow insulting the co owner of the server, smh.
  5. +1 for this, being a corrupt mayor is always fun and it would feel more like RP because it IS possible in real-life So is mass rdm, it is possible in real-life.
  6. Yea ik blcnova got me is ip before he quit the server.
  7. Don’t listen to all the others. This is what you need to know. No all they need to know is if they take up another custom model spot i will drop an enola gay on their house.
  8. This guy has the wisdom of kevin b, also maybe after the mayor has been the mayor for over an hour have an option for the raid leader to turn into zeshthedoge and insta kill cps with any weapon they are using.
  9. Please reply with serious solutions to this problem like decreasing the mayors max health each time he fires a cp. No such thing as solutions for this, only arguments and crying Smh what void rp way of thinking, there is always solution.
  10. Please reply with serious solutions to this problem like decreasing the mayors max health each time he fires a cp.
  11. Maybe give the mayor assassin an incurable that he can give to the mayor by being close to him.
  12. !unfun !revolt Play something else for a bit also https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175 also PD Raids, and a dedicated Mayor Assassin Job. but don't bother, I already told him all this. he can't be convinced. he would rather try to get staff involved than get better at playing the game. Sugar needs to a legacy job of a mayor assasin with cuffs and can talk in cp chat.
  13. oh interesting actually, maybe the fired people could keep their weapons for that life Yes or even give them a tank they can spawn.
  14. No what sugar needs to do is allow fired cp to access a non cp jug so they can help revolters.
  15. Still more active than bronze5nova
  16. That was the whole intention of nametags but I messed it up somehow. They will work for when the killcam is revamped Where is the sugar npc?
  17. Wow please dont use that slur it will offend some of our members like blacnova, cynthia, and wantednearby.
  18. Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh I have actually learned and witnessed a lot in the past week. Not including the experiences I have had when I wasn’t mod See my gigga already has the wisdom of kevin b already.
  19. Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh
  20. Wow distributing child porn smh, smerexy will want that.
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