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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. [attachment=607] Wow i am not surprise that you have this. Once a rep Wh_re always a rep Wh_re. EDIT: NO THE DAMAGE HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE! (NEVER -- Dindu) - Mod Abuse
  2. Rename pissed baby to pissed zesh Add another currency that can only get from events. Such as zek scams, zesh tears, salt, and sugar sperm. Slave system that lets kidnappers make their victims into slaves and sell them to other players . Add a rank between vip and respected. Such as Void Rp MVP, Sugar Daddy, Sugar's lover, and Church of Zek. Dynamic economy (ex. More printers on the server higher the cost of items are in f4 menu and less money you get from general buyer for selling stuff) Boss npc that spawn at random and drops loot More legacy jobs A cp that can detect printers A cp with a riot shield More events Increase cp pay day decrease prop limit to 9 or 11 Have staff meetings twice a week on sat and sunday
  3. Or to counter powerful base dupes, increase c4 and blowtorch drop rate from processors. [attachment=606]
  4. Probly gonna be the new form of raiding where you have to starve them out. [attachment=605]
  5. The exstreme gambler's name should be renamed to Zek.
  6. Hi Zek, how have you been? [attachment=599] [attachment=600] [attachment=601]
  7. What are you talking about ipug there isnt any cynthia memes. [attachment=593]
  8. True some of the rules could be clarified better.
  9. Please Blacnova Keeps this drama in pm not forum, if you want to belittle and punish me more then already, then please do it in pm. Thanks you
  10. I dont know 1st one might cause confusion, and players might take the king's laws as the mayor's laws. [attachment=564]
  11. You mean server addons? You can do !workshop ingame.
  12. You might want to use this format if you think its a bug. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2182
  13. Zek was a tmod that was quite promising. However he got demoted due to gay sex with pewdiepie without using a rubber. A shame really Yea it was real shame, he was pretty good as a tmod other than that instance. [attachment=561]
  14. Exactly, its like asking for drama. lol [attachment=560]
  15. wait which is it?? Maybe its both?
  16. Yea there a big hit for the wrong reason though, lol id say a majority of the people that use boomboxes use it to play earslapon it. Yea too have suggested that though.
  17. So no, for having tx(media player) that work the same way as the movie theater in individual buildings, or npc boss? Also will there be an underground area in the new map?
  18. or bases with tv(media players) that work the same way
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