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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Yea I think it use to pay around 75% of the bounty before.
  2. Yea it use to pay a much higher percentage in previous updates
  3. But the example of it isnt a bug, well it seems more like its a sugestion if it is. "Quality of Life Description: The PD spits out 2 shipments, it should be more How to reproduce: Raid the PD, it only spits out 2 Priority: Low"
  4. Quality of Life Description: 100% of the money from fines for the cp is split among all other cp members, the cp that made the fine should get 50% of the money from the fine and the other 50% is given to the rest of the cp because of the increase in player cap, there are usually more cps than there was before. So you get very little money from fines and other cp revenues. Plus it would incentives the cp to fine people instead of just arresting them, which would give the player being arrested an easier chance to counter, than if they were just arrested with the arrest baton and auto want baton . How to reproduce: Fine a player and all of the money from it is split among all cp members. Priority: Medium REFERENCE: cp: Civil Protection(all cop classes)
  5. Sugar said there would be an upcoming update that would have more ways to make money.
  6. You forgot to mention mining ores and selling them to general buyer. You can make quite a big buck from doing that. But yes, I agree that there should be more ways to make money. I think i saw a comment sugar made that he said that he would release a update that would introduce more ways to make money but i'm not a 100% sure.
  7. Maybe the video was meant to be played 10 times, so he would have a total of 1k .
  8. Well I have a really ****** computer and the car addons I use do not lag my game at all. Im not talking like full on cars. I'm talking like cars that don't take much to texture. Also I just found like the perfect map we could use for this server, since we are changing the map up. I thought he was revising the current map, that choice is curretnly winning in the server poll.
  9. Description: When I tried to kill the master pet for bounty with an awp I had hit him about 4-5 times with an the awp and I didn't do any damage to them even though on my screen its showed that i had hit them. How to reproduce: Try shooting someone with the master pet's player model. Priority: high
  10. Various cone/saucer shaped props, seats, and some hoverballs. Im pretty sure you can do it without hoverballs too.
  11. A casino with slot machines, black jack tables, and ect. Also pd would get a percentage of all winnings from the casino.
  12. Have an on screen status indicator that tells you that a revolt is still happening, or at least a pop up message notification when the revolt is over because its very easy to miss the chat notification.
  13. Needs to sound more like steve harvey when you use your mic, its very non immersive otherwise.
  14. A lockdown can only happen if there is a revolt or PD Heist. You are supposed to go back to your base and hide until the lockdown is over to prevent a huge confusion on who is pd heisting. Ohh ok sugar should add this to the rules "A lockdown can only happen if there is a revolt or PD Heist."
  15. It must just happen from last reset because i was able to use it last night and make money.
  16. did you use the sell window or did you try to sell it the old way by droping weapons on the npc?
  17. An undergorund room that a boss npc randomly spawns in that drops money and shipments when its defeated.
  18. This is a great idea since we now also have taxes. And the only way to avoid them currently is to inventory your money. Similare to what i said: "Buffs for the bank manger such as but is not limited to: Increase investment limit Decrease interest time Give credit cards to people that players can use to directly give money to people that charges intrest for each transaction that goes directly to the bank vault. buy atm machines that they can place around the town that allows people to withdraw and deposit money from."
  19. Maybe bring back the pill if you take the pills out that people try to exploit with such as the hula girl.
  20. I have an idea. The current state of the lawyer is too serious and will never work, so why don't we give him a swep that plays the objection line from Pheonix Wright and uncuffs someone or unarrests someone instantly. Maybe have a system too that arrested players can pay bond directly to a lawyer that would release them as soon as they pay it, and maybe have it soo the cp get some money from it too.
  21. Bug Description: When you pick up either blood or chemical barrels filled, it wont stack to an existing non filled stack. How to reproduce: Have either an existing stack of chemical barrels filled or blood then try to pick up one. Priority: Low
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